[ABSTRAK Pada masa sekarang ini, lingkungan bisnis sangat kompetitif, sehingga indikator keuangan sajatidak cukup untuk di jadikan alat ukur kinerja sebuah organisasi. Balanced Scorecard diperlukanuntuk mengukur kinerja sebuah organisasi, sebab Balanced Scorecard melihat tidak hanya dariPerspektif Keuangan, akan tetapi dilihat juga dari tiga perspektif lainnya, yaitu PerspektifPelanggan, Perspektif Bisnis Internal dan Perspektif Pembelajaran dan Pertumbuhan.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa strategi bisnis PT. XYZ saat ini,mempelajari pengukuran kinerja PT. XYZ saat ini, membuat Balanced Scorecard untuk PT.XYZ dan memberi masukan KPI yang sebaiknya di gunakan oleh PT. XYZ untuk mengukurkinerja perusahaannya.Data yang di gunakan di dapat dari Laporan Keuangan PT. XYZ, Company Profiles, AnalisaBisnis PT. XYZ, diskusi dengan pelanggan PT. XYZ serta manajemen dan karyawan PT. XYZ.Data juga di dapat dari observasi proses bisnis PT. XYZ dan observasi penulis selama 7 tahunbekerja di PT. ABC, cikal bakal dari PT. XYZ yang juga merupakan sister company PT. XYZyang sama-sama berpusat di Halim Airport.PT. XYZ saat ini masih menggunakan indikator keuangan sebagai satu-satunya alat ukur, akantetapi mereka terbuka untuk masukan, bila mereka pikir baik untuk perusahaan. ABSTRACT In nowadays-competitive business environment, traditional performance valuation, which isfinancial indicator, is not enough as the only measurement to measure an organization?sperformance. A Balanced Scorecard is needed as an organization?s performance valuation,because Balanced Scorecard oversees not only from financial perspectives, but also from threeother perspectives, which are customer, internal business process and learning and growth.This research objective is to analyze PT. XYZ?s current business strategy, observing currentperformance measurement used by PT. XYZ, design of a Balanced Scorecard for PT. XYZ andsuggesting KPI to be used by PT. XYZ to measure its performance.The data were collected from PT. XYZ?s financial report, company profiles, through discussionwith PT. XYZ?s customers and management as well as the staffs. Data were also gained throughobservation of PT. XYZ?s business processes and writer?s observation while working for 7 yearsat PT. ABC, previously also known as PT. XYZ before they split become 2 companies andbecome a sister company.The result is that PT. XYZ currently still using financial valuation as the only measurement, butthey are open to suggestions. Because they are determine to grow bigger, and they are willing totake inputs and feedback if they think it?s best for the company.;In nowadays-competitive business environment, traditional performance valuation, which isfinancial indicator, is not enough as the only measurement to measure an organization’sperformance. A Balanced Scorecard is needed as an organization’s performance valuation,because Balanced Scorecard oversees not only from financial perspectives, but also from threeother perspectives, which are customer, internal business process and learning and growth.This research objective is to analyze PT. XYZ’s current business strategy, observing currentperformance measurement used by PT. XYZ, design of a Balanced Scorecard for PT. XYZ andsuggesting KPI to be used by PT. XYZ to measure its performance.The data were collected from PT. XYZ’s financial report, company profiles, through discussionwith PT. XYZ’s customers and management as well as the staffs. Data were also gained throughobservation of PT. XYZ’s business processes and writer’s observation while working for 7 yearsat PT. ABC, previously also known as PT. XYZ before they split become 2 companies andbecome a sister company.The result is that PT. XYZ currently still using financial valuation as the only measurement, butthey are open to suggestions. Because they are determine to grow bigger, and they are willing totake inputs and feedback if they think it’s best for the company., In nowadays-competitive business environment, traditional performance valuation, which isfinancial indicator, is not enough as the only measurement to measure an organization’sperformance. A Balanced Scorecard is needed as an organization’s performance valuation,because Balanced Scorecard oversees not only from financial perspectives, but also from threeother perspectives, which are customer, internal business process and learning and growth.This research objective is to analyze PT. XYZ’s current business strategy, observing currentperformance measurement used by PT. XYZ, design of a Balanced Scorecard for PT. XYZ andsuggesting KPI to be used by PT. XYZ to measure its performance.The data were collected from PT. XYZ’s financial report, company profiles, through discussionwith PT. XYZ’s customers and management as well as the staffs. Data were also gained throughobservation of PT. XYZ’s business processes and writer’s observation while working for 7 yearsat PT. ABC, previously also known as PT. XYZ before they split become 2 companies andbecome a sister company.The result is that PT. XYZ currently still using financial valuation as the only measurement, butthey are open to suggestions. Because they are determine to grow bigger, and they are willing totake inputs and feedback if they think it’s best for the company.] |