[ABSTRAK Latar belakang: Mabuk gerak dapat memberi efek terhadap kinerja dan keselamatan penerbangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi mabuk gerak pada calon penerbang militer di Lakespra Saryanto.Metode: Data berasal dari pemeriksaan kesehatan calon penerbang militer pada September 2013, Januari dan Juni 2014 di Lakespra Saryanto. Desain penelitian potong lintang, pengambilan sampel secara purposif. Subyek yang diambil 135 orang, analisis menggunakan korelasi regresi linier dengan stata. Terdiri dari 11 orang calon penerbang militer periode September 2013, 108 orang periode Januari 2014 dan 16 orang pada bulan Mei 2014. Mabuk gerak diperoleh dengan provokasi kursi Barany. Gejala dan tanda mabuk gerak ditentukan dengan mengamati timbulnya: keringat dingin, pusing, pucat, mual, ruktus/sendawa, dan muntah.Hasil: Faktor dominan yang mempertinggi mabuk gerak adalah VO2 max dan neurotik. Setiap kenaikan nilai VO2 max sebesar 1 ml/kgBB/menit akan menambah nilai indeks mabuk gerak sebesar 0,08 [koefisiensi regresi (β)= 0,083; p= 0,005] dan setiap penambahan nilai neurotik (skala klinik Hs) sebesar 1 akan menambah nilai indeks mabuk gerak sebesar 0,05 (β= 0,056; p= 0,019).Kesimpulan: VO2 max dan neurotik cenderung mempertinggi mabuk gerak pada calon penerbang militer di Lakespra Saryanto. ABSTRACT Background: Motion sickness gives effect to the performance and safety of flight. This study aims to identify the factors affect motion sickness on candidates military aviator in Lakespra Saryanto.Methods: Data derived from health examinations of candidates military aviator at September 2013, January and May 2014 in Lakespra Saryanto. Study designed was cross sectional with purposive sampling. All subjects were taken all the 135 were taken linier correlation regression was used with stata consisting of 11 candidates for military aviators for period September 2013, 108 people for period January 2014 and 16 people for period May 2014. Motion sickness obtained by Barany chair provocation. Symptoms and signs are determined by observing the motion sickness onset: cold sewat, dizzines, pallor, nausea, ruktus/ belching, and vomitingResults: The dominant factor that heightens the motion sickness is VO2 max and neurotic. Each increase in VO2 max values of 1 ml/kg min will increase the value of the motion sickness index of 0.08 [regression coefficient (β) = 0.083; p = 0.005] and each value addition neurotic (clinical scales Hs) of 1 will add to the value of the motion sickness index of 0.05 (β = 0.056, p = 0.019).Conclusion: VO2 max and neurotic tend to enhance the value of the motion sickness index on the candidates of military aviator in Lakespra Saryanto;Background: Motion sickness gives effect to the performance and safety of flight. This study aims to identify the factors affect motion sickness on candidates military aviator in Lakespra Saryanto.Methods: Data derived from health examinations of candidates military aviator at September 2013, January and May 2014 in Lakespra Saryanto. Study designed was cross sectional with purposive sampling. All subjects were taken all the 135 were taken linier correlation regression was used with stata consisting of 11 candidates for military aviators for period September 2013, 108 people for period January 2014 and 16 people for period May 2014. Motion sickness obtained by Barany chair provocation. Symptoms and signs are determined by observing the motion sickness onset: cold sewat, dizzines, pallor, nausea, ruktus/ belching, and vomitingResults: The dominant factor that heightens the motion sickness is VO2 max and neurotic. Each increase in VO2 max values of 1 ml/kg min will increase the value of the motion sickness index of 0.08 [regression coefficient (β) = 0.083; p = 0.005] and each value addition neurotic (clinical scales Hs) of 1 will add to the value of the motion sickness index of 0.05 (β = 0.056, p = 0.019).Conclusion: VO2 max and neurotic tend to enhance the value of the motion sickness index on the candidates of military aviator in Lakespra Saryanto, Background: Motion sickness gives effect to the performance and safety of flight. This study aims to identify the factors affect motion sickness on candidates military aviator in Lakespra Saryanto.Methods: Data derived from health examinations of candidates military aviator at September 2013, January and May 2014 in Lakespra Saryanto. Study designed was cross sectional with purposive sampling. All subjects were taken all the 135 were taken linier correlation regression was used with stata consisting of 11 candidates for military aviators for period September 2013, 108 people for period January 2014 and 16 people for period May 2014. Motion sickness obtained by Barany chair provocation. Symptoms and signs are determined by observing the motion sickness onset: cold sewat, dizzines, pallor, nausea, ruktus/ belching, and vomitingResults: The dominant factor that heightens the motion sickness is VO2 max and neurotic. Each increase in VO2 max values of 1 ml/kg min will increase the value of the motion sickness index of 0.08 [regression coefficient (β) = 0.083; p = 0.005] and each value addition neurotic (clinical scales Hs) of 1 will add to the value of the motion sickness index of 0.05 (β = 0.056, p = 0.019).Conclusion: VO2 max and neurotic tend to enhance the value of the motion sickness index on the candidates of military aviator in Lakespra Saryanto] |