[ABSTRAK Sebagai negara yang memiliki sejarah menolak dirinya sebagai negaraimigran, Jerman pada akhirnya harus mengakui adanya jarak antara wargaasli dan warga dengan keturunan imigran. Kemunculan buku kontroversalkarya Thilo Sarrazin hingga debat mengenai Leitkultur membuat posisiimigran di Jerman, khususnya imigran muslim terdesak. Krisis ekonomi yangmelanda zona-euro juga turut menimbulkan sentimen terhadap para imigran,terlebih ketika banyak kepala negara di Eropa juga banyak yang menyerangide mengenai multikulturalisme termasuk di Jerman, ketika Kanselir AngelaMerkel menyatakan multikulti Jerman telah gagal. ABSTRACT As a country which has a history to deny themselves as an immigrationcountry, Germany has to concede that there?s an enormous gap betweenGermans and the people with migration background. The publishing of acontroversial book from Thilo Sarrazin to Leitkultur?s debate puts theimmigrants under pressure, especially to those Muslim?s immigrants. TheEconomic crisis in euro-zone also increases the sentiment among theimmigrants, especially when many European leaders condemn the idea ofmulticulturalism, including in Germany, when Chancellor Angela Merkelenunciated that Germany?s multikulti has failed.;As a country which has a history to deny themselves as an immigrationcountry, Germany has to concede that there?s an enormous gap betweenGermans and the people with migration background. The publishing of acontroversial book from Thilo Sarrazin to Leitkultur?s debate puts theimmigrants under pressure, especially to those Muslim?s immigrants. TheEconomic crisis in euro-zone also increases the sentiment among theimmigrants, especially when many European leaders condemn the idea ofmulticulturalism, including in Germany, when Chancellor Angela Merkelenunciated that Germany?s multikulti has failed.;As a country which has a history to deny themselves as an immigrationcountry, Germany has to concede that there’s an enormous gap betweenGermans and the people with migration background. The publishing of acontroversial book from Thilo Sarrazin to Leitkultur’s debate puts theimmigrants under pressure, especially to those Muslim’s immigrants. TheEconomic crisis in euro-zone also increases the sentiment among theimmigrants, especially when many European leaders condemn the idea ofmulticulturalism, including in Germany, when Chancellor Angela Merkelenunciated that Germany’s multikulti has failed., As a country which has a history to deny themselves as an immigrationcountry, Germany has to concede that there’s an enormous gap betweenGermans and the people with migration background. The publishing of acontroversial book from Thilo Sarrazin to Leitkultur’s debate puts theimmigrants under pressure, especially to those Muslim’s immigrants. TheEconomic crisis in euro-zone also increases the sentiment among theimmigrants, especially when many European leaders condemn the idea ofmulticulturalism, including in Germany, when Chancellor Angela Merkelenunciated that Germany’s multikulti has failed.] |