[ABSTRAK Komite medik berdasarkan PERMENKES Nomor 755/MENKES/PER/IV/2011merupakan perangkat rumah sakit untuk menerapkan tata kelola klinik (clinical governance)agar staf medis dirumah sakit terjaga profesionalismenya melalui mekanisme kredensial,penjagaan mutu profesi medis, dan pemeliharaan etika dan disiplin profesi medis. RSUHarapan Bersama Singkawang menetapkan kebijakan tentang komite medik berdasarkan SKdirektur RSUHB Nomor:440/RSUHB/186/II/2012.Berdasarkan wawancara awal dengan direktur RSU Harapan Bersama, didapatkanbahwa komite medik belum melaksanakan tugas dan fungsinya sejak awal pembentukannyapada tahun 2012. Terdapat beberapa kasus sepanjang tahun 2012-2013 yang menggambarkanadanya masalah dalam penerapan tata kelola klinik terutama menyangkut profesionalismestaf medis di rumah sakit.Dalam rangka mengetahui permasalahan dalam pelaksanaan tugas dan fungsi komitemedik di RSU Harapan Bersama maka dilakukan penelitian selama 4 (empat) minggu.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menganalisa komite medik sebagaisuatu sistem. Analisa dilakukan terhadap komponen input, proses, dan output. Pengambilandata dengan melakukan wawancara mendalam terhadap 4 (empat) komponen informan danpenelitian dokumen rumah sakit.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat permasalahan dalam kewenangan pengambilankeputusan, sosialisasi kebijakan, perbedaan persepsi, budaya organisasi, lemahnyakepemimpinan, dan keterbatasan tenaga medis. ABSTRACT Medical committee based on PERMENKES No. 755/MENKES/PER/IV/2011 was ahospital devices to implement clinical governance to the medical staff at the hospital.Medical staff maintained their professionalism through mechanisms credentials, securequality medical profession, and the maintenance of discipline and the ethics of the medicalprofession. Harapan Bersama Hospital Singkawang establish policies about medicalcommittee based on director SK RSUHB No:440/RSUHB/186/II/2012.Based on the initial interview with the director of Harapan Bersama Hospital, it wasfound that the medical committee is not performing its duties and functions since its inceptionin 2012. There are several cases during the year 2012-2013 which describes the problem inthe application of clinical governance, especially regarding the professionalism of medicalstaff at the hospital.In order to find out the problems in the implementation of the duties and functions ofthe medical committee at Harapan Bersama Hospital research was conducted for 4 (four)weeks. This study is a qualitative study and analyzing the medical committee as a system.Analysis performed on the components of input, processes, and outputs. Data collection wasconducted extensive interviews with the four (4) components of informants and researchhospital documents.The results showed there were problems in the decision-making authority, policydissemination, differences in perceptions, organizational culture, lack of leadership, and thelimitations of medical personnel.;Medical committee based on PERMENKES No. 755/MENKES/PER/IV/2011 was ahospital devices to implement clinical governance to the medical staff at the hospital.Medical staff maintained their professionalism through mechanisms credentials, securequality medical profession, and the maintenance of discipline and the ethics of the medicalprofession. Harapan Bersama Hospital Singkawang establish policies about medicalcommittee based on director SK RSUHB No:440/RSUHB/186/II/2012.Based on the initial interview with the director of Harapan Bersama Hospital, it wasfound that the medical committee is not performing its duties and functions since its inceptionin 2012. There are several cases during the year 2012-2013 which describes the problem inthe application of clinical governance, especially regarding the professionalism of medicalstaff at the hospital.In order to find out the problems in the implementation of the duties and functions ofthe medical committee at Harapan Bersama Hospital research was conducted for 4 (four)weeks. This study is a qualitative study and analyzing the medical committee as a system.Analysis performed on the components of input, processes, and outputs. Data collection wasconducted extensive interviews with the four (4) components of informants and researchhospital documents.The results showed there were problems in the decision-making authority, policydissemination, differences in perceptions, organizational culture, lack of leadership, and thelimitations of medical personnel., Medical committee based on PERMENKES No. 755/MENKES/PER/IV/2011 was ahospital devices to implement clinical governance to the medical staff at the hospital.Medical staff maintained their professionalism through mechanisms credentials, securequality medical profession, and the maintenance of discipline and the ethics of the medicalprofession. Harapan Bersama Hospital Singkawang establish policies about medicalcommittee based on director SK RSUHB No:440/RSUHB/186/II/2012.Based on the initial interview with the director of Harapan Bersama Hospital, it wasfound that the medical committee is not performing its duties and functions since its inceptionin 2012. There are several cases during the year 2012-2013 which describes the problem inthe application of clinical governance, especially regarding the professionalism of medicalstaff at the hospital.In order to find out the problems in the implementation of the duties and functions ofthe medical committee at Harapan Bersama Hospital research was conducted for 4 (four)weeks. This study is a qualitative study and analyzing the medical committee as a system.Analysis performed on the components of input, processes, and outputs. Data collection wasconducted extensive interviews with the four (4) components of informants and researchhospital documents.The results showed there were problems in the decision-making authority, policydissemination, differences in perceptions, organizational culture, lack of leadership, and thelimitations of medical personnel.] |