[ABSTRAK Diabetes mellitus (DM) adalah penyakit metabolik dengan karakteristikhiperglikemia. Hiperglikemia merupakan kondisi kadar gula darah melewati batasnormal namun belum masuk dalam kategori DM dan jika berlangsung lama akanberdampak pada DM. Skrining melalui pemeriksaan kadar gula darah sangatdiperlukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kadar gula darah danfaktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kadar gula darah pada PNS PerimbanganKeuangan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian cross sectional yang dilakukanpada 147 responden yang dipilih secara acak. Data yang dikumpulkan adalahkadar gula darah, usia, jenis kelamin, riwayat DM pada keluarga, pengetahuan,aktivitas fisik, IMT, RLPP, Energi total, asupan karbohidrat, asupan protein,asupan lemak, asupan serat, konsumsi buah dan konsumsi sayur. Data didapatkanmelalui pemeriksaan kadar gula darah sewaktu, pengukuran antropometri,pengisian kuesioner, recall 2x24 jam dan FFQ. Rata-rata kadar gula darah yangdidapatkan adalah 177,52 ± 27,67 mg/dl. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanyahubungan yang signifikan antara riwayat DM (p value=0,000), IMT (r=0,318),RLPP (r=0,229), konsumsi buah (p value=0,016) dan konsumsi sayur (pvalue=0,021). Setelah dilakukan analisis multivariat faktor yang berhubungandengan kadar gula darah adalah riwayat DM pada keluarga, konsumsi buah,konsumsi sayur dan IMT. Model regresi linear yang dihasilkan dapat menjelaskan21,9% kadar gula darah dengan variabel riwayat DM pada keluarga, IMT,konsumsi buah dan konsumsi sayur. Secara statistik, faktor yang berhubungandengan kadar gula darah adalah riwayat DM pada keluarga, IMT, konsusmsibuah, dan konsumsi sayur. Program pencegahan hiperglikemia yang dapatdilakukan adalah skrining pada kelompok berisiko, KIE mengenai faktor-faktorrisiko dari DM, pemantauan status gizi, menerapkan pola makan gizi seimbangdan melakukan aktivitas fisik secara teratur. ABSTRACT Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disease with characteristics ofhyperglycemia. Hyperglycemia is a where blood sugar level has passed it?snormal value but not in a DM cathegory yet, which will end with DM in thefuture. Screening is urgent to be done in order to know the blood sugar level.. Thisresearch aims to know the random blood sugar levels and factors related to bloodsugar levels on PNS Direktorat Perimbangan Keuangan. This is a cross sectionalresearch, with 147 respondents through random selection. The collected data areblood sugar levels, age, gender, family history of DM, knowledge of DM,physical activity, BMI, WHR, total energy, intake carb, intake protein, intake fat,intake fibers, consumption fruit and consumption of vegetables. Data obtained bymeasuring blood sugar levels, anthropometry measurement, questionnaire, recall2x24 hours and FFQ. The average of random blood sugar levels is 177,52 ± 27,67mg/dl. Results of this study showed a significant relationship between the familyhistory of DM (p value= 0.000), BMI (r= 0,318), RLPP (r= 0,229), consumptionof fruit (p value = 0.016) and consumption of vegetable (p value= 0,021).Multivariate analysis through a the factors related to blood sugar levels is the DMon family history, BMI, consumption of fruit, and consumption of vegetables.Hiperglikemia can be prevented by screening to population at risk, monitoringnutrition status, apply nutrition balanced diet and do physical activity regularly.;Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disease with characteristics ofhyperglycemia. Hyperglycemia is a where blood sugar level has passed it’snormal value but not in a DM cathegory yet, which will end with DM in thefuture. Screening is urgent to be done in order to know the blood sugar level.. Thisresearch aims to know the random blood sugar levels and factors related to bloodsugar levels on PNS Direktorat Perimbangan Keuangan. This is a cross sectionalresearch, with 147 respondents through random selection. The collected data areblood sugar levels, age, gender, family history of DM, knowledge of DM,physical activity, BMI, WHR, total energy, intake carb, intake protein, intake fat,intake fibers, consumption fruit and consumption of vegetables. Data obtained bymeasuring blood sugar levels, anthropometry measurement, questionnaire, recall2x24 hours and FFQ. The average of random blood sugar levels is 177,52 ± 27,67mg/dl. Results of this study showed a significant relationship between the familyhistory of DM (p value= 0.000), BMI (r= 0,318), RLPP (r= 0,229), consumptionof fruit (p value = 0.016) and consumption of vegetable (p value= 0,021).Multivariate analysis through a the factors related to blood sugar levels is the DMon family history, BMI, consumption of fruit, and consumption of vegetables.Hiperglikemia can be prevented by screening to population at risk, monitoringnutrition status, apply nutrition balanced diet and do physical activity regularly., Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disease with characteristics ofhyperglycemia. Hyperglycemia is a where blood sugar level has passed it’snormal value but not in a DM cathegory yet, which will end with DM in thefuture. Screening is urgent to be done in order to know the blood sugar level.. Thisresearch aims to know the random blood sugar levels and factors related to bloodsugar levels on PNS Direktorat Perimbangan Keuangan. This is a cross sectionalresearch, with 147 respondents through random selection. The collected data areblood sugar levels, age, gender, family history of DM, knowledge of DM,physical activity, BMI, WHR, total energy, intake carb, intake protein, intake fat,intake fibers, consumption fruit and consumption of vegetables. Data obtained bymeasuring blood sugar levels, anthropometry measurement, questionnaire, recall2x24 hours and FFQ. The average of random blood sugar levels is 177,52 ± 27,67mg/dl. Results of this study showed a significant relationship between the familyhistory of DM (p value= 0.000), BMI (r= 0,318), RLPP (r= 0,229), consumptionof fruit (p value = 0.016) and consumption of vegetable (p value= 0,021).Multivariate analysis through a the factors related to blood sugar levels is the DMon family history, BMI, consumption of fruit, and consumption of vegetables.Hiperglikemia can be prevented by screening to population at risk, monitoringnutrition status, apply nutrition balanced diet and do physical activity regularly.] |