[ABSTRAK Tesis ini menjelaskan tentang penelitian konservasi sebagai salah satu ciri new museum dengan perspektif baru. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap manajemen konservasi Museum Etnobotani Indonesia, dengan menggunakan metode pendekatan kualitatif. Kegiatan manajemen konservasi museum baru mencakup struktur organisasi, prinsip, program, penelitian, dan teknologi informasi dalam bidang konservasi. Hasil analisis dan pembahasan penelitian, menyimpulkan Museum Etnobotani Indonesia belum memiliki manajemen konservasi yang sesuai dengan konsep museum baru. Kegiatan konservasi masih berorientasi terhadap pelestarian koleksi benda budaya yang merupakan ciri museum tradisional. Untuk menjadi sebuah museum baru dalam bidang manajemen konservasi Museum Etnobotani Indonesia harus memperluas konsep pelestarian yang tidak hanya melestarikan koleksi benda budaya. Akan tetapi, melestarikan koleksi budaya tak benda seperti memori kolektif masyarakat dengan membuka informasi seluas luasnya terhadap publik. ABSTRACT This thesis describes the study of conservation as one of the characteristics of the new museum with a new perspective. Research conducted on conservation management Ethnobotany Museum Indonesia, using a qualitative approach. The new museum conservation management activities include organizational structure, principles, programs, research, and information technology in the conservation field. The results of the analysis and discussion of research concluded Ethnobotany Museum Indonesia does not have a conservation management in accordance with the concept of the new museum. Conservation activities are still oriented towards the preservation of cultural collections that are characteristic of traditional museums. To become a new museum in the field of conservation management Ethnobotany Museum Indonesia must expand the concept of preservation is not only to preserve a collection of cultural objects. However, preserving a collection of cultural objects such as people's collective memory with the widest breadth of information open to the public.;This thesis describes the study of conservation as one of the characteristics of the new museum with a new perspective. Research conducted on conservation management Ethnobotany Museum Indonesia, using a qualitative approach. The new museum conservation management activities include organizational structure, principles, programs, research, and information technology in the conservation field. The results of the analysis and discussion of research concluded Ethnobotany Museum Indonesia does not have a conservation management in accordance with the concept of the new museum. Conservation activities are still oriented towards the preservation of cultural collections that are characteristic of traditional museums. To become a new museum in the field of conservation management Ethnobotany Museum Indonesia must expand the concept of preservation is not only to preserve a collection of cultural objects. However, preserving a collection of cultural objects such as people's collective memory with the widest breadth of information open to the public., This thesis describes the study of conservation as one of the characteristics of the new museum with a new perspective. Research conducted on conservation management Ethnobotany Museum Indonesia, using a qualitative approach. The new museum conservation management activities include organizational structure, principles, programs, research, and information technology in the conservation field. The results of the analysis and discussion of research concluded Ethnobotany Museum Indonesia does not have a conservation management in accordance with the concept of the new museum. Conservation activities are still oriented towards the preservation of cultural collections that are characteristic of traditional museums. To become a new museum in the field of conservation management Ethnobotany Museum Indonesia must expand the concept of preservation is not only to preserve a collection of cultural objects. However, preserving a collection of cultural objects such as people's collective memory with the widest breadth of information open to the public.] |