[ABSTRAK Tesis ini merupakan penelitian evaluasi terhadap program bantuan pendidikan kecakapan hidup (PKH) pada lembaga kursus dan pelatihan di Kota Jakarta Selatan Tahun 2012. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengukur indikator outcome dan menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi outcome berdasarkan aspek input danprocess. Analisis dilakukan dengan cara melakukan tabel silang, Chi Square, dan Tau Kendall. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa indikator pencapaian outcome sudahtercapai. Faktor-faktor proses yang menunjang tercapainya outcome diantaranya pemberian materi, penguasaan materi pelatihan oleh para pendidik, komunikasi yang baik antara peserta didik dan pendidik, kemampuan pendidik dalam memotivasi para peserta didik, sarana dan prasarana, pelayanan administrasi oleh LKP, antusias peserta didik, penempatan kerja, kesesuaian pekerjaan dengan keterampilan yang dipelajari, pengawasan dan pendampingan oleh lembaga. Sedangkan faktor input yang mempengaruhi outcome adalah peserta didik yang meliputi jenis kelamin, usia, pelatihan kursus di luar program bantuan PKH. ABSTRACT This thesis is a study evaluation PKH blockgrant for training institution in South Jakarta during 2012. The goal is to measure outcome indicators and analyze the factors that influence the achievement of outcome based on aspect of the input and process. The analysis was done by means of univariate and bivariate with cross table, Chi Square, and Kendall Tau. The result showed taht the outcome indicators has been achieved. Factorsthe influence the outcome of process aspect is facilities and infrastructure, adminiustrative service, enthusiastic . Input factors affecting outcome that is gender, age, education background, and other life skills respondent.;This thesis is a study evaluation PKH blockgrant for training institution in South Jakarta during 2012. The goal is to measure outcome indicators and analyze the factors that influence the achievement of outcome based on aspect of the input and process. The analysis was done by means of univariate and bivariate with cross table, Chi Square, and Kendall Tau. The result showed taht the outcome indicators has been achieved. Factorsthe influence the outcome of process aspect is facilities and infrastructure, adminiustrative service, enthusiastic . Input factors affecting outcome that is gender, age, education background, and other life skills respondent., This thesis is a study evaluation PKH blockgrant for training institution in South Jakarta during 2012. The goal is to measure outcome indicators and analyze the factors that influence the achievement of outcome based on aspect of the input and process. The analysis was done by means of univariate and bivariate with cross table, Chi Square, and Kendall Tau. The result showed taht the outcome indicators has been achieved. Factorsthe influence the outcome of process aspect is facilities and infrastructure, adminiustrative service, enthusiastic . Input factors affecting outcome that is gender, age, education background, and other life skills respondent.] |