[ABSTRAK Proses globalisasi maupun regionalisasi memperkuat peran aktor-aktor yang secaratradisional tidak lazim dianggap sebagai aktor internasional. Termasuk di antaraaktor-aktor ini adalah pemerintah lokal. Aktivitas pemerintah lokal dalammelakukan hubungan luar negeri disebut paradiplomasi, yang salah satu bentuknyaadalah relasi kota kembar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif studi kasusterhadap relasi kota kembar Jakarta-Beijing, berkenaan dengan kesulitannya untukmendukung program-program yang memiliki dampak strategis terhadapmasyarakat Jakarta. Tujuannya adalah untuk mengungkap faktor-faktor yangmenyebabkan kesulitan tersebut. Metode process tracing dipergunakan di dalampelaksanaannya, sehingga keterkaitan antar faktor dapat dilihat dengan jelas. Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan dan praktek paradiplomasi di Indonesiaterlalu bebas dan tidak diarahkan untuk mendukung hubungan luar negeri di tingkatpemerintah pusat. Masalah birokrasi juga membuat Jakarta menghadapi kesulitanmenetapkan visi dalam melaksanakan paradiplomasi, dan partisipasi masyarakatsulit diharapkan karena apatisme serta diskriminasi historis terhadap kalanganTionghoa-Indonesia. Selain itu, paradiplomasi pemerintah lokal di Republik RakyatTiongkok sudah lebih terarah dan lebih terpadu dengan kebijakan hubungan luarnegeri Tiongkok; pelaksanaannya bahkan memanfaatkan jaringan kontak denganpengusaha overseas chinese di Indonesia. Hal ini menimbulkan resiko bagi Jakarta,yang menyebabkannya cenderung menuruti program rutin dibanding mencobamengembangkan program strategis. Sehubungan dengan itu, pemerintah pusatperlu mengembangkan kebijakan hubungan luar negeri yang mengoptimalkan danmengarahkan kebijakan serta praktek paradiplomasi pemerintah lokal untukmendukung hubungan luar negeri di tingkat negara. Di lain pihak, pemerintah lokalperlu membuat visi, menggariskan sasaran-sasaran yang jelas, serta merangkulkalangan masyarakat serta pengusaha dalam melaksanakan relasi kota kembar.; ABSTRACT The process of globalization and regionalization strengthen the role of actors whichare not traditionally considered as international actors. Among these actors are thelocal governments. The efforts of local governments in conducting foreign relationsis termed paradiplomacy, and one of its forms is the sister city relations. Thisresearch is a qualitative case study of the Jakarta-Beijing sister city relations,regarding its difficulty to support programs with strategic impacts on the people ofJakarta. The goal is to uncover the factors which causes the problems. Thisresearch implements process tracing, so that the linkages between factors can beseen clearly. Results showed that Indonesian paradiplomatic policies and practiceslend too much liberty to the local governments, and were not specially set to supportthe country?s foreign relations. Bureaucratic problems also contribute to Jakarta?sdifficulties in implementing its own vision for conducting paradiplomacy.Community participation can hardly be expected due to apathy and the historicaldiscrimination against Chinese-Indonesians. Furthermore, local governments inthe People?s Republic of China have implemented paradiplomatic policies andpractices which are focused and integrated with the conducting of Chinese foreignrelations; their implementations even utilize the network of contacts with overseasChinese business persons in Indonesia. This poses a risk to Jakarta, whichultimately tends to follow regular programs rather than trying to develop astrategic program. Accordingly, the central government needs to develop foreignrelations policies which optimize and guide the paradiplomatic policies andpractices of the local government for the country?s foreign relations. On the otherhand, local governments need to create a vision, outlines clear goals, and embracethe community as well as the private sector in carrying out a successful sister cityrelationship.;The process of globalization and regionalization strengthen the role of actors whichare not traditionally considered as international actors. Among these actors are thelocal governments. The efforts of local governments in conducting foreign relationsis termed paradiplomacy, and one of its forms is the sister city relations. Thisresearch is a qualitative case study of the Jakarta-Beijing sister city relations,regarding its difficulty to support programs with strategic impacts on the people ofJakarta. The goal is to uncover the factors which causes the problems. Thisresearch implements process tracing, so that the linkages between factors can beseen clearly. Results showed that Indonesian paradiplomatic policies and practiceslend too much liberty to the local governments, and were not specially set to supportthe country’s foreign relations. Bureaucratic problems also contribute to Jakarta’sdifficulties in implementing its own vision for conducting paradiplomacy.Community participation can hardly be expected due to apathy and the historicaldiscrimination against Chinese-Indonesians. Furthermore, local governments inthe People’s Republic of China have implemented paradiplomatic policies andpractices which are focused and integrated with the conducting of Chinese foreignrelations; their implementations even utilize the network of contacts with overseasChinese business persons in Indonesia. This poses a risk to Jakarta, whichultimately tends to follow regular programs rather than trying to develop astrategic program. Accordingly, the central government needs to develop foreignrelations policies which optimize and guide the paradiplomatic policies andpractices of the local government for the country’s foreign relations. On the otherhand, local governments need to create a vision, outlines clear goals, and embracethe community as well as the private sector in carrying out a successful sister cityrelationship., The process of globalization and regionalization strengthen the role of actors whichare not traditionally considered as international actors. Among these actors are thelocal governments. The efforts of local governments in conducting foreign relationsis termed paradiplomacy, and one of its forms is the sister city relations. Thisresearch is a qualitative case study of the Jakarta-Beijing sister city relations,regarding its difficulty to support programs with strategic impacts on the people ofJakarta. The goal is to uncover the factors which causes the problems. Thisresearch implements process tracing, so that the linkages between factors can beseen clearly. Results showed that Indonesian paradiplomatic policies and practiceslend too much liberty to the local governments, and were not specially set to supportthe country’s foreign relations. Bureaucratic problems also contribute to Jakarta’sdifficulties in implementing its own vision for conducting paradiplomacy.Community participation can hardly be expected due to apathy and the historicaldiscrimination against Chinese-Indonesians. Furthermore, local governments inthe People’s Republic of China have implemented paradiplomatic policies andpractices which are focused and integrated with the conducting of Chinese foreignrelations; their implementations even utilize the network of contacts with overseasChinese business persons in Indonesia. This poses a risk to Jakarta, whichultimately tends to follow regular programs rather than trying to develop astrategic program. Accordingly, the central government needs to develop foreignrelations policies which optimize and guide the paradiplomatic policies andpractices of the local government for the country’s foreign relations. On the otherhand, local governments need to create a vision, outlines clear goals, and embracethe community as well as the private sector in carrying out a successful sister cityrelationship.] |