[ABSTRAK Tesis ini membahas mengenai perselisihan yang terjadi didalam tubuh kepengurusan Ikatan Notaris Indonesia khususnya pada Kongres tahun 2012.Permasalahan yang paling utama adalah adanya temuan dari tim pengawas bahwa ada salah satu kandidat calon ketua umum melakukan politik uang. Temuan ini jelas mengejutkan semua pihak terutama Notaris-notaris senior karena selama Ikatan Notaris berdiri (kurang lebih 108 tahun) baru kali ini ada kejadian politik uang.Berdasarkan keadaan ini sangatlah jelas bahwa nilai-nilai etika dan martabat di dalam tubuh Ikatan Notaris Indonesia atau bahkan Notaris itu sendiri sudah mulai luntur dan digantikan dengan kepentingan yang bersifat sementara. Tipe penelitian yang digunakan dalam thesis ini merupakan perpaduan antara penelitian yang bersifat eksplanatoris dan penelitian yang berbentuk preskriptif. Bertujuan untuk menggambarkan tentang konflik kepengurusan Ikatan Notaris Indonesia dalam prespektif anggaran dasar dan anggaran rumah tangga Ikatan Notaris Indonesia, serta untuk memberikan saran permasalahan tersebut. ABSTRACT Basicaly this thesis is discussing about conflicts inside Indonesian Notaries Organization, particularly the conflict which was happened at Congress and the election of the Chairman in 2012. The main issue at Congress was an allegation ofmoney politics which was done by one of the candidate. This allegation supported by facts that were founded by the Observer Team. Since the organization was founded 108 years ago, this was the first time money politics case stainCongress. This is shows that degradation of ethics, moral and dignity the member Indonesian Notaries Organization has reach a very concerning point in which it has ceased to exist. It wasstain and polluted by meaningless interests.;Basicaly this thesis is discussing about conflicts inside Indonesian Notaries Organization, particularly the conflict which was happened at Congress and the election of the Chairman in 2012. The main issue at Congress was an allegation ofmoney politics which was done by one of the candidate. This allegation supported by facts that were founded by the Observer Team. Since the organization was founded 108 years ago, this was the first time money politics case stainCongress. This is shows that degradation of ethics, moral and dignity the member Indonesian Notaries Organization has reach a very concerning point in which it has ceased to exist. It wasstain and polluted by meaningless interests., Basicaly this thesis is discussing about conflicts inside Indonesian Notaries Organization, particularly the conflict which was happened at Congress and the election of the Chairman in 2012. The main issue at Congress was an allegation ofmoney politics which was done by one of the candidate. This allegation supported by facts that were founded by the Observer Team. Since the organization was founded 108 years ago, this was the first time money politics case stainCongress. This is shows that degradation of ethics, moral and dignity the member Indonesian Notaries Organization has reach a very concerning point in which it has ceased to exist. It wasstain and polluted by meaningless interests.] |