[ABSTRAK Kredit yang diberikan oleh bank mengandung risiko, sehingga dalampelaksanaannya bank harus memperhatikan asas-asas perkreditan yang sehat.Untuk mengurangi risiko tersebut, jaminan pemberian kredit dalam arti keyakinanatas kemampuan dan kesanggupan Nasabah Debitur untuk melunasi kewajibannyasesuai dengan yang diperjanjikan merupakan faktor penting yang harusdiperhatikan oleh bank. Agunan hanyalah sebagai salah satu unsur pemberiankredit, agunan kredit berupa Tanah Hak Milik atau Hak Guna Bangunan (HGB)diminati terutama oleh bank dan dianggap aman. HGB sebagai agunan kreditbank harus dibebani dengan Hak Tanggungan. Adanya ketentuan hapusnya HakTanggungan dengan hapusnya hak atas tanah yang dibebaninya, akanmenimbulkan persoalan dan keberatan di dalam praktek. Dengan demikian akanmenimbulkan ketidakpastian hukum bagi lembaga Hak Tanggungan, karena tanahyang dijaminkan itu suatu waktu dapat berganti statusnya dan dengan demikianmenghapuskan hak tanggungannya. Dari data yang ada pada PT. Bank XYZ yangberkedudukan di Jakarta, pada posisi Bulan Mei 2014 terdapat 61 (enampuluhsatu) sertipikat HGB yang telah jatuh tempo dan terdapat 184 (sertatusdelapanpuluh empat) sertipikat HGB yang akan jatuh tempo sebelum 2 (dua)tahun ke depannya. Tesis ini hendak mengkaji kekuatan kuasa SKMHT atauAPHT untuk perpanjangan HGB jatuh tempo yang masih dibebani HakTanggungan, selain itu perlindungan hukum dan upaya kreditur jika debiturwanprestasi sementara HGB yang diagunkan akan atau telah jatuh tempo.Kesimpulan dalam tesis ini SKMHT atau APHT tidak memiliki kekuatan kuasauntuk perpanjangan HGB yang akan atau telah jatuh tempo dan bagi krediturBank akan mengakibatkan hilangnya kedudukan yang diutamakan (preferen)karena pelaksanaan permohonan perpanjangan HGB yang masih dibebani HakTanggungan tidak selaras dengan ketentuan perundang-undangan. ABSTRACT Loans granted by banks involve risks, so the banks have to pay attention to theirimplementation principles of a healthy credit. To reduce these risks, creditguarantees in terms of confidence in the ability and responsibility of debtor to payoff its obligations in accordance with the agreement is an important factor thatmust be considered by the bank. Collateral is only as one element of the provisionof credit, mortgage credit in the form of Land Rights Reserved or Land Brooking(HGB) demand especially by banks and are considered safe. HGB as collateral forbank loans should be burdened with the Mortgage. In the absence of voidanceMortgage with the abolition land rights are burdened by it, will cause problemsand objections in practice. Thus it would create legal uncertainty for Mortgageinstitutions, because the land as collateral was a time can change its status andthus abolishes dependents. From the existing data on the PT. XYZ Bank based inJakarta, the position as of May 2014 there were 61 (sixty one) HGB certificatesthat have expired and there are 184 (one houndred eighty-four) HGB certificatesthat will expire before the two (2) years in the future. This thesis examines thepower going to the power SKMHT or APHT for extension of maturity HGB isstill burdened Mortgage, in addition to the legal protection and efforts to creditorsif the debtor defaults while HGB will collateralized or have expired. Theconclusion of this thesis SKMHT APHT not have the power or authority to HGBextension that will or have expired and the creditor bank will result in the loss ofthe preferred position (preferred) since the implementation of the application forextension of the HGB is still burdened Mortgage is not aligned with the statutoryprovisions.;Loans granted by banks involve risks, so the banks have to pay attention to theirimplementation principles of a healthy credit. To reduce these risks, creditguarantees in terms of confidence in the ability and responsibility of debtor to payoff its obligations in accordance with the agreement is an important factor thatmust be considered by the bank. Collateral is only as one element of the provisionof credit, mortgage credit in the form of Land Rights Reserved or Land Brooking(HGB) demand especially by banks and are considered safe. HGB as collateral forbank loans should be burdened with the Mortgage. In the absence of voidanceMortgage with the abolition land rights are burdened by it, will cause problemsand objections in practice. Thus it would create legal uncertainty for Mortgageinstitutions, because the land as collateral was a time can change its status andthus abolishes dependents. From the existing data on the PT. XYZ Bank based inJakarta, the position as of May 2014 there were 61 (sixty one) HGB certificatesthat have expired and there are 184 (one houndred eighty-four) HGB certificatesthat will expire before the two (2) years in the future. This thesis examines thepower going to the power SKMHT or APHT for extension of maturity HGB isstill burdened Mortgage, in addition to the legal protection and efforts to creditorsif the debtor defaults while HGB will collateralized or have expired. Theconclusion of this thesis SKMHT APHT not have the power or authority to HGBextension that will or have expired and the creditor bank will result in the loss ofthe preferred position (preferred) since the implementation of the application forextension of the HGB is still burdened Mortgage is not aligned with the statutoryprovisions., Loans granted by banks involve risks, so the banks have to pay attention to theirimplementation principles of a healthy credit. To reduce these risks, creditguarantees in terms of confidence in the ability and responsibility of debtor to payoff its obligations in accordance with the agreement is an important factor thatmust be considered by the bank. Collateral is only as one element of the provisionof credit, mortgage credit in the form of Land Rights Reserved or Land Brooking(HGB) demand especially by banks and are considered safe. HGB as collateral forbank loans should be burdened with the Mortgage. In the absence of voidanceMortgage with the abolition land rights are burdened by it, will cause problemsand objections in practice. Thus it would create legal uncertainty for Mortgageinstitutions, because the land as collateral was a time can change its status andthus abolishes dependents. From the existing data on the PT. XYZ Bank based inJakarta, the position as of May 2014 there were 61 (sixty one) HGB certificatesthat have expired and there are 184 (one houndred eighty-four) HGB certificatesthat will expire before the two (2) years in the future. This thesis examines thepower going to the power SKMHT or APHT for extension of maturity HGB isstill burdened Mortgage, in addition to the legal protection and efforts to creditorsif the debtor defaults while HGB will collateralized or have expired. Theconclusion of this thesis SKMHT APHT not have the power or authority to HGBextension that will or have expired and the creditor bank will result in the loss ofthe preferred position (preferred) since the implementation of the application forextension of the HGB is still burdened Mortgage is not aligned with the statutoryprovisions.] |