[ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara perilakukepemimpinan atasan dan motivasi berprestasi bawahan pada tenaga kerja di bidang pemasaran pada bank XYZ divisi Kredit Mikro di area Cilegon.Berdasarkan informasi yang diperoleh dalam wawancara, diketahui bahwa motivasi berprestasi para tenaga kerja di bidang pemasaran masih perlu ditingkatkan dan kepemimpinan dari atasan diduga berpengaruh terhadap motivasi berprestasi. Untuk mengetahui apakah dugaan tersebut benar, maka peneliti melakukan pengujian statistik melalui uji korelasi antara perilaku kepemimpinan dengan motivasi berprestasi. Alat ukur kepemimpinan yang digunakan adalahLeadership Practices Inventory (LPI) yang telah diuji coba dengan koefisien reliabilitas 0,98 dan validitas seluruh item diatas 0,2. Sementara alat ukur Motivasi Berprestasi Sales (MBS) memiliki koefisien reliabilitas 0,976 dan kelesuruhan item memiliki validitas diatas 0,2. Hasil yang ada menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara perilaku kepemimpinan dengan motivasi berprestasi dengan korelasi sebesar 0.000 dengan l.o.s 0.05. Diketahui lebih lanjut dimensi perilaku kepemimpinan enabling others to act menjadi pengaruh paling besar dengan korelasi 0.000 dengan l.o.s 0.05.Oleh karena itu, peneliti merancang intervensi untuk meningkatkan kemampuan enabling others to act untuk para atasan dari tenaga kerja pemasaran tersebut.Hasil perhitungan uji signifikansi pada evaluasi level pengetahuan menunjukkan nilai t -15,811 dengan signifikansi 0,000 yang berarti terdapat perbedaan signifikan antara pre-test dan post-test. Hal ini juga memperlihatkan peningkatan pengetahuan. Diharapkan intervensi ini dapat meningkatkan kemampuan atasan agar dapat memacu motivasi berprestasi para tenaga kerja pemasaran di Bank XYZ divisi Kredit Mikro area Cilegon. ABSTRACT This study was conducted to find out relationship between leadershipbehavior and subordinate need for achievement as sales in XYZ bank Micro Credit Division in Cilegon Area. Based on initial data that were obtained from interviews, researcher found that subordinate need for achievement still need to improve and leadership behavior are assumed to affect need for achievement. To know wether that presumption is correct or not, the researcher conducted a statistical calculation through correlation test between leadership and need for achievement. Leadership instrument that used in this research is leadership Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI), which has been tested with a reliability coefficient of 0.98 and validity of all items above 0.2. While Sales Achievement Motivation measuring instrument has a reliability coefficient of 0.976 and validity of all items also above 0.2. The results showed that there is a significant and positive correlation between leadership and need for achievement in correlation 0.000 with l.o.s 0.05. Futher result, the most significant impact of the leadershipchallenge dimention is the?enabling others to act? dimention in correlation 0.000.with l.o.s 0.05. Therefore, the intervention in this study was designed to increase sales Leader?s enabling others to act skill. The result of test calculation shows that there is a significantly differences between pre-test and post-test on intervention knowledge with t score -15,811 and significantcy 0,000. Accordingly, this intervention is expected to improve leader?s skill taht impact subordinate?s need for motivation in XYZ Bank Micro Credit Division in Cilegon Area.;This study was conducted to find out relationship between leadershipbehavior and subordinate need for achievement as sales in XYZ bank Micro Credit Division in Cilegon Area. Based on initial data that were obtained from interviews, researcher found that subordinate need for achievement still need to improve and leadership behavior are assumed to affect need for achievement. To know wether that presumption is correct or not, the researcher conducted a statistical calculation through correlation test between leadership and need for achievement. Leadership instrument that used in this research is leadership Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI), which has been tested with a reliability coefficient of 0.98 and validity of all items above 0.2. While Sales Achievement Motivation measuring instrument has a reliability coefficient of 0.976 and validity of all items also above 0.2. The results showed that there is a significant and positive correlation between leadership and need for achievement in correlation 0.000 with l.o.s 0.05. Futher result, the most significant impact of the leadershipchallenge dimention is the”enabling others to act” dimention in correlation 0.000.with l.o.s 0.05. Therefore, the intervention in this study was designed to increase sales Leader’s enabling others to act skill. The result of test calculation shows that there is a significantly differences between pre-test and post-test on intervention knowledge with t score -15,811 and significantcy 0,000. Accordingly, this intervention is expected to improve leader’s skill taht impact subordinate’s need for motivation in XYZ Bank Micro Credit Division in Cilegon Area., This study was conducted to find out relationship between leadershipbehavior and subordinate need for achievement as sales in XYZ bank Micro Credit Division in Cilegon Area. Based on initial data that were obtained from interviews, researcher found that subordinate need for achievement still need to improve and leadership behavior are assumed to affect need for achievement. To know wether that presumption is correct or not, the researcher conducted a statistical calculation through correlation test between leadership and need for achievement. Leadership instrument that used in this research is leadership Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI), which has been tested with a reliability coefficient of 0.98 and validity of all items above 0.2. While Sales Achievement Motivation measuring instrument has a reliability coefficient of 0.976 and validity of all items also above 0.2. The results showed that there is a significant and positive correlation between leadership and need for achievement in correlation 0.000 with l.o.s 0.05. Futher result, the most significant impact of the leadershipchallenge dimention is the”enabling others to act” dimention in correlation 0.000.with l.o.s 0.05. Therefore, the intervention in this study was designed to increase sales Leader’s enabling others to act skill. The result of test calculation shows that there is a significantly differences between pre-test and post-test on intervention knowledge with t score -15,811 and significantcy 0,000. Accordingly, this intervention is expected to improve leader’s skill taht impact subordinate’s need for motivation in XYZ Bank Micro Credit Division in Cilegon Area.] |