[ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Transendensi Diri dan Konservasi sebagai dua dari empat aspek nilai-nilai hidup dalam teori yang dikembangkan oleh Schwartz dalam penelitiannya, juga pengaruh sikap Tasamuh terhadap perilaku Moderat seorang Muslim. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam menginvestigasi pengaruh-pengaruh tersebut adalah dengan menggunakan teknik korelasi bivariat dan regresi berganda.Hasil dari analisis uji statistik atas pencarian pengaruh dan pembacaan peran itu menghasilkan beberapa temuan; pertama, bahwa Transendensi Diri mempunyai hubungan atau pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap perilaku Moderat (sig. = 0,012); kedua, bahwa ternyata nilai Konservasi seorang Muslim juga punya pengaruh terhadap perilaku Moderatnya (sig. = 0.001); ketiga, ditemukan dari sampel populasi, ternyata kedua variabel bebas: Transendensi Diri dan Konservasi, saling mempengaruhi dengan tingkat pengaruh yang cukup kuat (nilai Pearson 0,384 atau nilai signifikansi 0,013); keempat, sikap Toleransi juga memiliki pengaruh yang cukup kuat terhadap perilaku Moderat (0,430, atau nilai signifikansi 0,002), dimana kemudian bisa disimpulkan bahwa semakin tinggi transendensi, konservasi dan sikap toleransi seorang Muslim, semakin tinggi pula perilaku Moderatnya.Temuan terakhir (kelima), disimpulkan bahwa sumbangan relatif yang diberikan oleh kombinasi variabel X1, X2 dan X3terhadap Y melalui hitungan regresi berganda adalah sebesar 37%. Melalui hasil akhir penjumlahan regresi inidisimpulkan bahwa masih ada variabel-variabel lain yang bisa dicari atau digunakan untuk memprediksi keterpengaruhan perilaku Moderat seorang Muslim, yang secara nilai berkisar 63%, jauh lebih besar dari yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini. ABSTRACT The aim of this research is to know the influence of self transcendency and conservation, the two of four aspects of life values that improved by Schwartz in his theory and research also about tolerance (tasamuh), into moderate behavior of Muslim. The methods that used to investigate influences are bivariat correlation and multiple regressions. The analysis in searching of influence and role view found the four results. First, self-trancendency has significant correlation and influence into moderate behavior. Second, Muslim conservation value also has influence toward their moderate behavior. Third, based on sample of population found that both independent variables -self-transcendency and conservation- have strong correlation each other. Fourth, tolerance attitude has strong influence inti moderate behavior. According to this, it shows that the higher self-trancendency, conservation and tolerance attitude, the higher moderate behavior of Muslim. Finally, we can conclude that the contribution of variable X1, X2, and X3 into Y by correlation bivariate and multiple regressions is 37%. There are other variables to find and use to predict Muslim moderate behavior influences. ;The aim of this research is to know the influence of self transcendency and conservation, the two of four aspects of life values that improved by Schwartz in his theory and research also about tolerance (tasamuh), into moderate behavior of Muslim. The methods that used to investigate influences are bivariat correlation and multiple regressions. The analysis in searching of influence and role view found the four results. First, self-trancendency has significant correlation and influence into moderate behavior. Second, Muslim conservation value also has influence toward their moderate behavior. Third, based on sample of population found that both independent variables -self-transcendency and conservation- have strong correlation each other. Fourth, tolerance attitude has strong influence inti moderate behavior. According to this, it shows that the higher self-trancendency, conservation and tolerance attitude, the higher moderate behavior of Muslim. Finally, we can conclude that the contribution of variable X1, X2, and X3 into Y by correlation bivariate and multiple regressions is 37%. There are other variables to find and use to predict Muslim moderate behavior influences. , The aim of this research is to know the influence of self transcendency and conservation, the two of four aspects of life values that improved by Schwartz in his theory and research also about tolerance (tasamuh), into moderate behavior of Muslim. The methods that used to investigate influences are bivariat correlation and multiple regressions. The analysis in searching of influence and role view found the four results. First, self-trancendency has significant correlation and influence into moderate behavior. Second, Muslim conservation value also has influence toward their moderate behavior. Third, based on sample of population found that both independent variables -self-transcendency and conservation- have strong correlation each other. Fourth, tolerance attitude has strong influence inti moderate behavior. According to this, it shows that the higher self-trancendency, conservation and tolerance attitude, the higher moderate behavior of Muslim. Finally, we can conclude that the contribution of variable X1, X2, and X3 into Y by correlation bivariate and multiple regressions is 37%. There are other variables to find and use to predict Muslim moderate behavior influences. ] |