[ABSTRAK Tesis ini membahas hubungan gambaran karakteristik dan kepuasan pasien dengan minat beli ulang pasien di instalasi rawat jalan Rumah Sakit Puspa Husada Bekasi tahun 2013. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan menggunakan data primer yang diperoleh dari kuesioner yang diisi sendiri atau diwakilkan kepada wali pasien bagi pasien anak. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh pasien yang menjalani rawat jalan atau pendampingnya yang memahami kondisi pasien di RSIA Puspa Husada dengan besar sampel sebanyak 98 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa minat beli ulang di instalasi rawat jalan Rumah Sakit Ibu dan Anak Puspa Husada Bekasi masih rendah. Mayoritas pasien rawat jalan rumah sakit ini adalah perempuan, berumur dibawah 30 tahun, pendidikan setingkat SMA atau dibawahnya, pekerjaan sebagai swasta, memiliki pendapatan dibawah UMR setempat, tinggal dekat dengan rumah sakit dan melakukan pembayaran dengan biaya sendiri. Pasien di instalasi rawat jalanRumah Sakit Ibu dan Anak Puspa Husada Bekasi yang tidak puas sebesar 58,2%.Kepuasan tertinggi terdapat pada dimensi empathy dan kepuasan terrendahterdapat pada dimensi reliability . Terdapat dua karakteristik yang berpengaruhterhadap proporsi minat beli ulang, yaitu karakteristik jarak dan pendapatan. Danpada dimensi ServQual, perbedaan proporsi minat beli ulang hanya pada dimensiassurance.Minat beli ulang ditentukan oleh kualitas pelayanan yang diberikan danberdasarkan hasil penelitian, peneliti menyarankan agar Rumah Sakit Ibu danAnak Puspa Husada memperbaiki kualitas pelayanan terutama pada dimensireliability, assurance dan responsiveness. ABSTRACT This thesis studies the relation of patient characteristic and satisfaction with re-use interest of patient in outpatient installation of Puspa Husada Hospital Bekasi. This research used Quantitive approach and applied the Primer Data that was taken from the self-administered questionnare or represented by patient?s guardian. The population of the research was all patient visited the Outpatient Installation at Puspa Husada Hospital Bekasi. There were 98 respondent involved in thisresearch.The result shows that most of all re-use interest outpatient at Puspa Husada Hospital Bekasi is low. The majority characteristic of patient are woman, age under 30, high school education or under, income under UMR, living nearby hospital and using self payment. 58,2% patient of outpatient installation of Puspa Husada Hospital Bekasi was not satisfied with hospital service. The highest satisfacction found in empathy dimension and the lowest satisfaction found in reliability dimension. There are two characteristics (distance and income)influenced the proportion of re-use interest and one dimension of ServQual Method, which is assurance, influenced the proportion of re-use interest patient of outpatient instalattion Puspa Husada Hospital Bekasi.The re-use interest patient of Outpatient Installation Puspa Husada Bekasi was depend on quality service that given to patient. And based on the research, researcher suggest Puspa Husada Hospital Bekasi to increase quality of health care service especially for dimension reliability, assurance and responsiveness.;This thesis studies the relation of patient characteristic and satisfaction with re-use interest of patient in outpatient installation of Puspa Husada Hospital Bekasi. This research used Quantitive approach and applied the Primer Data that was taken from the self-administered questionnare or represented by patient’s guardian. The population of the research was all patient visited the Outpatient Installation at Puspa Husada Hospital Bekasi. There were 98 respondent involved in thisresearch.The result shows that most of all re-use interest outpatient at Puspa Husada Hospital Bekasi is low. The majority characteristic of patient are woman, age under 30, high school education or under, income under UMR, living nearby hospital and using self payment. 58,2% patient of outpatient installation of Puspa Husada Hospital Bekasi was not satisfied with hospital service. The highest satisfacction found in empathy dimension and the lowest satisfaction found in reliability dimension. There are two characteristics (distance and income)influenced the proportion of re-use interest and one dimension of ServQual Method, which is assurance, influenced the proportion of re-use interest patient of outpatient instalattion Puspa Husada Hospital Bekasi.The re-use interest patient of Outpatient Installation Puspa Husada Bekasi was depend on quality service that given to patient. And based on the research, researcher suggest Puspa Husada Hospital Bekasi to increase quality of health care service especially for dimension reliability, assurance and responsiveness., This thesis studies the relation of patient characteristic and satisfaction with re-use interest of patient in outpatient installation of Puspa Husada Hospital Bekasi. This research used Quantitive approach and applied the Primer Data that was taken from the self-administered questionnare or represented by patient’s guardian. The population of the research was all patient visited the Outpatient Installation at Puspa Husada Hospital Bekasi. There were 98 respondent involved in thisresearch.The result shows that most of all re-use interest outpatient at Puspa Husada Hospital Bekasi is low. The majority characteristic of patient are woman, age under 30, high school education or under, income under UMR, living nearby hospital and using self payment. 58,2% patient of outpatient installation of Puspa Husada Hospital Bekasi was not satisfied with hospital service. The highest satisfacction found in empathy dimension and the lowest satisfaction found in reliability dimension. There are two characteristics (distance and income)influenced the proportion of re-use interest and one dimension of ServQual Method, which is assurance, influenced the proportion of re-use interest patient of outpatient instalattion Puspa Husada Hospital Bekasi.The re-use interest patient of Outpatient Installation Puspa Husada Bekasi was depend on quality service that given to patient. And based on the research, researcher suggest Puspa Husada Hospital Bekasi to increase quality of health care service especially for dimension reliability, assurance and responsiveness.] |