[ABSTRAK Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan sebagai organisasi pelayanan publik telah mendapatkansertifikasi ISO 9001:2008. Kemudian dirasakan bahwa ISO 9001:2008 lebih menitikberatkanpembuktian kepatuhan terhadap standar dan belum mengakomodasi kebutuhan Badan POM akanpemenuhan ekspektasi pelanggan serta peningkatan kinerja organisasi secara berkelanjutan. Olehkarenanya penerapan TQM, konsep manajemen kualitas yang lebih luas penting untukdikembangkan. Meskipun disadari penerapannya di sektor publik memerlukan adaptasi danmodifikasi. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui faktor-faktor yang menjadi hambatan dalamimplementasi TQM sebagai pengembangan dari penerapan ISO 9001:2008 sertamempertimbangkan strategy improvement yang dapat dilakukan. Penelitian mereplikasi modelyang dikembangkan Ngai dan Cheng (1995), menggunakan kuesioner dengan bentuk pertanyaantertutup dengan jawaban skala likert lima poin. Responden ditentukan dengan menggunakanteknik purposive sampling. Data dari 266 responden kemudian dilakukan uji reliabilitas, ujivaliditas, uji korelasi, dan uji regresi berganda dengan menggunakan bantuan software SPSS versi14. Penelitian mendapatkan hasil faktor hambatan dengan koefisien regresi infrastruktur -0,401,manajerial -0,338, dan organisasional -0,229 bersama-sama mempengaruhi penerapan TQMdengan koefisien korelasi majemuk sebesar 0,708 dengan R square senilai 0,501. Kenaikan nilaifaktor hambatan akan diikuti penurunan nilai penerapan TQM. Sehingga model penelitian iniberhasil mengidentifikasi faktor penghambat penerapan TQM di Badan POM; ABSTRACT The National Agency for Drug and Food Control (NADFC) as a public service organizations haveobtained ISO 9001:2008 certification. And then felt that ISO 9001:2008 emphasizes adherence toproof of compliance with standards and not yet accommodate the needs to fulfillment of customerexpectations and sustainable organizational performance improvement. Therefore theimplementation of TQM, the concept of a broader quality management essential to develop.Although it was realized that the implementation in the public sector require adaptation andmodification. The study aims to understand what factors that become barriers on implementing theconcept of TQM and consider the improvement strategy to do. Research replicate the modeldeveloped by Ngai and Cheng (1995), using a questionnaire with closed-form questions withanswers five-point Likert scale. Respondents determined using purposive sampling technique.Data from 266 respondents were then conducted a reliability test, validity test, correlation test,linearity test, and regression test using SPSS statistical software version 14. Obtain researchresults the infrastructure, managerial, and organizational barrier factors jointly affect theimplementation of TQM with correlation coefficient of 0.708 with a compound R square of 0.501.Infrastruktur coefficiean regression -0,401, managerial -0,338, and organisational -0,229. Theincrease in the value of barriers factor would be followed by decrease in the value of theimplementation of TQM. So that the model is able to identify barriers factor the implementation ofTQM in the NADFC;The National Agency for Drug and Food Control (NADFC) as a public service organizations haveobtained ISO 9001:2008 certification. And then felt that ISO 9001:2008 emphasizes adherence toproof of compliance with standards and not yet accommodate the needs to fulfillment of customerexpectations and sustainable organizational performance improvement. Therefore theimplementation of TQM, the concept of a broader quality management essential to develop.Although it was realized that the implementation in the public sector require adaptation andmodification. The study aims to understand what factors that become barriers on implementing theconcept of TQM and consider the improvement strategy to do. Research replicate the modeldeveloped by Ngai and Cheng (1995), using a questionnaire with closed-form questions withanswers five-point Likert scale. Respondents determined using purposive sampling technique.Data from 266 respondents were then conducted a reliability test, validity test, correlation test,linearity test, and regression test using SPSS statistical software version 14. Obtain researchresults the infrastructure, managerial, and organizational barrier factors jointly affect theimplementation of TQM with correlation coefficient of 0.708 with a compound R square of 0.501.Infrastruktur coefficiean regression -0,401, managerial -0,338, and organisational -0,229. Theincrease in the value of barriers factor would be followed by decrease in the value of theimplementation of TQM. So that the model is able to identify barriers factor the implementation ofTQM in the NADFC;The National Agency for Drug and Food Control (NADFC) as a public service organizations haveobtained ISO 9001:2008 certification. And then felt that ISO 9001:2008 emphasizes adherence toproof of compliance with standards and not yet accommodate the needs to fulfillment of customerexpectations and sustainable organizational performance improvement. Therefore theimplementation of TQM, the concept of a broader quality management essential to develop.Although it was realized that the implementation in the public sector require adaptation andmodification. The study aims to understand what factors that become barriers on implementing theconcept of TQM and consider the improvement strategy to do. Research replicate the modeldeveloped by Ngai and Cheng (1995), using a questionnaire with closed-form questions withanswers five-point Likert scale. Respondents determined using purposive sampling technique.Data from 266 respondents were then conducted a reliability test, validity test, correlation test,linearity test, and regression test using SPSS statistical software version 14. Obtain researchresults the infrastructure, managerial, and organizational barrier factors jointly affect theimplementation of TQM with correlation coefficient of 0.708 with a compound R square of 0.501.Infrastruktur coefficiean regression -0,401, managerial -0,338, and organisational -0,229. Theincrease in the value of barriers factor would be followed by decrease in the value of theimplementation of TQM. So that the model is able to identify barriers factor the implementation ofTQM in the NADFC, The National Agency for Drug and Food Control (NADFC) as a public service organizations haveobtained ISO 9001:2008 certification. And then felt that ISO 9001:2008 emphasizes adherence toproof of compliance with standards and not yet accommodate the needs to fulfillment of customerexpectations and sustainable organizational performance improvement. Therefore theimplementation of TQM, the concept of a broader quality management essential to develop.Although it was realized that the implementation in the public sector require adaptation andmodification. The study aims to understand what factors that become barriers on implementing theconcept of TQM and consider the improvement strategy to do. Research replicate the modeldeveloped by Ngai and Cheng (1995), using a questionnaire with closed-form questions withanswers five-point Likert scale. Respondents determined using purposive sampling technique.Data from 266 respondents were then conducted a reliability test, validity test, correlation test,linearity test, and regression test using SPSS statistical software version 14. Obtain researchresults the infrastructure, managerial, and organizational barrier factors jointly affect theimplementation of TQM with correlation coefficient of 0.708 with a compound R square of 0.501.Infrastruktur coefficiean regression -0,401, managerial -0,338, and organisational -0,229. Theincrease in the value of barriers factor would be followed by decrease in the value of theimplementation of TQM. So that the model is able to identify barriers factor the implementation ofTQM in the NADFC] |