[ABSTRAK Amicus curiae atau friends of court merupakan praktek yang sudah ada sejakjaman Romawi Kuno dan dalam sistem common law. Atas persetujuanpengadilan, amicus memberikan informasi mengenai area-area hukum di luarkeahlian pengadilan atau informasi hukum tidak memihak yang tidak diketahuioleh pengadilan, sehingga hakim dapat memberikan putusan yang berkualitas.Sekarang ini, amicus curiae juga berpartisipasi dalam proses pemeriksaan dipengadilan-pengadilan internasional, seperti ICJ, ITLOS, ICC, NAFTA, ICSIDdan WTO, juga pengadilan-pengadilan dalam negeri dengan sistem civil law.Masuknya amicus curiae dan diterimanya amicus brief dalam proses penyelesaiansengketa di WTO, menuai protes keras dari negara-negara berkembang anggotaWTO. Amicus curiae dianggap telah mengganggu hak negara anggota, dalam halsebagai pihak berperkara pada proses penyelesaian sengketa. Amicus curiae jugadianggap mempengaruhi kedaulatan negara anggota. Tujuan penulisan ini adalahuntuk mengetahui bagaimana sebenarnya posisi amicus curiae dalampenyelesaian sengketa di WTO dan terhadap negara-negara berkembang anggotaWTO.Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa amicus curiae dalam penyelesaian sengketadi WTO, semata-mata merupakan pemenuhan kebutuhan Panel untukmelaksanakan objective assessment dalam proses pemeriksaan setiap kasus yangdiajukan kepadanya. Hak negara anggota sebagai pihak berperkara tidak akanterganggu karena amicus curiae bukan pihak dan tidak akan pernah dapat menjadipihak dalam proses penyelesaian sengketa di WTO. Berkaitan dengan haltersebut, amicus curiae juga tidak berpengaruh terhadap kedaulatan negaraanggota. Diketahui juga bahwa dengan perkembangan amicus curiae yang adasekarang, ternyata amicus curiae tidak memberikan banyak manfaat dalam prosespenyelesaian sengketa di WTO. ABSTRACT Amicus curiae or friends of the court was a practice known in ancient Romantimes and in the common law system. The amicus, at the court's discretion,provided information on areas of law beyond the expertise of the court orimpartial legal information that was beyond the court?s notice, so for the judgemay make a quality judgment. Now, amicus curiae also participated in proceedingbefore the international courts, such as the ICJ, ITLOS, ICC, NAFTA, ICSID andWTO, as well as the domestic courts with civil law system.The participation of amicus curiae and receipt of amicus briefs in the disputesettlement process in the WTO, has lead the protests from developing countriesmembers of the WTO. Amicus curiae is considered to interfere with the rights ofmembers, in the respect of a party in the dispute settlement proceeding. Amicuscuriae is also considered to affect the sovereignty of member states. The purposeof this paper is to determine how the actual position of the amicus curiae in theWTO dispute settlement and toward the developing countries of WTO members.The survey revealed that the amicus curiae in the WTO dispute settlement, merelythe fulfillment of the Panel to make the objective assessment of the matters beforeit. The member states right as the party shall not be interfered because amicuscuriae is not the party and will never be as the party to the dispute settlement inthe WTO. In this regard, amicus curiae also does not affect the sovereignty ofmember states. With the development of amicus curiae, amicus curiae turns notprovide much benefit in the process of dispute settlement in the WTO.Rights of member states as parties litigant will not be interrupted because anamicus curiae is not a party and will never be a party to the dispute settlementprocess in the WTO. Please also note that with the development of the presentamicus curiae, amicus curiae turns not provide much benefit in the process ofdispute settlement in the WTO.;Amicus curiae or friends of the court was a practice known in ancient Romantimes and in the common law system. The amicus, at the court's discretion,provided information on areas of law beyond the expertise of the court orimpartial legal information that was beyond the court’s notice, so for the judgemay make a quality judgment. Now, amicus curiae also participated in proceedingbefore the international courts, such as the ICJ, ITLOS, ICC, NAFTA, ICSID andWTO, as well as the domestic courts with civil law system.The participation of amicus curiae and receipt of amicus briefs in the disputesettlement process in the WTO, has lead the protests from developing countriesmembers of the WTO. Amicus curiae is considered to interfere with the rights ofmembers, in the respect of a party in the dispute settlement proceeding. Amicuscuriae is also considered to affect the sovereignty of member states. The purposeof this paper is to determine how the actual position of the amicus curiae in theWTO dispute settlement and toward the developing countries of WTO members.The survey revealed that the amicus curiae in the WTO dispute settlement, merelythe fulfillment of the Panel to make the objective assessment of the matters beforeit. The member states right as the party shall not be interfered because amicuscuriae is not the party and will never be as the party to the dispute settlement inthe WTO. In this regard, amicus curiae also does not affect the sovereignty ofmember states. With the development of amicus curiae, amicus curiae turns notprovide much benefit in the process of dispute settlement in the WTO.Rights of member states as parties litigant will not be interrupted because anamicus curiae is not a party and will never be a party to the dispute settlementprocess in the WTO. Please also note that with the development of the presentamicus curiae, amicus curiae turns not provide much benefit in the process ofdispute settlement in the WTO.;Amicus curiae or friends of the court was a practice known in ancient Romantimes and in the common law system. The amicus, at the court's discretion,provided information on areas of law beyond the expertise of the court orimpartial legal information that was beyond the court’s notice, so for the judgemay make a quality judgment. Now, amicus curiae also participated in proceedingbefore the international courts, such as the ICJ, ITLOS, ICC, NAFTA, ICSID andWTO, as well as the domestic courts with civil law system.The participation of amicus curiae and receipt of amicus briefs in the disputesettlement process in the WTO, has lead the protests from developing countriesmembers of the WTO. Amicus curiae is considered to interfere with the rights ofmembers, in the respect of a party in the dispute settlement proceeding. Amicuscuriae is also considered to affect the sovereignty of member states. The purposeof this paper is to determine how the actual position of the amicus curiae in theWTO dispute settlement and toward the developing countries of WTO members.The survey revealed that the amicus curiae in the WTO dispute settlement, merelythe fulfillment of the Panel to make the objective assessment of the matters beforeit. The member states right as the party shall not be interfered because amicuscuriae is not the party and will never be as the party to the dispute settlement inthe WTO. In this regard, amicus curiae also does not affect the sovereignty ofmember states. With the development of amicus curiae, amicus curiae turns notprovide much benefit in the process of dispute settlement in the WTO.Rights of member states as parties litigant will not be interrupted because anamicus curiae is not a party and will never be a party to the dispute settlementprocess in the WTO. Please also note that with the development of the presentamicus curiae, amicus curiae turns not provide much benefit in the process ofdispute settlement in the WTO., Amicus curiae or friends of the court was a practice known in ancient Romantimes and in the common law system. The amicus, at the court's discretion,provided information on areas of law beyond the expertise of the court orimpartial legal information that was beyond the court’s notice, so for the judgemay make a quality judgment. Now, amicus curiae also participated in proceedingbefore the international courts, such as the ICJ, ITLOS, ICC, NAFTA, ICSID andWTO, as well as the domestic courts with civil law system.The participation of amicus curiae and receipt of amicus briefs in the disputesettlement process in the WTO, has lead the protests from developing countriesmembers of the WTO. Amicus curiae is considered to interfere with the rights ofmembers, in the respect of a party in the dispute settlement proceeding. Amicuscuriae is also considered to affect the sovereignty of member states. The purposeof this paper is to determine how the actual position of the amicus curiae in theWTO dispute settlement and toward the developing countries of WTO members.The survey revealed that the amicus curiae in the WTO dispute settlement, merelythe fulfillment of the Panel to make the objective assessment of the matters beforeit. The member states right as the party shall not be interfered because amicuscuriae is not the party and will never be as the party to the dispute settlement inthe WTO. In this regard, amicus curiae also does not affect the sovereignty ofmember states. With the development of amicus curiae, amicus curiae turns notprovide much benefit in the process of dispute settlement in the WTO.Rights of member states as parties litigant will not be interrupted because anamicus curiae is not a party and will never be a party to the dispute settlementprocess in the WTO. Please also note that with the development of the presentamicus curiae, amicus curiae turns not provide much benefit in the process ofdispute settlement in the WTO.] |