[ABSTRAK Konflik sosial dukun santet sering terjadi di berbagai wilayah di Indonesia denganrata-rata penyebabnya keresahan masyarakat yang memuncak akibat ulah yang diduga dukunsantet/memiliki ilmu hitam memperdayai/berulah kepada korbannya dengan alasan tertentuataupun iri dengki misalnya menyebabkan sakit aneh hingga kematian. Kejadian tersebutmenimbulkan reaksi dari masyarakat yang pada umumnya berawal kekerasan dan tidakjarang aksi kekerasan dan main hakim sendiri dari massa tersebut berujung kematian terhadapyang diduga dukun santet. Kekerasan massa tersebut dilakukan karena masyarakat merasafrustasi dengan ulah dukun santet/memiliki ilmu hitam karena sulit untuk dibuktikan dantidak diatur secara rinci di perundang-undangan hukum yang berlaku, namun di KabupatenCiamis yang lokasinya sekarang telah dimekarkan menjadi Kabupaten Pangandaran melaluiUndang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor Tahun 2012 Tentang Pembentukan KabupatenPangandaran di Provinsi Jawa Barat terjadi pembunuhan yang diduga dukun santet olehsekelompok orang yang dipimpin oleh seseorang dan menyebabkan korban meninggal duniaterduga dukun santet lebih dari 50 orang.Pengkajian ini bukan untuk membuktikan kesaktian dukun santet/memiliki ilmu hitamataupun kesaktian pelaksana eksekusi yang diduga membunuh dukun santet/ilmu hitammelainkan untuk mengetahui apa yang menjadi latar belakang, pokok permasalahan dan awalmula aksi kekerasan itu terjadi sehingga kekerasan massa terjadi dari sejak lama khususnya diKabupaten pangandaran dan memuncak sekitar tahun 1998 s.d. 2000, kedalam sebuah tesisdengan pendekatan analisa kualitatif.Prilaku dari sekelompok massa yang dipimpin oleh seseorang untuk bereaksi berbuattindak kekerasan terhadap terduga dukun santet merupakan sebuah prilaku menyimpang yangterjadi di masyarakat dan sejalan dengan teori labeling. Teori ini memiliki asumsi pokokMenjelaskan proses terjadinya melekatnya cap atau stigma menyimpang pada seseorang ataukelompok oleh orang lain atau masyarakat, tetapi lebih menggali pada terjadinya definisi dansanksi sosial negatif yang menekan individu sehingga dia terlibat lebih dalam pada suatutindakan menyimpang. ABSTRACT Witches social conflicts often occur in various regions in Indonesia with an averagecause of public unrest which culminated induced suspected witches / have a black magic trick/ acting up to the victim for any reason or cause pain eg disease strange to death. The incidentcaused a reaction from the public that make them violent and often violence and vigilantismof the masses led to the death against suspected witches. The mass violence because peoplefeel frustrated with the behavior of witches / have a black magic because it is difficult toprove and are not regulated in detail in statutory law, however, Ciamis District which arelocated in the Pangandaran district has now expanded into Pangandaran district throughRepublic Act Indonesia Number of 2012 on the Establishment of the District of Pangandaranin West Java province occurred killings allegedly by a group of witches led by a person andcausing the victim died unexpectedly suspected witches more than 50 people.This assessment is not to prove the witches magic / black magic or supernatural haveexecution powers on of killing suspected witches / black magic but to know what is thebackground, the subject matter and the beginning of the violence that turn into mob violenceoccurred from a long time, especially in the District of pangandaran and peaked around 1998sd 2000, into a thesis with a qualitative analysis approach.Behavior of mob led by a person to react to unexpected act of violence againstwitches is an aberrant behavior that occurs in the community and in line with the labelingtheory. This theory has a fundamental assumption that Explain the process of attachment ofthe cap or deviant stigma to a person or group by another person or the community, but moredigging on the definition and negative social sanctions that suppresses the individual so thathe was more deeply involved in a deviant act.;Witches social conflicts often occur in various regions in Indonesia with an averagecause of public unrest which culminated induced suspected witches / have a black magic trick/ acting up to the victim for any reason or cause pain eg disease strange to death. The incidentcaused a reaction from the public that make them violent and often violence and vigilantismof the masses led to the death against suspected witches. The mass violence because peoplefeel frustrated with the behavior of witches / have a black magic because it is difficult toprove and are not regulated in detail in statutory law, however, Ciamis District which arelocated in the Pangandaran district has now expanded into Pangandaran district throughRepublic Act Indonesia Number of 2012 on the Establishment of the District of Pangandaranin West Java province occurred killings allegedly by a group of witches led by a person andcausing the victim died unexpectedly suspected witches more than 50 people.This assessment is not to prove the witches magic / black magic or supernatural haveexecution powers on of killing suspected witches / black magic but to know what is thebackground, the subject matter and the beginning of the violence that turn into mob violenceoccurred from a long time, especially in the District of pangandaran and peaked around 1998sd 2000, into a thesis with a qualitative analysis approach.Behavior of mob led by a person to react to unexpected act of violence againstwitches is an aberrant behavior that occurs in the community and in line with the labelingtheory. This theory has a fundamental assumption that Explain the process of attachment ofthe cap or deviant stigma to a person or group by another person or the community, but moredigging on the definition and negative social sanctions that suppresses the individual so thathe was more deeply involved in a deviant act., Witches social conflicts often occur in various regions in Indonesia with an averagecause of public unrest which culminated induced suspected witches / have a black magic trick/ acting up to the victim for any reason or cause pain eg disease strange to death. The incidentcaused a reaction from the public that make them violent and often violence and vigilantismof the masses led to the death against suspected witches. The mass violence because peoplefeel frustrated with the behavior of witches / have a black magic because it is difficult toprove and are not regulated in detail in statutory law, however, Ciamis District which arelocated in the Pangandaran district has now expanded into Pangandaran district throughRepublic Act Indonesia Number of 2012 on the Establishment of the District of Pangandaranin West Java province occurred killings allegedly by a group of witches led by a person andcausing the victim died unexpectedly suspected witches more than 50 people.This assessment is not to prove the witches magic / black magic or supernatural haveexecution powers on of killing suspected witches / black magic but to know what is thebackground, the subject matter and the beginning of the violence that turn into mob violenceoccurred from a long time, especially in the District of pangandaran and peaked around 1998sd 2000, into a thesis with a qualitative analysis approach.Behavior of mob led by a person to react to unexpected act of violence againstwitches is an aberrant behavior that occurs in the community and in line with the labelingtheory. This theory has a fundamental assumption that Explain the process of attachment ofthe cap or deviant stigma to a person or group by another person or the community, but moredigging on the definition and negative social sanctions that suppresses the individual so thathe was more deeply involved in a deviant act.] |