[ABSTRAK Tesis ini membahas mengenai tinjauan yuridis terhadap pembuatan kuasa menjualoleh Notaris atas agunan yang dijaminkan dalam perjanjian kredit. Dalam praktekdunia perbankan khususnya dalam kegiatan perkreditan, pembuatan KuasaMenjual selalu dimintakan kreditor kepada debitor karena dianggap sangat efektif,lebih mudah, serta biayanya murah dan tidak berbelit-belit apabila objek jaminanakan dijual pada saat debitor wanprestasi/cidera janji. Kuasa menjual semuanyadibuat di hadapan Notaris. Adapun pokok permasalahan yang dibahas dalampenelitian ini adalah 1). Bentuk kekuatan hukum dari pembuatan Kuasa Menjualserta pengaruhnya bagi perlindungan hukum terhadap debitur, Kreditur, danNotaris ditinjau berdasarkan perundang-undangan terkait, 2).bentuk penerapanhukum oleh hakim terhadap tindakan PT. Bank NISP dalam penyelesaian kreditmacet dengan menggunakan Kuasa menjual (PT. Bank NISP dalam putusanMahkamah Agung Nomor 1361K/Pdt/2010 tanggal 29 Oktober 2010). Penelitianini menggunakan metode penelitian yang berbentuk yuridis normatif dengan sifateksplanatoris deskriptif. Hasil dari penelitian adalah kuasa menjual memilikikekuatan hukum yang mengikat namun tidak bersifat eksekutorial. Hal inidikarenakan kuasa menjual tidak dapat didaftarkan atau bukan merupakan objekpendaftaran tanah. Kuasa menjual semata-mata hanya didasarkan kepadakesepakatan antara debitor dan kreditor. Kuasa menjual menjadi alternatif solusifavorit yang digunakan para pihak sebagai opsi penyelesaian masalah kreditmacet. Disamping itu melihat kepada Putusan Mahkamah Agung RepublikIndonesia Nomor 1361K/Pdt/2010 tanggal 29 Oktober 2010, hakim PengadilanNegeri, hakim Pengadilan Tinggi, dan hakim Mahkamah Agung berdasarkankasus yang ada mengambil pertimbangan bahwa : (1) penggunaan kuasa mutlakadalah hal yang dilarang, (2) Berdasarkan Pasal 6 Undang-Undang HakTanggungan jo. Yurisprudensi Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia Nomor2660K/Pdt/1987 tanggal 27 Februari 1987 yang melarang bank (termasuk BankNISP) untuk melakukan penjualan langsung berdasarkan Akta Kuasa yangdiberikan oleh Debitur atau Avalis hutang tersebut, dan diwajibkan bagi Bankuntuk melakukan penjualan dengan prosedur lelang melalui Pengadilan Negeriyang berwenang untuk objek jaminan yang telah dibebankan dengan HakTanggungan. ABSTRACT This thesis discussed about judicial review against the making of Authority to sellby notary for collateral pledged in credit agreement.In world banking practice,especially in lending activities, the authority to sell always requested by thecreditor to debtor because it seemed very effective, easier, cheaper, and notdifficult in case the collateral is being sold because the debtor?s defaults. All ofthe authority to sell are made by notary. Now the main issues discussed in thisresearch are 1). The legal power of making the authority to sell and its influencefor legal protection against a debtor, a creditor, and notary reviewed by relevantregulation, 2). The form of the law enforcement by judges towards PT. BankNISP for the settlement of non-performing loans by using the authority to sell(The Verdict of Supreme Court forPT.Bank NISP case Number 1361K/Pdt/2010date 29 October 2010). This research used t juridical normative method, withdescriptive explanatory result. The results of the research explain that theauthority to sell have legal force that bound but not executorial. This results dueto the authority to sell cannot be registered and is not the object of landregistration. The authority to sell based on an agreement between the debtor andthe creditor. The authority to sell is a favorite alternative solutions that are used bythe parties as an option resolving the issue of non performing loans. In addition,viewed from the verdict of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia CaseNumber 1361K/Pdt/2010 date 29 October 2010, justice of the District Court, HighCourt judges, and Supreme Court justices took into consideration that: (1) the useof absolute form of the authority is banned, (2) based on article 6 Undang-UndangHakTanggungan jo. the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court of theRepublic Indonesia CaseNumber 2660 K/Pdt/1987 on February 27, 1987 prohibitbanks (including the Bank NISP) to conduct direct sales based on the letter ofauthority given by the debtor or Avalist debts and the Banks are required toconduct the sale with auction procedures through the District Court authorized toguarantee that an object has been charged with dependents.;This thesis discussed about judicial review against the making of Authority to sellby notary for collateral pledged in credit agreement.In world banking practice,especially in lending activities, the authority to sell always requested by thecreditor to debtor because it seemed very effective, easier, cheaper, and notdifficult in case the collateral is being sold because the debtor’s defaults. All ofthe authority to sell are made by notary. Now the main issues discussed in thisresearch are 1). The legal power of making the authority to sell and its influencefor legal protection against a debtor, a creditor, and notary reviewed by relevantregulation, 2). The form of the law enforcement by judges towards PT. BankNISP for the settlement of non-performing loans by using the authority to sell(The Verdict of Supreme Court forPT.Bank NISP case Number 1361K/Pdt/2010date 29 October 2010). This research used t juridical normative method, withdescriptive explanatory result. The results of the research explain that theauthority to sell have legal force that bound but not executorial. This results dueto the authority to sell cannot be registered and is not the object of landregistration. The authority to sell based on an agreement between the debtor andthe creditor. The authority to sell is a favorite alternative solutions that are used bythe parties as an option resolving the issue of non performing loans. In addition,viewed from the verdict of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia CaseNumber 1361K/Pdt/2010 date 29 October 2010, justice of the District Court, HighCourt judges, and Supreme Court justices took into consideration that: (1) the useof absolute form of the authority is banned, (2) based on article 6 Undang-UndangHakTanggungan jo. the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court of theRepublic Indonesia CaseNumber 2660 K/Pdt/1987 on February 27, 1987 prohibitbanks (including the Bank NISP) to conduct direct sales based on the letter ofauthority given by the debtor or Avalist debts and the Banks are required toconduct the sale with auction procedures through the District Court authorized toguarantee that an object has been charged with dependents., This thesis discussed about judicial review against the making of Authority to sellby notary for collateral pledged in credit agreement.In world banking practice,especially in lending activities, the authority to sell always requested by thecreditor to debtor because it seemed very effective, easier, cheaper, and notdifficult in case the collateral is being sold because the debtor’s defaults. All ofthe authority to sell are made by notary. Now the main issues discussed in thisresearch are 1). The legal power of making the authority to sell and its influencefor legal protection against a debtor, a creditor, and notary reviewed by relevantregulation, 2). The form of the law enforcement by judges towards PT. BankNISP for the settlement of non-performing loans by using the authority to sell(The Verdict of Supreme Court forPT.Bank NISP case Number 1361K/Pdt/2010date 29 October 2010). This research used t juridical normative method, withdescriptive explanatory result. The results of the research explain that theauthority to sell have legal force that bound but not executorial. This results dueto the authority to sell cannot be registered and is not the object of landregistration. The authority to sell based on an agreement between the debtor andthe creditor. The authority to sell is a favorite alternative solutions that are used bythe parties as an option resolving the issue of non performing loans. In addition,viewed from the verdict of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia CaseNumber 1361K/Pdt/2010 date 29 October 2010, justice of the District Court, HighCourt judges, and Supreme Court justices took into consideration that: (1) the useof absolute form of the authority is banned, (2) based on article 6 Undang-UndangHakTanggungan jo. the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court of theRepublic Indonesia CaseNumber 2660 K/Pdt/1987 on February 27, 1987 prohibitbanks (including the Bank NISP) to conduct direct sales based on the letter ofauthority given by the debtor or Avalist debts and the Banks are required toconduct the sale with auction procedures through the District Court authorized toguarantee that an object has been charged with dependents.] |