[ABSTRAK Tesis ini membahas mengenai permohonan PKPU atas diri PT. DRI yangdiajukan oleh Bank Mandiri selaku Kreditur pemegang hak jaminan pada saatberlangsungnya proses gugatan sengketa nilai tukar dollar untuk pinjamaninvestasi yang diberikan oleh Bank Mandiri. Proses PKPU kemudian berakhirpada kepailitan kendati PT. DRI dapat membuktikan bahwa dirinya telahmelaksanakan kewajibannya kepada kreditur. Prosedural permohonan PKPU danKepailitan dari PT. DRI dilakukan sesuai dengan Undang-undang Nomor 37Tahun 2004 tentang Kepailitan dan PKPU namun terdapat kejanggalankejanggalandalam proses pelaksanaannya, salah satu kejanggalan tersebut adalahpemblokiran rekening PT DRI oleh Pengurus sehingga PT DRI tidak dapatmengakses rekening untuk kepentingan pembayaran seluruh biaya operasionaldan gaji pegawai. Hingga tahun 2013, PT DRI masih melakukan upaya hukumterkait putusan pailit yang dijatuhkan kepada dirinya dan penjaminnya. Penelitianmenggunakan metode yuridis normatif yang bersifat deskriptif analitis. Hasilpenelitian menyarankan perlu dibentuk suatu lembaga independen yang khususmengawasi proses PKPU dan kepailitan serta mengawasi kinerja Kurator,mengingat bahwa Hakim Pengawas tidak sepenuhnya bekerja untuk mengawasiproses PKPU dan Kepailitan; Peranan PPATK perlu diperluas sampai dengantaraf dimana kasus-kasus yang terjadi sebelum PPATK didirikan dapat diperiksa;Bank Indonesia perlu membuat sebuah badan internal yang berfungsi menerimadan memeriksa laporan dari masyarakat terkait kerugian yang ditanggung olehmasyarakat karena kelalaian bank; Perlu penambahan syarat keadaan insolvensidan jumlah minimum hutang untuk dapat mengajukan permohonan PKPU;Perlunya diatur tugas dan wewenang Pengurus dan Kurator yang detail didalamUndang-undang Kepailitan dan PKPU. ABSTRACT This thesis focus in suspension of obligation for payment of debt petition upon PTDRI filed by Bank Mandiri as Preference Creditor-holder of security rights duringlawsuit of dollar exchange rate granted by Mandiri Bank itself. PKPU processthen ends in bankruptcy even though PT DRI carried out its obligations toCreditors. PKPU application procedures and bankruptcy of PT. DRI carried out inaccordance with Law No. 37 of 2004 on Bankruptcy and PKPU but there areirregularities in the implementation process, one of these irregularities is blockingaccounts by the Administrator so that PT DRI cannot access the account for thebenefit of the entire payment of operating costs and salaries. Until the year 2013,PT DRI still take legal actions related to bankruptcy decision handed down toitself and its guarantor. This research is using normative juridical methodologyand analytical descriptive. The research result to a suggestion where it is neededto set up an independent body who oversees the process of suspension ofobligation for payment and bankruptcy also oversee the Receivers workperformance, given that the Supervisory Judge not fully work to oversee thesuspension of obligation for payment of debt and Bankruptcy. PPATK role needsto be expanded to the extent to which the cases occurred before PPATK set out.Bank Indonesia needs to make an internal body that serves to receive andinvestigate reports of the public related losses which borne by society due to thenegligence of the bank; Need the addition of a state of insolvency requirement andthe minimum amount of debt to be able to apply for suspension of obligation forpayment of debt; The necessity of regulated duties and authority of Administratorand Receivers which detailed in the Bankruptcy Act and suspension of obligationfor payment of debt.;This thesis focus in suspension of obligation for payment of debt petition upon PTDRI filed by Bank Mandiri as Preference Creditor-holder of security rights duringlawsuit of dollar exchange rate granted by Mandiri Bank itself. PKPU processthen ends in bankruptcy even though PT DRI carried out its obligations toCreditors. PKPU application procedures and bankruptcy of PT. DRI carried out inaccordance with Law No. 37 of 2004 on Bankruptcy and PKPU but there areirregularities in the implementation process, one of these irregularities is blockingaccounts by the Administrator so that PT DRI cannot access the account for thebenefit of the entire payment of operating costs and salaries. Until the year 2013,PT DRI still take legal actions related to bankruptcy decision handed down toitself and its guarantor. This research is using normative juridical methodologyand analytical descriptive. The research result to a suggestion where it is neededto set up an independent body who oversees the process of suspension ofobligation for payment and bankruptcy also oversee the Receivers workperformance, given that the Supervisory Judge not fully work to oversee thesuspension of obligation for payment of debt and Bankruptcy. PPATK role needsto be expanded to the extent to which the cases occurred before PPATK set out.Bank Indonesia needs to make an internal body that serves to receive andinvestigate reports of the public related losses which borne by society due to thenegligence of the bank; Need the addition of a state of insolvency requirement andthe minimum amount of debt to be able to apply for suspension of obligation forpayment of debt; The necessity of regulated duties and authority of Administratorand Receivers which detailed in the Bankruptcy Act and suspension of obligationfor payment of debt., This thesis focus in suspension of obligation for payment of debt petition upon PTDRI filed by Bank Mandiri as Preference Creditor-holder of security rights duringlawsuit of dollar exchange rate granted by Mandiri Bank itself. PKPU processthen ends in bankruptcy even though PT DRI carried out its obligations toCreditors. PKPU application procedures and bankruptcy of PT. DRI carried out inaccordance with Law No. 37 of 2004 on Bankruptcy and PKPU but there areirregularities in the implementation process, one of these irregularities is blockingaccounts by the Administrator so that PT DRI cannot access the account for thebenefit of the entire payment of operating costs and salaries. Until the year 2013,PT DRI still take legal actions related to bankruptcy decision handed down toitself and its guarantor. This research is using normative juridical methodologyand analytical descriptive. The research result to a suggestion where it is neededto set up an independent body who oversees the process of suspension ofobligation for payment and bankruptcy also oversee the Receivers workperformance, given that the Supervisory Judge not fully work to oversee thesuspension of obligation for payment of debt and Bankruptcy. PPATK role needsto be expanded to the extent to which the cases occurred before PPATK set out.Bank Indonesia needs to make an internal body that serves to receive andinvestigate reports of the public related losses which borne by society due to thenegligence of the bank; Need the addition of a state of insolvency requirement andthe minimum amount of debt to be able to apply for suspension of obligation forpayment of debt; The necessity of regulated duties and authority of Administratorand Receivers which detailed in the Bankruptcy Act and suspension of obligationfor payment of debt.] |