[ABSTRAK Kecenderungan manusia untuk segera memenuhi kebutuhan atas manfaatsuatu benda tidak dapat dipenuhi seluruhnya oleh benda-benda miliknya. Salah satucara mengatasinya adalah melalui perjanjian sewa menyewa. Perjanjian sewamenyewa yang banyak dilakukan dalam masyarakat dan mendapatkan pengaturanyang cukup lengkap dalam Bab Ketujuh Buku Ke III Kitab Undang-Undang HukumPerdata. Penulisan tesis mengambil judul ?Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap ParaPihak Dalam Perjanjian Sewa Menyewa (Ditinjau Dari Akta Notaris)? denganmengangkat kasus perjanjian sewa menyewa tanah dan bangunan yang dibuatdengan Akta Notaris. Pokok permasalahannya adalah bagaimana carapenyelesaiannya bila terjadi wanprestasi terhadap objek sewa menyewa pada waktuberlangsungnya sewa menyewa, bagaimana penerapan perlindungan hukum yangseimbang terhadap pihak yang menyewakan dan pihak penyewa dalam perjanjiansewa menyewa serta bagaimanakah isi klausul perjanjian yang dapat memberikankepastian hukum kepada pihak yang menyewakan dan pihak penyewa yangdianalisis dapat memberikan kepastian hukum dan perlindungan hukum yangseimbang kepada para pihak yang membuat perjanjian. Penelitian dilakukan denganmetode penelitian kualitatif normatif dengan cara menganalisa peraturan perUndang-Undangan dan buku-buku, didukung oleh data primer, sekunder serta bahanhukum tertier serta pengkajian terhadap kasus melalui data berupa dokumen padaobjek penelitian. Hasilnya mendapatkan kesimpulan bahwa penyelesaiannya dengandilaksanakannya eksekusi terhadap objek sewa menyewa oleh pihak BANK danketentuan hukum tentang sewa menyewa dalam Kitab Undang-Undang HukumPerdata telah memberikan perlindungan hukum yang memadai dan seimbang bagipara pihak. Dalam kasus yang dianalisis ditemukan klausul-klausul yang dapatmemberikan perlindungan kepada masing-masing pihak, baik pihak yangmenyewakan dengan dibayarkannya uang sewa seketika dan sekaligus lunas padasaat ditandatanganinya perjanjian sewa menyewa dan bagi penyewa akanmendapatkan sisa uang sewa yang belum dijalani dan dinikmati beserta ganti rugidari seluruh kerugian yang akan ditanggung oleh pihak penyewa dengan lalainyapihak yang menyewakan atas kewajibannya terhadap BANK dalam perjanjiansebagaimana tersajikan selengkapnya dalam tesis ini. ABSTRACT Human tendency to immediately fulfill the need for the benefits of an objectcannot be entirely fulfilled by the objects onecurrently owns. One way to mitigatethis situation is through lease agreement. Lease agreement is very commonly used inthe society and thoroughly regulated in the seventh chapter of the third book of theIndonesian Civil Code. This thesis is entitled ? Legal Protection For Parties InvolvedIn Lease Agreement (Viewed from the Notary Deed)?, taking the case of land andproperty lease agreement initiated with a Notary deed. The main problem is how adefault accurred to the rent object during the lease agreement can be resolved, howbalanced legal protection for the owner and the tenant can be implemented and howthe clauses that can provide legal assurance to both owner and tenant that wereanalyzed can truly give legal assurance and balanced legal protection to each partyinvolved in the agreement. This research is carried out using juridical-normativemethod through analysis of secondary data by collection of primary and secondarydata, along with tertiary legal materials. The research employs qualitative dataanalysis, which resulted in descriptive-analytic data.. This research concludes thatdefault accurred during lease agreement is to be resolved by execution of the rentalobject by the bank. And that laws governing lease agreement in the Indonesian CivilCode have provided adequate and balance legal protection for the parties involved inlease agreement. Analysis of legal cases found sufficient clauses that can providelegal protection and assurance for the owner, by immediate and full payment of leasefee at the time of signing of the agreement, and for the tenant, where the tenant willbe entitled for the lease fees not yet accrued, together with the compensation for allthe loses which will be born by the tenant in the case of the owner?s negligence of hisliability to the BANK, as further explored in this thesis;Human tendency to immediately fulfill the need for the benefits of an objectcannot be entirely fulfilled by the objects onecurrently owns. One way to mitigatethis situation is through lease agreement. Lease agreement is very commonly used inthe society and thoroughly regulated in the seventh chapter of the third book of theIndonesian Civil Code. This thesis is entitled “ Legal Protection For Parties InvolvedIn Lease Agreement (Viewed from the Notary Deed)”, taking the case of land andproperty lease agreement initiated with a Notary deed. The main problem is how adefault accurred to the rent object during the lease agreement can be resolved, howbalanced legal protection for the owner and the tenant can be implemented and howthe clauses that can provide legal assurance to both owner and tenant that wereanalyzed can truly give legal assurance and balanced legal protection to each partyinvolved in the agreement. This research is carried out using juridical-normativemethod through analysis of secondary data by collection of primary and secondarydata, along with tertiary legal materials. The research employs qualitative dataanalysis, which resulted in descriptive-analytic data.. This research concludes thatdefault accurred during lease agreement is to be resolved by execution of the rentalobject by the bank. And that laws governing lease agreement in the Indonesian CivilCode have provided adequate and balance legal protection for the parties involved inlease agreement. Analysis of legal cases found sufficient clauses that can providelegal protection and assurance for the owner, by immediate and full payment of leasefee at the time of signing of the agreement, and for the tenant, where the tenant willbe entitled for the lease fees not yet accrued, together with the compensation for allthe loses which will be born by the tenant in the case of the owner’s negligence of hisliability to the BANK, as further explored in this thesis, Human tendency to immediately fulfill the need for the benefits of an objectcannot be entirely fulfilled by the objects onecurrently owns. One way to mitigatethis situation is through lease agreement. Lease agreement is very commonly used inthe society and thoroughly regulated in the seventh chapter of the third book of theIndonesian Civil Code. This thesis is entitled “ Legal Protection For Parties InvolvedIn Lease Agreement (Viewed from the Notary Deed)”, taking the case of land andproperty lease agreement initiated with a Notary deed. The main problem is how adefault accurred to the rent object during the lease agreement can be resolved, howbalanced legal protection for the owner and the tenant can be implemented and howthe clauses that can provide legal assurance to both owner and tenant that wereanalyzed can truly give legal assurance and balanced legal protection to each partyinvolved in the agreement. This research is carried out using juridical-normativemethod through analysis of secondary data by collection of primary and secondarydata, along with tertiary legal materials. The research employs qualitative dataanalysis, which resulted in descriptive-analytic data.. This research concludes thatdefault accurred during lease agreement is to be resolved by execution of the rentalobject by the bank. And that laws governing lease agreement in the Indonesian CivilCode have provided adequate and balance legal protection for the parties involved inlease agreement. Analysis of legal cases found sufficient clauses that can providelegal protection and assurance for the owner, by immediate and full payment of leasefee at the time of signing of the agreement, and for the tenant, where the tenant willbe entitled for the lease fees not yet accrued, together with the compensation for allthe loses which will be born by the tenant in the case of the owner’s negligence of hisliability to the BANK, as further explored in this thesis] |