[ABSTRAK Notaris sebagai pejabat umum yang berwenang membuat akta otentik, dapatdibebani tanggung jawab atas perbuatannya sehubungan dengan pekerjaannyadalam pembuatan akta. Kelalaian dalam pembuatan suatu akta otentik yangdilakukan oleh seorang Notaris dapat menyebabkan akta itu kehilangankeotentikannya danlanya alcan menjadiakta di bawah tangan jikaditandatanganioleh para pihak dalam akta tersebut. Jika di kemudian hari terdapat masalah atasakta itu dan para pihak yang membuat akta itu merasa dirugikan atas kelalaianNo-taris tersebut, mereka berhak mgnunlul g4nti rugi kepada Notarfg yaqgbersangkutan. Salah satu contoh pelanggaran yang dilakukan Notaris dalammenjalankan jabatawrya adalah pelanggaran dalam hal pembuatan aldiantaranya adalah mernbuat salinan akta yang berbeda isinya dengan minutaaktanya. Pelanggaran tersebut dapat dilihat dalam kasus pelanggaran yangdilakukan oleh Notaris Y, sebagaimana ternyata dalam Putusan Majelis PengawasPusat Notaris tanggal 19 Juni 2013 Nomor 0l/B/Tvfj.PPNN/2013. Dari hasilpenelitian ini, menunjukkan bahwa Notaris dalam menjalankan tugas jabatannyaharus berpegang teguh pada Asas-Asas Pelaksanaan Tugas Jabatan Notaris yangbailq terutama pada Asas Kecermatan dan Asas Profesionalitaq dimana Notarisdituntut harus bersikap lebih seksama dan teliti lagi dalam menjalankan tugasnyaagar akla yang dihasilkannya tidak kehilangan keotentisitasannya. ABSTRACT Notary as public ofiicial, who receives licensing to notarize authentic dee4 isliable for any action conducted during hiVtrer duty in deed preparations. Adocument will lose its authenticity and will be considered as only a private deedwhich signed by the parties to the deed is bound by the agreements within if thereis any negligence performed by the Notary when notarizing the document. Theundersigned parties reserve a right to claim for indemnlty if there are anyproblems arise in the future and the parties are injured. The injured parties areallowed to claim for indemnity on the damage caused. An example on breach oflaw by a Notary during a deed preparation, is making copies of the deed whichhas different contents with its original deed. The breach can be found in a studycase of breach by a Notary Y, in the Notary Central Supervisory Council DecreeNo. 01/B/IvIj.PPN/Vl20l3 dated on 19 June 2013. Based on the case researche4 itis found that in performing his/her duty, a Notary shall hold unto the Principle ofthe Notary Duty Implementation, specifically on these principles: DiligencePrinciple and Professionalism Principle, where a Notary is expected to be morecareful and thorough while performing hiVher duty to avoid a preparation of nonauthenticateddeed.;Notary as public ofiicial, who receives licensing to notarize authentic dee4 isliable for any action conducted during hiVtrer duty in deed preparations. Adocument will lose its authenticity and will be considered as only a private deedwhich signed by the parties to the deed is bound by the agreements within if thereis any negligence performed by the Notary when notarizing the document. Theundersigned parties reserve a right to claim for indemnlty if there are anyproblems arise in the future and the parties are injured. The injured parties areallowed to claim for indemnity on the damage caused. An example on breach oflaw by a Notary during a deed preparation, is making copies of the deed whichhas different contents with its original deed. The breach can be found in a studycase of breach by a Notary Y, in the Notary Central Supervisory Council DecreeNo. 01/B/IvIj.PPN/Vl20l3 dated on 19 June 2013. Based on the case researche4 itis found that in performing his/her duty, a Notary shall hold unto the Principle ofthe Notary Duty Implementation, specifically on these principles: DiligencePrinciple and Professionalism Principle, where a Notary is expected to be morecareful and thorough while performing hiVher duty to avoid a preparation of nonauthenticateddeed., Notary as public ofiicial, who receives licensing to notarize authentic dee4 isliable for any action conducted during hiVtrer duty in deed preparations. Adocument will lose its authenticity and will be considered as only a private deedwhich signed by the parties to the deed is bound by the agreements within if thereis any negligence performed by the Notary when notarizing the document. Theundersigned parties reserve a right to claim for indemnlty if there are anyproblems arise in the future and the parties are injured. The injured parties areallowed to claim for indemnity on the damage caused. An example on breach oflaw by a Notary during a deed preparation, is making copies of the deed whichhas different contents with its original deed. The breach can be found in a studycase of breach by a Notary Y, in the Notary Central Supervisory Council DecreeNo. 01/B/IvIj.PPN/Vl20l3 dated on 19 June 2013. Based on the case researche4 itis found that in performing his/her duty, a Notary shall hold unto the Principle ofthe Notary Duty Implementation, specifically on these principles: DiligencePrinciple and Professionalism Principle, where a Notary is expected to be morecareful and thorough while performing hiVher duty to avoid a preparation of nonauthenticateddeed.] |