[ABSTRAK Infeksi yang disebabkan oleh methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus(MRSA) telah menyebabkan beban mortalitas dan morbiditas yang bermakna.Mengingat hal tersebut, sangat penting untuk dapat mendeteksi MRSA dengancepat dan akurat. Saat ini deteksi MRSA dapat dilakukan dengan dua cara, yaitumetode fenotipik dan genotipik. Pada penelitian ini, metode fenotipik dilakukandengan uji kepekaan antibiotik menggunakan oksasilin dan sefoksitin, sementarametode genotipik dilakukan dengan polymerase chain reaction (PCR) gen nucdan mecA.Gen nuc merupakan penanda genetik S. aureus, sedangkan gen mecAadalah gen yang mengkode penicillin-binding protein 2a (PBP2a). Protein inimemiliki afinitas rendah terhadap antibiotik β-laktam, sehingga menyebabkanresistensi terhadap antibiotik seperti metisilin, oksasilin, dan sefoksitin. Penelitianini bertujuan untuk membandingkan metode fenotipik terhadap metode genotipikyang merupakan baku emas dalam mendeteksi MRSA.Sebanyak 136 isolat S. aureus diikutsertakan dalam penelitian ini.Dilakukan PCR untuk mengamplifikasi gen nuc dan mecA dengan hasil: 37sampel terdeteksi sebagai MRSA (nuc+, mecA+), 96 sampel sebagai methicillinsensitiveStaphylococcus aureus atau MSSA (nuc+, mecA-), and 3 sampel sebagaibukan S. aureus (nuc-). Persentase MRSA yang dideteksi dengan metodegenotipik adalah sebesar 27,8%.Deteksi MRSA dengan metode fenotipik dilakukan dengan uji kepekaanantibiotik menggunakan oksasilin dan sefoksitin. Tidak terdapat perbedaan hasiluji kepekaan antara kedua antibiotik tersebut. Secara keseluruhan, hasil deteksiMRSA dengan metode fenotipik konsisten dengan metode genotipik, dengandideteksinya MRSA sebesar 27,8%. Hal tersebut mengartikan bahwa sensitivitasdan spesifisitas metode fenotipik terhadap metode genotipik adalah sebesar 100%. ABSTRACT Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection has causedsignificant morbidity and mortality burden. Therefore, detecting MRSAaccurately as early as possible is very important. There are two methods used indetecting MRSA, which are phenotypic and genotypic methods. In this study,phenotypic method was done by antibiotic susceptibility test using oxacillin andcefoxitin, while genytopic method was carried out by amplifying nuc and mecAgene with polymerase chain reaction (PCR).Nuc gene is a genetic marker for S. aureus, and mecA gene is responsiblein the coding of penicillin-binding protein 2a (PBP2a). This protein has a lowaffinity to β-lactam antibiotics, thus causing antibiotic resistance to the antibiotics,such as methicillin, oxacillin, and cefoxitin. This study was aimed to comparephenotycipic method to genotypic method as the gold standard, to detect MRSA.There were 136 S. aureus isolates included in this study. PCR to amplifynuc and mecA gene was conducted with the results of the following: 37 samplesdetected as MRSA (nuc+, mecA+), 96 samples as methicillin-sensitiveStaphylococcus aureus or MSSA (nuc+, mecA-), and 3 samples as non-S. aureus(nuc-). The percentage of MRSA detected by genotypic method was 27,8%.The detection of MRSA through the phenotypic method was done byantibiotic susceptibility test using oxacillin and cefoxitin. Susceptibility testbetween these antibiotics showed no difference in result. In general, the result ofphenotypic method was consistent to the results from the genotypic method, bydetecting 27,8% MRSA. Therefore, the sensitivity and specificity of phenotypicmethod compared to the genotypic method were 100%.;Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection has causedsignificant morbidity and mortality burden. Therefore, detecting MRSAaccurately as early as possible is very important. There are two methods used indetecting MRSA, which are phenotypic and genotypic methods. In this study,phenotypic method was done by antibiotic susceptibility test using oxacillin andcefoxitin, while genytopic method was carried out by amplifying nuc and mecAgene with polymerase chain reaction (PCR).Nuc gene is a genetic marker for S. aureus, and mecA gene is responsiblein the coding of penicillin-binding protein 2a (PBP2a). This protein has a lowaffinity to β-lactam antibiotics, thus causing antibiotic resistance to the antibiotics,such as methicillin, oxacillin, and cefoxitin. This study was aimed to comparephenotycipic method to genotypic method as the gold standard, to detect MRSA.There were 136 S. aureus isolates included in this study. PCR to amplifynuc and mecA gene was conducted with the results of the following: 37 samplesdetected as MRSA (nuc+, mecA+), 96 samples as methicillin-sensitiveStaphylococcus aureus or MSSA (nuc+, mecA-), and 3 samples as non-S. aureus(nuc-). The percentage of MRSA detected by genotypic method was 27,8%.The detection of MRSA through the phenotypic method was done byantibiotic susceptibility test using oxacillin and cefoxitin. Susceptibility testbetween these antibiotics showed no difference in result. In general, the result ofphenotypic method was consistent to the results from the genotypic method, bydetecting 27,8% MRSA. Therefore, the sensitivity and specificity of phenotypicmethod compared to the genotypic method were 100%., Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection has causedsignificant morbidity and mortality burden. Therefore, detecting MRSAaccurately as early as possible is very important. There are two methods used indetecting MRSA, which are phenotypic and genotypic methods. In this study,phenotypic method was done by antibiotic susceptibility test using oxacillin andcefoxitin, while genytopic method was carried out by amplifying nuc and mecAgene with polymerase chain reaction (PCR).Nuc gene is a genetic marker for S. aureus, and mecA gene is responsiblein the coding of penicillin-binding protein 2a (PBP2a). This protein has a lowaffinity to β-lactam antibiotics, thus causing antibiotic resistance to the antibiotics,such as methicillin, oxacillin, and cefoxitin. This study was aimed to comparephenotycipic method to genotypic method as the gold standard, to detect MRSA.There were 136 S. aureus isolates included in this study. PCR to amplifynuc and mecA gene was conducted with the results of the following: 37 samplesdetected as MRSA (nuc+, mecA+), 96 samples as methicillin-sensitiveStaphylococcus aureus or MSSA (nuc+, mecA-), and 3 samples as non-S. aureus(nuc-). The percentage of MRSA detected by genotypic method was 27,8%.The detection of MRSA through the phenotypic method was done byantibiotic susceptibility test using oxacillin and cefoxitin. Susceptibility testbetween these antibiotics showed no difference in result. In general, the result ofphenotypic method was consistent to the results from the genotypic method, bydetecting 27,8% MRSA. Therefore, the sensitivity and specificity of phenotypicmethod compared to the genotypic method were 100%.] |