[ABSTRAK Kanker leher rahim merupakan penyakit yang sering terjadi pada wanita, dimana 1.4 juta wanita diseluruh dunia mengalaminya.Di Indonesia insiden kanker leher rahim adalah 12.3/100.000 perempuan.Hasil dari program deteksi dini kanker leher rahim di Kabupaten Karawang dengan metode IVA, mendapatkan kasus kanker leher rahim sebanyak 246 dari tahun 2010. Sedangkan pada tahun 2014 sampai bulan Juni terdapat 56 kasus kanker leher rahim.Tinggi nya kasus kawin cerai (200 kasus/tahun)dan meluasnya tempat-tempat prostitusi di Kabupaten Karawang merupakan faktor risiko terhadap kejadian kanker leherrahim. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan faktor risiko prilaku seks berganti pasangan dengan kejadian kanker leher rahim serta faktorkovariatnya di Kabupaten Karawang. Desain penelitian ini adalah kasus kontrol dengan perbandingan kontrolterhadap kasus 2:1.Data kasus dan kontrol diperoleh dari Puskesmas dan Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Karawang.Informasi mengenai umur, pendidikan, pekerjaan, pendapatan, riwayat keluarga kanker, usia seks pertama, merokok, pengunaankontrasepsi paritas dan pola konsumsi dikumpulkan dengan melakukan wawancara langsung dengan kuesioner.Besarnya risiko prilaku seks berganti pasangan ditentukan dengan odds ratio (OR) dan 95% confidence interval (CI)menggunakan analisis logistic regression. Sebanyak 52 kasus dan 104 kontrol berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini. Hasil analisis bivariate terhadap hubungan prilaku seks berganti pasangan dan kejadian kanker leher rahim, mendapatkannilai p=0.0003, OR=3.57 (CI 95%:1.67-7.6). Sedangkan hasil analisis multivariate mendapatkan nilai p=0.042, OR: 2.68 (CI 95%: 1.03-6.9). Terdapat 5 variabel confounding yaitu umur, pendidikan, riwayat kanker keluarga, merokok aktif dan penggunaan kontrasepsi. Terdapat hubungan signifikan antara prilaku seks berganti berganti pasangan dengan kejadian kanker leher rahim.Wanita yang berprilaku seks berganti pasangan memiliki risiko 2.68 kali untuk terkena kanker leher rahim dibandingkan dengan wanita yang tidak berprilaku seks berganti pasangan. Dinas kesehatan diharapakan memberikan penyuluhan kepada para wanita akan risiko prilaku berganti pasangan seks serta meningkatkan upaya deteksi dini untuk pencegahan ke stadium yang lebih lanjut. ABSTRACT Cervical cancer is commonly occurs in woman. More than 1.4 million of women suffer from this disease.In Indonesia the Incidence Rate of cervical canceris 13/100.000 woman. The result of early detection cervical cancer program with IVA method in Karawang revealed 246 cases from 2010-2013. In 2014 until Junethere are 56 cases. The increasing of divorced rate (200 cases/year)and prostitutions di Karawang District are the risk factor of cervical cancer. The purpose of this research is to know the risk factor of changed sex partner towards cervical cancer in Karawang District.A case control study design was conducted with two controls per case. The source of data identified from public health centre register and confirmed casesfrom hospital register of Karawang during 2014. Information collected on participants using pretested questionnaires, during household interviews includedage, education level, occupation, income, family cervical cancer history, age of first sex, smoking, using hormonal contraception, parity and consumption pattern. We estimated odds ratio (OR) and confidence interval (CI 95%) using multivariate logistic regression.Fifty-two cases and 104 controls were enrolled. The bivariate model of changing sex partner towards cervical cancer showed (OR: 3.57 CI 95%: 1.67-7.6). The multivariate model included age, level education, income, family cervical cancer history, smoking active and passive, parity, age of first time sex,using hormonal contraception, and food contain carcinogen consumption. The odds ratio adjusted (ORadj: 2.68, CI 95%: 1.03-6.9). The variable of age, level ofeducation, family cervical cancer history, active smoking and using hormonalcontraception are the confounders in relation between changing sex partner withcervical cancer. Woman with changing sex partner behaviour were more likely to have cervical cancer 2.68 times compared with women who did not changing sexpartner. District Health office of Karawang should increasing the health campaign of the risk factor of cervical cancer and preventing cervical cancer with earlydetection in public health centre.;Cervical cancer is commonly occurs in woman. More than 1.4 million of women suffer from this disease.In Indonesia the Incidence Rate of cervical canceris 13/100.000 woman. The result of early detection cervical cancer program with IVA method in Karawang revealed 246 cases from 2010-2013. In 2014 until Junethere are 56 cases. The increasing of divorced rate (200 cases/year)and prostitutions di Karawang District are the risk factor of cervical cancer. The purpose of this research is to know the risk factor of changed sex partner towards cervical cancer in Karawang District.A case control study design was conducted with two controls per case. The source of data identified from public health centre register and confirmed casesfrom hospital register of Karawang during 2014. Information collected on participants using pretested questionnaires, during household interviews includedage, education level, occupation, income, family cervical cancer history, age of first sex, smoking, using hormonal contraception, parity and consumption pattern. We estimated odds ratio (OR) and confidence interval (CI 95%) using multivariate logistic regression.Fifty-two cases and 104 controls were enrolled. The bivariate model of changing sex partner towards cervical cancer showed (OR: 3.57 CI 95%: 1.67-7.6). The multivariate model included age, level education, income, family cervical cancer history, smoking active and passive, parity, age of first time sex,using hormonal contraception, and food contain carcinogen consumption. The odds ratio adjusted (ORadj: 2.68, CI 95%: 1.03-6.9). The variable of age, level ofeducation, family cervical cancer history, active smoking and using hormonalcontraception are the confounders in relation between changing sex partner withcervical cancer. Woman with changing sex partner behaviour were more likely to have cervical cancer 2.68 times compared with women who did not changing sexpartner. District Health office of Karawang should increasing the health campaign of the risk factor of cervical cancer and preventing cervical cancer with earlydetection in public health centre., Cervical cancer is commonly occurs in woman. More than 1.4 million of women suffer from this disease.In Indonesia the Incidence Rate of cervical canceris 13/100.000 woman. The result of early detection cervical cancer program with IVA method in Karawang revealed 246 cases from 2010-2013. In 2014 until Junethere are 56 cases. The increasing of divorced rate (200 cases/year)and prostitutions di Karawang District are the risk factor of cervical cancer. The purpose of this research is to know the risk factor of changed sex partner towards cervical cancer in Karawang District.A case control study design was conducted with two controls per case. The source of data identified from public health centre register and confirmed casesfrom hospital register of Karawang during 2014. Information collected on participants using pretested questionnaires, during household interviews includedage, education level, occupation, income, family cervical cancer history, age of first sex, smoking, using hormonal contraception, parity and consumption pattern. We estimated odds ratio (OR) and confidence interval (CI 95%) using multivariate logistic regression.Fifty-two cases and 104 controls were enrolled. The bivariate model of changing sex partner towards cervical cancer showed (OR: 3.57 CI 95%: 1.67-7.6). The multivariate model included age, level education, income, family cervical cancer history, smoking active and passive, parity, age of first time sex,using hormonal contraception, and food contain carcinogen consumption. The odds ratio adjusted (ORadj: 2.68, CI 95%: 1.03-6.9). The variable of age, level ofeducation, family cervical cancer history, active smoking and using hormonalcontraception are the confounders in relation between changing sex partner withcervical cancer. Woman with changing sex partner behaviour were more likely to have cervical cancer 2.68 times compared with women who did not changing sexpartner. District Health office of Karawang should increasing the health campaign of the risk factor of cervical cancer and preventing cervical cancer with earlydetection in public health centre.] |