[ABSTRAK Persoalan mengenai pendirian rumah ibadah yang masih sering terjadi dan kerap berujungpada konflik. Benih konflik yang terjadi pada pendirian Gereja Bernadet sudah ada sejakTahun 1990 namun tidak diselesaikan secara tuntas. Konflik semakin melebar dan jauhdari pokok pemasalahan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yang bertujuanuntuk menganalisis dinamika konflik yang terjadi serta pola penanganannya. Hasilpenelitian mengungkapkan bahwa akar permasalahan konflik adalah adanya pengaruhfundamentalisme dalam beragama. Konflik semakin berkembang ketika isu-isu keagamaandigunakan untuk membangun solidaritas konflik. Konflik diperburuk dengan adanyakonflik vertikal antara tokoh masyarakat dengan Pemerintah Daerah. Dalam menyikapikonflik masyarakat menunjukan sikap negatif dan perilaku koersif. Akibatnya konfliksemakin mengakar dan berdampak pada menurunnya stabilitas daerah dan diikutimelemahnya ketahanan daerah. Dalam penanganan konflik menggunakan strategimanajemen konflik melalui pengendalian sosial. ABSTRACT The onging problems about the establishment of house of worship often ended withconflict. The seeds of conflict in the establishment of Bernadette Church has existed since1990 but was not fully resolved. As the result, the conflict widened and led from subjectmatter. This study was conducted by using qualitative approach which aimed to analyzethe dynamics of the conflict as well as the pattern of treatment. The results of the studyrevealed that the root cause of the conflict is the effect of religious fundamentalism. Thenumber of conflicts were growing when religious issues used as the cause to buildsolidarity conflict. The conflict exacerbated by the presence of vertical conflict betweencommunity leaders and local government. In addressing conflict, community showednegative attitudes and coercive behavior. As the result, the conflict was deeply rooted, thestability of the region diminished and regional resilience weakened. In resolving theconflict, writer used conflict management strategy through social control;The onging problems about the establishment of house of worship often ended withconflict. The seeds of conflict in the establishment of Bernadette Church has existed since1990 but was not fully resolved. As the result, the conflict widened and led from subjectmatter. This study was conducted by using qualitative approach which aimed to analyzethe dynamics of the conflict as well as the pattern of treatment. The results of the studyrevealed that the root cause of the conflict is the effect of religious fundamentalism. Thenumber of conflicts were growing when religious issues used as the cause to buildsolidarity conflict. The conflict exacerbated by the presence of vertical conflict betweencommunity leaders and local government. In addressing conflict, community showednegative attitudes and coercive behavior. As the result, the conflict was deeply rooted, thestability of the region diminished and regional resilience weakened. In resolving theconflict, writer used conflict management strategy through social control;The onging problems about the establishment of house of worship often ended withconflict. The seeds of conflict in the establishment of Bernadette Church has existed since1990 but was not fully resolved. As the result, the conflict widened and led from subjectmatter. This study was conducted by using qualitative approach which aimed to analyzethe dynamics of the conflict as well as the pattern of treatment. The results of the studyrevealed that the root cause of the conflict is the effect of religious fundamentalism. Thenumber of conflicts were growing when religious issues used as the cause to buildsolidarity conflict. The conflict exacerbated by the presence of vertical conflict betweencommunity leaders and local government. In addressing conflict, community showednegative attitudes and coercive behavior. As the result, the conflict was deeply rooted, thestability of the region diminished and regional resilience weakened. In resolving theconflict, writer used conflict management strategy through social control, The onging problems about the establishment of house of worship often ended withconflict. The seeds of conflict in the establishment of Bernadette Church has existed since1990 but was not fully resolved. As the result, the conflict widened and led from subjectmatter. This study was conducted by using qualitative approach which aimed to analyzethe dynamics of the conflict as well as the pattern of treatment. The results of the studyrevealed that the root cause of the conflict is the effect of religious fundamentalism. Thenumber of conflicts were growing when religious issues used as the cause to buildsolidarity conflict. The conflict exacerbated by the presence of vertical conflict betweencommunity leaders and local government. In addressing conflict, community showednegative attitudes and coercive behavior. As the result, the conflict was deeply rooted, thestability of the region diminished and regional resilience weakened. In resolving theconflict, writer used conflict management strategy through social control] |