[ABSTRAK Tesis ini membahas tentang kekuatan pembuktian akta jual beli PPAT, terhadapkepemilikan hak atas tanah. Jual beli tanah merupakan perbuatan hukum untukmengalihkan hak atas tanah dari penjual kepada pembeli. Akta jual beli PPATmempunyai fungsi sebagai alat pembuktian mengenai benar telah dilakukannyaperbuatan hukum jual beli tanah. Setelah Akta Jual Beli PPAT dibuat, kemudianPembeli mendaftarkan peralihan hak atas tanah tersebut ke Kantor Pertanahansetempat. Namun dalam prakteknya masih terdapat hambatan-hambatan untukmelaksanakan pendaftaran tanah tersebut. Pada tahun 1988, Tuan Wagiantomembeli sebidang tanah Sertipikat Hak Milik, dari Tuan Anwar Manaf danNyonya Moechisina berdasarkan Akta Jual Beli PPAT. Tuan Wagianto tidakdapat mendaftarkan peralihan hak atas tanah tersebut di BPN, karena YayasanUMS menguasai fisik dari tanah tersebut dan mengklaim tanah tersebut adalahmiliknya. Tahun 1998 Tuan Wagianto meninggal dunia, dan Akta Jual Belitersebut masih belum didaftarkan ke BPN. Dengan meninggalnya TuanWagianto, demi hukum hak atas tanah tersebut jatuh kepada ahli waris.Kemudian pada tahun 2002, para ahli waris menggugat yayasan UMS melaluiPengadilan Negeri Jakarta Barat. Tujuan penulisan tesis ini adalah untukmengetahui bagaimana suatu akta jual beli PPAT mempunyai kekuatanpembuktian terhadap kepemilikan hak atas tanah. Penulisan tesis inimenggunakan metode penelitian kepustakaan, dengan data sekunder sebagaidatanya. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dari hasil penelitian ini, maka penulismendapati bahwa akta jual beli PPAT tersebut telah memenuhi syarat formil dansyarat materiil dari jual beli tanah. Dengan demikian penulis dapatmenyimpulkan bahwa Akta Jual Beli PPAT tersebut memiliki kekuatanpembuktian yang sempurna. ABSTRACT This thesis focuses on the probative force of the deed of sale and purchase byPPAT towards the ownership of land right. Sale and Purchase of land is a legalact to transfer land rights from the seller to the buyer. The Deed of Sale andPurchase by PPAT has a function as a tool to prove the truth of the legal act ofsale and purchase of land. After making Deed of Sale and Purchase by PPAT,then registered to the local Land Office. However, in practice there are stillobstacles to implementing land registration. In 1988, Mr. Wagianto buy a plot ofland with Freehold Title, from Mr. Anwar Manaf and Mrs. Moechisina by DeedOf Sale And Purchase by PPAT. But Mr. Wagianto can?t register his rights atBPN, because UMS Foundation physical controls of the land and claimed theland was his. In 1998 Mr Wagianto died, and The Deed of Sale and Purchase arestill not registered to BPN. With the death of Mr. Wagianto, by law the landrights fall to the heirs. Then in 2002, the heirs sued UMS Foundation through theWest Jakarta District Court. The purpose of this Thesis is to find out how TheDeed of Sale and Purchase by PPAT has probative force toward the ownership ofland rights. Writing of this thesis uses library research methods, the data requiredis secondary data. Based on data obtained from this research, the Authors foundthat The Deed of Sale and Purchase by PPAT has met the terms of the formal andmaterial of sale and purchase land. The Authors conclude that Deed of Sale andPurchase by PPAT has perfect probative force., This thesis focuses on the probative force of the deed of sale and purchase byPPAT towards the ownership of land right. Sale and Purchase of land is a legalact to transfer land rights from the seller to the buyer. The Deed of Sale andPurchase by PPAT has a function as a tool to prove the truth of the legal act ofsale and purchase of land. After making Deed of Sale and Purchase by PPAT,then registered to the local Land Office. However, in practice there are stillobstacles to implementing land registration. In 1988, Mr. Wagianto buy a plot ofland with Freehold Title, from Mr. Anwar Manaf and Mrs. Moechisina by DeedOf Sale And Purchase by PPAT. But Mr. Wagianto can’t register his rights atBPN, because UMS Foundation physical controls of the land and claimed theland was his. In 1998 Mr Wagianto died, and The Deed of Sale and Purchase arestill not registered to BPN. With the death of Mr. Wagianto, by law the landrights fall to the heirs. Then in 2002, the heirs sued UMS Foundation through theWest Jakarta District Court. The purpose of this Thesis is to find out how TheDeed of Sale and Purchase by PPAT has probative force toward the ownership ofland rights. Writing of this thesis uses library research methods, the data requiredis secondary data. Based on data obtained from this research, the Authors foundthat The Deed of Sale and Purchase by PPAT has met the terms of the formal andmaterial of sale and purchase land. The Authors conclude that Deed of Sale andPurchase by PPAT has perfect probative force.] |