[ABSTRAK Tesis ini membahas tentang pembentukan identitas orang Hakka Indonesia yangkemudian di representasikan ke dalam tema-tema tata pamer Museum HakkaIndonesia-TMII di Jakarta. Museum adalah sebuah wadah atau lembaga non formalyang bisa dijadikan sebagai sumber atau rujukan untuk mempelajari kekayaan anekaragam kebudayaan suku dan ras yang kita miliki. Museum Hakka Indonesia-TMIIsebagai museum yang mengusung nama sebuah sub dialek Hakka idealnya adalahmuseum yang merepresentasikan identitas komunitas Hakka Indonesia ke dalam setiapbagian dari museum mulai dari gedung beserta isi museum yaitu koleksi, dimanaidentitas tersebut terbentuk berdasarkan sejarah panjang orang Hakka di masa laluhingga sekarang. Dengan pemilihan tema, koleksi, alur cerita (storyline) dan programpublik yang mencerminkan identitas orang Hakka, tesis ini bermaksud menjadikanmuseum Hakka Indonesia mempunyai ciri atau karakteristik sebagai museumkomunitas Hakka. ABSTRACT These Thesis discusses about how Indonesian Hakka identity becoming for representedinto the Hakka Museum at TMII Jakarta. Museum is a place or non formal institutethat can be used as a source or reference to study a variety of ethnic cultural and racesthat we have. As a Museum that carrying the name of sub-dialect, Indonesia HakkaMuseum is ideally to be a Museum that represents Indonesian Hakka communityidentity into part of Museum begin from the building style and content inside theMuseum, when identity form based on long history of the Hakka from the past topresent. By the selection of themes, collection, storylines, public programs that reflectthe Hakka, the Thesis intends to make Indonesia Hakka Museum characterized as acommunity Museum of the Hakka.;These Thesis discusses about how Indonesian Hakka identity becoming for representedinto the Hakka Museum at TMII Jakarta. Museum is a place or non formal institutethat can be used as a source or reference to study a variety of ethnic cultural and racesthat we have. As a Museum that carrying the name of sub-dialect, Indonesia HakkaMuseum is ideally to be a Museum that represents Indonesian Hakka communityidentity into part of Museum begin from the building style and content inside theMuseum, when identity form based on long history of the Hakka from the past topresent. By the selection of themes, collection, storylines, public programs that reflectthe Hakka, the Thesis intends to make Indonesia Hakka Museum characterized as acommunity Museum of the Hakka., These Thesis discusses about how Indonesian Hakka identity becoming for representedinto the Hakka Museum at TMII Jakarta. Museum is a place or non formal institutethat can be used as a source or reference to study a variety of ethnic cultural and racesthat we have. As a Museum that carrying the name of sub-dialect, Indonesia HakkaMuseum is ideally to be a Museum that represents Indonesian Hakka communityidentity into part of Museum begin from the building style and content inside theMuseum, when identity form based on long history of the Hakka from the past topresent. By the selection of themes, collection, storylines, public programs that reflectthe Hakka, the Thesis intends to make Indonesia Hakka Museum characterized as acommunity Museum of the Hakka.] |