[ABSTRAK Pelayanan kesehatan yang bermutu saat ini sudah menjadi tuntutan semuapihak, termasuk masyarakat sebagai pengguna jasa, dengan era globalisasi,bertambahnya golongan masyarakat yang mampu, berpendidikan, dan menguasaiinformasi, masalah mutu pelayanan menjadi tuntutan mutlak. Adapun faktor yangdominan mempengaruhi mutu pelayanan kesehatan di Puskesmas adalah sumberdaya manusia, baik yang terlibat dalam manajemen maupun pelayanan. Keluhan(complain) dari pelanggan merupakan indikator dari kurangnya kualitas pelayananakibat sistem manajemen yang kurang baik.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara karakteristikpelanggan dan upaya manajemen mutu fokus pada pelanggan dengan tingkatkepuasan pasien rawat inap di Puskesmas DTP Kabupaten Bogor tahun 2014.Metode penelitian adalah kuantitatif bersifat analitik deskriptif dengandesaincross sectional. Dengan populasi adalah seluruh pasien rawat inap danunsur manajemen di Puskesmas DTP Kabupaten Bogorpada tahun 2014. Sampelpada penelitian ini adalah pasien rawat inap sebanyak 181 orang dan 50unsurmanajemen di Puskesmas DTP dari 10 Puskesmas DTP.Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan antarakarakteristik pasien dengan tingkat kepuasan pelanggan, ada hubungan yangbermakna antara upaya manajemen mutu fokus pada pelanggan dengan tingkatkepuasan pasien rawat inap di Puskesmas DTP Kabupaten Bogor tahun 2014,terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna terhadap skor rerata kepuasan diantara pasiendi Puskesmas yang menerapkan upaya manajemen mutu fokus pada pelanggandan yang tidak menerapkan upaya manajemen mutu fokus pada pelanggan.Penulis menyarankan agar pihak manajemen Puskesmas meningkatkandimensi fokus pada pelanggandan proses terkait pelanggan. Kedua dimensitersebutbelum dilaksanakan secara maksimal dalam penerapanupaya manajemenmutu fokus pada pelanggan. Manajemen Puskesmasuntuk memperhatikandimensi tangibledan responsivenesssebagai dimensi mutu pelayanan dengantingkat kepuasan terendah.Melaksanakan survey kepuasan pelanggan secaraberkala dengan tools yang sesuai dengan kekhususan Puskesmas agarmendapatkan gambaran kepuasan pelanggan terkini. ABSTRACT Quality health services is now becoming the demands of all parties, including thepublic as service users, with the era of globalization, increasing social groupscapable, educated, and control of information, quality of service issues become anabsolute requirement The dominant factor affecting the quality of health servicesat the health center are human resources, both of which are involved in themanagement and care. Complaints (complaints) from customers is an indicator ofthe lack of quality of service due to poor management system.This study aims to determine the relationship between customer characteristicsand quality management efforts focus on providing customers with the level ofpatient satisfaction in the Puskesmas DTPin Bogor District 2014. Quantitativeresearch method is descriptive analytic cross-sectional design. With a populationis the entire patient care and management elements in the Puskesmas DTPinBogor District 2014. Samples in this study were inpatients as many as 181 peopleand 50 elements in the management of the Puskesmas DTPfrom 10 health centersWith Nursing.The results showed that there is no relationship between the characteristics ofpatients with levels of customer satisfaction, there is a significant associationbetween quality management efforts focus on providing customers with the levelof patient satisfaction in Bogor Regency DTP health centers in 2014, there is asignificant difference in mean scores between patient satisfaction The HealthCenter is implementing a quality management efforts focus on the customer andare not implementing a quality management efforts focuson the customer and notimplementing quality management efforts focus on the customer.The author suggested that health centers improve the management dimensions ofcustomer focus and customer-related processes. Both of these dimensions has notbeen fully implemented in the application of quality management efforts focus onthe customer. Management Health Center to pay attention and responsiveness as atangible dimension of service quality dimensions with the lowest satisfactionlevels. Carry out customer satisfaction surveys on a regular basis with theappropriate tools to get an idea of the specificity of the health center in order torecent customer satisfaction.;Quality health services is now becoming the demands of all parties, including thepublic as service users, with the era of globalization, increasing social groupscapable, educated, and control of information, quality of service issues become anabsolute requirement The dominant factor affecting the quality of health servicesat the health center are human resources, both of which are involved in themanagement and care. Complaints (complaints) from customers is an indicator ofthe lack of quality of service due to poor management system.This study aims to determine the relationship between customer characteristicsand quality management efforts focus on providing customers with the level ofpatient satisfaction in the Puskesmas DTPin Bogor District 2014. Quantitativeresearch method is descriptive analytic cross-sectional design. With a populationis the entire patient care and management elements in the Puskesmas DTPinBogor District 2014. Samples in this study were inpatients as many as 181 peopleand 50 elements in the management of the Puskesmas DTPfrom 10 health centersWith Nursing.The results showed that there is no relationship between the characteristics ofpatients with levels of customer satisfaction, there is a significant associationbetween quality management efforts focus on providing customers with the levelof patient satisfaction in Bogor Regency DTP health centers in 2014, there is asignificant difference in mean scores between patient satisfaction The HealthCenter is implementing a quality management efforts focus on the customer andare not implementing a quality management efforts focuson the customer and notimplementing quality management efforts focus on the customer.The author suggested that health centers improve the management dimensions ofcustomer focus and customer-related processes. Both of these dimensions has notbeen fully implemented in the application of quality management efforts focus onthe customer. Management Health Center to pay attention and responsiveness as atangible dimension of service quality dimensions with the lowest satisfactionlevels. Carry out customer satisfaction surveys on a regular basis with theappropriate tools to get an idea of the specificity of the health center in order torecent customer satisfaction., Quality health services is now becoming the demands of all parties, including thepublic as service users, with the era of globalization, increasing social groupscapable, educated, and control of information, quality of service issues become anabsolute requirement The dominant factor affecting the quality of health servicesat the health center are human resources, both of which are involved in themanagement and care. Complaints (complaints) from customers is an indicator ofthe lack of quality of service due to poor management system.This study aims to determine the relationship between customer characteristicsand quality management efforts focus on providing customers with the level ofpatient satisfaction in the Puskesmas DTPin Bogor District 2014. Quantitativeresearch method is descriptive analytic cross-sectional design. With a populationis the entire patient care and management elements in the Puskesmas DTPinBogor District 2014. Samples in this study were inpatients as many as 181 peopleand 50 elements in the management of the Puskesmas DTPfrom 10 health centersWith Nursing.The results showed that there is no relationship between the characteristics ofpatients with levels of customer satisfaction, there is a significant associationbetween quality management efforts focus on providing customers with the levelof patient satisfaction in Bogor Regency DTP health centers in 2014, there is asignificant difference in mean scores between patient satisfaction The HealthCenter is implementing a quality management efforts focus on the customer andare not implementing a quality management efforts focuson the customer and notimplementing quality management efforts focus on the customer.The author suggested that health centers improve the management dimensions ofcustomer focus and customer-related processes. Both of these dimensions has notbeen fully implemented in the application of quality management efforts focus onthe customer. Management Health Center to pay attention and responsiveness as atangible dimension of service quality dimensions with the lowest satisfactionlevels. Carry out customer satisfaction surveys on a regular basis with theappropriate tools to get an idea of the specificity of the health center in order torecent customer satisfaction.] |