[ABSTRAK Gangguan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan bayi umumnya merupakan hasil dari rendahnya kualitas kehamilan ibu, termasuk dari asupan gizi, baik dari makanan maupun dari suplemen. Untuk itu, penelitian ini dilakukan guna mengetahui hubungan antara konsumsi suplemen zat gizi mikro ibu selama hamil dan menyusui serta faktor lainnya terhadap tingkat pertumbuhan dan perkembangan bayi (3-6 Bulan), terutama di wilayah Kecamatan Tanjung Priok, Jakarta Utara. Data konsumsi suplemen serta karakteristik ibu lainnya seperti pendidikan, pekerjaan, dan pendapatan, ibu, pengetahuan gizi, jumlah kelahiran, dan kondisi BBLR diperoleh melalui wawancara. Di sisi lain, data asupan makanan ibu serta asupan makanan bayi (ASI eksklusif) saat ini diambil dengan metode food recall, sedangkan status gizi ibu sejak hamil serta pertumbuhan bayi diperoleh dengan pengukuran antropometri. Kriteria perkembangan bayi diperoleh melalui aspekaspek perkembangan penyesuaian dari kartu menuju sehat (KMS) dan buku kesehatan ibu dan anak (KIA). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa konsumsisuplemen zat gizi mikro selama hamil berhubungan secara signifikan terhadap tumbuh kembang bayi (nilai p=0,05). Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa ibu yang tidak memperhatikan asupan makanannya, termasuk konsumsi suplemennya sejakhamil, memiliki risiko yang lebih besar mendapatkan bayi dengan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan yang tidak optimal. ABSTRACT Baby?s growth and development retardation is one of the outcomes of less quality pregnancy, included due to less nutritional intake both from food and supplement. According to the concept, this research was conducted to find the association between the micronutrient supplement consumption during pregnancy and breastfeeding as well as other relating factors with baby?s growth and development, specifically in Sub-district of Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta. Data formother?s supplement consumption and other characteristics such as education, occupation, wages, knowledge about nutrition, number of parity, low-birth weight case were collected through interview by questionnaire. On the other hand, data for recent mother?s nutritional intake and exclusive breastfeeding were collected through food recall, while data for mother?s nutritional status and baby?s growth were measured through anthropometry measurement. The criteria of baby?sdevelopment was scored through the milestones set by KMS (Kartu MenujuSehat) and book of KIA (Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak) widely used by communityhealth centers in Jakarta. The results showed that maternal micronutrient supplement consumption was associated significantly to baby?s growth and development (p value=0,05). In other words, this finding showed that if one mother didn?t concern for her food, especially micronutrient supplement during pregnancy, she would have higher risk to give birth to baby with delayed physical growth and development.;Baby’s growth and development retardation is one of the outcomes of less quality pregnancy, included due to less nutritional intake both from food and supplement. According to the concept, this research was conducted to find the association between the micronutrient supplement consumption during pregnancy and breastfeeding as well as other relating factors with baby’s growth and development, specifically in Sub-district of Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta. Data formother’s supplement consumption and other characteristics such as education, occupation, wages, knowledge about nutrition, number of parity, low-birth weight case were collected through interview by questionnaire. On the other hand, data for recent mother’s nutritional intake and exclusive breastfeeding were collected through food recall, while data for mother’s nutritional status and baby’s growth were measured through anthropometry measurement. The criteria of baby’sdevelopment was scored through the milestones set by KMS (Kartu MenujuSehat) and book of KIA (Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak) widely used by communityhealth centers in Jakarta. The results showed that maternal micronutrient supplement consumption was associated significantly to baby’s growth and development (p value=0,05). In other words, this finding showed that if one mother didn’t concern for her food, especially micronutrient supplement during pregnancy, she would have higher risk to give birth to baby with delayed physical growth and development., Baby’s growth and development retardation is one of the outcomes of less quality pregnancy, included due to less nutritional intake both from food and supplement. According to the concept, this research was conducted to find the association between the micronutrient supplement consumption during pregnancy and breastfeeding as well as other relating factors with baby’s growth and development, specifically in Sub-district of Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta. Data formother’s supplement consumption and other characteristics such as education, occupation, wages, knowledge about nutrition, number of parity, low-birth weight case were collected through interview by questionnaire. On the other hand, data for recent mother’s nutritional intake and exclusive breastfeeding were collected through food recall, while data for mother’s nutritional status and baby’s growth were measured through anthropometry measurement. The criteria of baby’sdevelopment was scored through the milestones set by KMS (Kartu MenujuSehat) and book of KIA (Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak) widely used by communityhealth centers in Jakarta. The results showed that maternal micronutrient supplement consumption was associated significantly to baby’s growth and development (p value=0,05). In other words, this finding showed that if one mother didn’t concern for her food, especially micronutrient supplement during pregnancy, she would have higher risk to give birth to baby with delayed physical growth and development.] |