[ABSTRAK Gallupe dan Baron (2010) menyatakan bahwa moralitas seseorang memiliki peran dalam memprediksi terjadinya penyimpangan tingkah laku yang mengarah pada kriminalitas. Hal serupa juga dikemukakan oleh Bandura (2004) melalui teori pelepasan moral (moral disengagement) dalam fenomena radikalisme dan terorisme yang dapat dijelaskan sebagai rekonstruksi kognitif terhadap tingkah laku destruktif menjadi tingkah laku yang memiliki tujuan moral tinggi. Meskipun demikian, pelepasan moral dapat dicegah dengan memunculkan aspek-aspek kemanusiaan pada diri seseorang melalui penanaman nilai-nilai positif yang dapat membantu meningkatkan moral judgment seseorang. Meskipun demikian, remaja belum menjadi fokus dari program kontra radikalisasi di Indonesia, sehingga dirasa perlu ada program khusus bagi remaja sebagai kelompok yang rentan dipengaruhi oleh paham radikal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan moral judgment remaja yang terkait dengan keberagaman dengan menerapkan teknik Appreciative Inquiry (Cooperrider, Whitney, & Stavros, 2003) terhadap siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri (SMAN) di wilayah Jakarta. Melalui penerapan teknik tersebut, diperoleh peningkatan moral judgment remaja yang signifikan secara statistik dengan peningkatan rata-rata nilai sebesar 29.5% (t = -2.209, df = 23, p = .037). ABSTRACT Gallupe and Baron (2010) proposed that morality has a role in predicting deviation in one?s behavior leads to crime. Bandura (2004) also proposed the similar idea regarding radicalism and terrorism issues, stated that individuals experienced moral disengagement caused by cognitive reconstruction towards destructive behavior, resulting it to appear as a high morality behavior. Moral disengagement can be prevented by bringing up humanity aspects from one self through teaching positive values to develop moral judgment. Nevertheless, Indonesian adolescents? are not yet the focus for counter-radicalisation program held by the government, making it necessary to develop a program special for adolescents as a group vulnerable to radicalism. This research focus on enhancing adolescents? moral judgment regarding diversity, and appreciative Inquiry technique (Cooperrider, Whitney, & Stavros, 2003) is being used for this intervention technique targeting public high school students in Jakarta area. The application of this technique resulting in the statistically significant enhancement of adolescents? moral judgment with the average increased score 29.5% (t = -2.209, df = 23, p = .037).;Gallupe and Baron (2010) proposed that morality has a role in predicting deviation in one’s behavior leads to crime. Bandura (2004) also proposed the similar idea regarding radicalism and terrorism issues, stated that individuals experienced moral disengagement caused by cognitive reconstruction towards destructive behavior, resulting it to appear as a high morality behavior. Moral disengagement can be prevented by bringing up humanity aspects from one self through teaching positive values to develop moral judgment. Nevertheless, Indonesian adolescents’ are not yet the focus for counter-radicalisation program held by the government, making it necessary to develop a program special for adolescents as a group vulnerable to radicalism. This research focus on enhancing adolescents’ moral judgment regarding diversity, and appreciative Inquiry technique (Cooperrider, Whitney, & Stavros, 2003) is being used for this intervention technique targeting public high school students in Jakarta area. The application of this technique resulting in the statistically significant enhancement of adolescents’ moral judgment with the average increased score 29.5% (t = -2.209, df = 23, p = .037)., Gallupe and Baron (2010) proposed that morality has a role in predicting deviation in one’s behavior leads to crime. Bandura (2004) also proposed the similar idea regarding radicalism and terrorism issues, stated that individuals experienced moral disengagement caused by cognitive reconstruction towards destructive behavior, resulting it to appear as a high morality behavior. Moral disengagement can be prevented by bringing up humanity aspects from one self through teaching positive values to develop moral judgment. Nevertheless, Indonesian adolescents’ are not yet the focus for counter-radicalisation program held by the government, making it necessary to develop a program special for adolescents as a group vulnerable to radicalism. This research focus on enhancing adolescents’ moral judgment regarding diversity, and appreciative Inquiry technique (Cooperrider, Whitney, & Stavros, 2003) is being used for this intervention technique targeting public high school students in Jakarta area. The application of this technique resulting in the statistically significant enhancement of adolescents’ moral judgment with the average increased score 29.5% (t = -2.209, df = 23, p = .037).] |