[ABSTRAK Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menentukan penyebab utama masalahmeningkatnya voluntary turnoverpada Talent Engineerdi PT. XXX danmerancang sebuah program intervensi untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut.Penelitian ini menggunakan tipe penelitian kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Tipepenelitian kuantitatif digunakan untuk pengukuran penyebab utama. Tipepenelitian kualitatif melalui metode wawancara dan analisis data sekunderdigunakan untuk mengenali masalah dan mencari faktor-faktor penyebabmengapa masalah tersebut terjadi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwakepemimpinan merupakan penyebab utama meningkatnya voluntary turnoverintentionpada Talent Engineerdi PT. XXX. Berdasarkan kajian terhadap hasilpengukuran menggunakan alat ukur Withdrawal Cognition, Work DesignQuestionnaire, dan Leadership Behaviour Analysis, hasilnya menunjukkan bahwapenilaian Engineermengenai gaya kepemimpinan atasannya tidak sesuai dengangaya kepemimpinan yang dimiliki oleh atasannya tersebut, baik untuk directivebehaviour maupun supportive behaviour. Oleh karena itu, intervensi yangdiberikan fokus untuk meningkatkan kompetensi para EngineeringManagersebagai mentormelalui pelatihan agar dapat menurunkan voluntaryturnover intentionpada Talent Engineerdi PT. XXX. ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to determine the cause of Talent Engineer?s voluntary turnover problem at PT. XXX and design an intervention program to overcome it. This study used quantitative and qualitative research type. Quantitative research type were used to measure major cause. Qualitative research type were used to determine the problem and the factor that cause the problem. The results show that leadership is the cause of voluntary turnover problem. Based on measurement with Withdrawal Cognition, Work Design Questionnaire, dan Leadership Behaviour Analysis tools, the results show that Engineer judgement about leadership style did not match with their superordinate?s leadership style for directive and supportive behaviour. Therefore, the intervention is focused on improving Engineering Manager competency as a mentor through training in order to reduce Talent Engineer?s voluntary turnover problem at PT. XXX.;The purpose of this study is to determine the cause of Talent Engineer’s voluntary turnover problem at PT. XXX and design an intervention program to overcome it. This study used quantitative and qualitative research type. Quantitative research type were used to measure major cause. Qualitative research type were used to determine the problem and the factor that cause the problem. The results show that leadership is the cause of voluntary turnover problem. Based on measurement with Withdrawal Cognition, Work Design Questionnaire, dan Leadership Behaviour Analysis tools, the results show that Engineer judgement about leadership style did not match with their superordinate’s leadership style for directive and supportive behaviour. Therefore, the intervention is focused on improving Engineering Manager competency as a mentor through training in order to reduce Talent Engineer’s voluntary turnover problem at PT. XXX.;The purpose of this study is to determine the cause of Talent Engineer’s voluntary turnover problem at PT. XXX and design an intervention program to overcome it. This study used quantitative and qualitative research type. Quantitative research type were used to measure major cause. Qualitative research type were used to determine the problem and the factor that cause the problem. The results show that leadership is the cause of voluntary turnover problem. Based on measurement with Withdrawal Cognition, Work Design Questionnaire, dan Leadership Behaviour Analysis tools, the results show that Engineer judgement about leadership style did not match with their superordinate’s leadership style for directive and supportive behaviour. Therefore, the intervention is focused on improving Engineering Manager competency as a mentor through training in order to reduce Talent Engineer’s voluntary turnover problem at PT. XXX., The purpose of this study is to determine the cause of Talent Engineer’s voluntary turnover problem at PT. XXX and design an intervention program to overcome it. This study used quantitative and qualitative research type. Quantitative research type were used to measure major cause. Qualitative research type were used to determine the problem and the factor that cause the problem. The results show that leadership is the cause of voluntary turnover problem. Based on measurement with Withdrawal Cognition, Work Design Questionnaire, dan Leadership Behaviour Analysis tools, the results show that Engineer judgement about leadership style did not match with their superordinate’s leadership style for directive and supportive behaviour. Therefore, the intervention is focused on improving Engineering Manager competency as a mentor through training in order to reduce Talent Engineer’s voluntary turnover problem at PT. XXX.] |