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Kajian eksperimental pengaruh gradien medan magnet terhadap laju perubahan panjang nyala api dan jarak lifted flame difusi bahan bakar LPG = Experimental study of magnetic field gradient effect to rate of change in the flame length and the lifted flame distance on diffusion of LPG fuel

Mokhamad Is Subekti; I Made Kartika Dhiputra, supervisor; Yulianto Sulistyo Nugroho, examiner; Adi Surjosatyo, examiner; Muhammad Agung Santoso, examiner ([Publisher not identified] , 2014)


Pengaruh gradien medan magnet pada flame difusi pembakaran LPG
udara telah dipelajari secara sistematis interaksinya. Medan magnetik yang tidak seragam dihasilkan pada gap udara dari pembangkit medan magnet, LPG dan udara divariasikan kecepatan aliranya kemudian dikenai medan magnet tak seragam. Pengaruh kondisi operasi pada parameter penting dari flame difusi seperti struktur nyala, panjang nyala, temperatur dan jarak nyala terangkat didalam flame telah dipelajari dengan kondisi percobaan ini menggunakan pembangkit medan magnet sebesar 0,24T dan gradien medan magnet 22.9T/m.
Jarak nyala terangkat dan panjang nyala memendek dengan dikenakanya penurunan gradien medan magnet vertikal (gradien medan magnet negatif),juga temperatur di daerah nyala mengalami peningkatandengan kenaikan temperatur sebesar 48.90C untuk laju alir LPG 55cc/min. Sebaliknyajika dikenai gradien medan magnet positif keduanya akan memanjang dan temperatur akan turun dengan penurunan temperatur sebesar 174.7 0C untuk laju alir LPG 45 cc/min.
Laju perubahan panjang nyala dan jarak nyala terangkat terhadap perbedaan kuat medan magnetmenghasilkan nilai negatif dengan kehadiran gradien medan magnet negatif dan nilai positif untuk gradien medan magnet positif. Sedangkan luas nyala tidak berubah untuk semua kondisi gradient medan magnet;

The effect of a gradient magnetic field on a diffusion flame LPG/air combustion
has been systematically studied to comprehend their interaction. A non-uniform
magnetic field was produced in the air gap of an magnet field generator and the
LPG/air flame corresponding to various LPG and air flow velocities was
subjected to the non-uniform field. The influence of the operating conditions on
the fundamental parameter of the diffusion flame, such as the flame structure,
flame length , temperature and the lifted flame distance in these flames have been
thoroughly studied with conditions this experimentation used magnetic field
generator 0,24 T dan magnetic field gradient 22.9 T/m. The lifted flame and the
flame length decreased with the application of the vertically decreasing magnetic
fieldgradient (negatif magnetic field gradient) , also the temperatures within the
flame increasedwith an increase temperatures 48.90C for the flow velocity of 55
cc/min . Viceversa it would lengthen if subjected positif magnetic field gradient
and an temperatures within the flame decreased with an decrease
temperatures174.7 0C for the flow velocity of 45 cc/min.The rate of change of
length flame and lifted flame distance to the change of magnetic field intensityto
result in negatif value in the presence of the negatif magnetic field gradient and
positif value if the application positif magnetic field gradient.Whereas, the flame
area is not change for the all conditions magnetic field gradient;The effect of a gradient magnetic field on a diffusion flame LPG/air combustion
has been systematically studied to comprehend their interaction. A non-uniform
magnetic field was produced in the air gap of an magnet field generator and the
LPG/air flame corresponding to various LPG and air flow velocities was
subjected to the non-uniform field. The influence of the operating conditions on
the fundamental parameter of the diffusion flame, such as the flame structure,
flame length , temperature and the lifted flame distance in these flames have been
thoroughly studied with conditions this experimentation used magnetic field
generator 0,24 T dan magnetic field gradient 22.9 T/m. The lifted flame and the
flame length decreased with the application of the vertically decreasing magnetic
fieldgradient (negatif magnetic field gradient) , also the temperatures within the
flame increasedwith an increase temperatures 48.90C for the flow velocity of 55
cc/min . Viceversa it would lengthen if subjected positif magnetic field gradient
and an temperatures within the flame decreased with an decrease
temperatures174.7 0C for the flow velocity of 45 cc/min.The rate of change of
length flame and lifted flame distance to the change of magnetic field intensityto
result in negatif value in the presence of the negatif magnetic field gradient and
positif value if the application positif magnetic field gradient.Whereas, the flame
area is not change for the all conditions magnetic field gradient;The effect of a gradient magnetic field on a diffusion flame LPG/air combustion
has been systematically studied to comprehend their interaction. A non-uniform
magnetic field was produced in the air gap of an magnet field generator and the
LPG/air flame corresponding to various LPG and air flow velocities was
subjected to the non-uniform field. The influence of the operating conditions on
the fundamental parameter of the diffusion flame, such as the flame structure,
flame length , temperature and the lifted flame distance in these flames have been
thoroughly studied with conditions this experimentation used magnetic field
generator 0,24 T dan magnetic field gradient 22.9 T/m. The lifted flame and the
flame length decreased with the application of the vertically decreasing magnetic
fieldgradient (negatif magnetic field gradient) , also the temperatures within the
flame increasedwith an increase temperatures 48.90C for the flow velocity of 55
cc/min . Viceversa it would lengthen if subjected positif magnetic field gradient
and an temperatures within the flame decreased with an decrease
temperatures174.7 0C for the flow velocity of 45 cc/min.The rate of change of
length flame and lifted flame distance to the change of magnetic field intensityto
result in negatif value in the presence of the negatif magnetic field gradient and
positif value if the application positif magnetic field gradient.Whereas, the flame
area is not change for the all conditions magnetic field gradient;The effect of a gradient magnetic field on a diffusion flame LPG/air combustion
has been systematically studied to comprehend their interaction. A non-uniform
magnetic field was produced in the air gap of an magnet field generator and the
LPG/air flame corresponding to various LPG and air flow velocities was
subjected to the non-uniform field. The influence of the operating conditions on
the fundamental parameter of the diffusion flame, such as the flame structure,
flame length , temperature and the lifted flame distance in these flames have been
thoroughly studied with conditions this experimentation used magnetic field
generator 0,24 T dan magnetic field gradient 22.9 T/m. The lifted flame and the
flame length decreased with the application of the vertically decreasing magnetic
fieldgradient (negatif magnetic field gradient) , also the temperatures within the
flame increasedwith an increase temperatures 48.90C for the flow velocity of 55
cc/min . Viceversa it would lengthen if subjected positif magnetic field gradient
and an temperatures within the flame decreased with an decrease
temperatures174.7 0C for the flow velocity of 45 cc/min.The rate of change of
length flame and lifted flame distance to the change of magnetic field intensityto
result in negatif value in the presence of the negatif magnetic field gradient and
positif value if the application positif magnetic field gradient.Whereas, the flame
area is not change for the all conditions magnetic field gradient, The effect of a gradient magnetic field on a diffusion flame LPG/air combustion
has been systematically studied to comprehend their interaction. A non-uniform
magnetic field was produced in the air gap of an magnet field generator and the
LPG/air flame corresponding to various LPG and air flow velocities was
subjected to the non-uniform field. The influence of the operating conditions on
the fundamental parameter of the diffusion flame, such as the flame structure,
flame length , temperature and the lifted flame distance in these flames have been
thoroughly studied with conditions this experimentation used magnetic field
generator 0,24 T dan magnetic field gradient 22.9 T/m. The lifted flame and the
flame length decreased with the application of the vertically decreasing magnetic
fieldgradient (negatif magnetic field gradient) , also the temperatures within the
flame increasedwith an increase temperatures 48.90C for the flow velocity of 55
cc/min . Viceversa it would lengthen if subjected positif magnetic field gradient
and an temperatures within the flame decreased with an decrease
temperatures174.7 0C for the flow velocity of 45 cc/min.The rate of change of
length flame and lifted flame distance to the change of magnetic field intensityto
result in negatif value in the presence of the negatif magnetic field gradient and
positif value if the application positif magnetic field gradient.Whereas, the flame
area is not change for the all conditions magnetic field gradient]

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No. Panggil : T42549
Entri utama-Nama orang :
Entri tambahan-Nama orang :
Entri tambahan-Nama badan :
Subjek :
Penerbitan : [Place of publication not identified]: [Publisher not identified], 2014
Program Studi :
Bahasa : ind
Sumber Pengatalogan : LibUI ind rda
Tipe Konten : text
Tipe Media : unmediated ; computer
Tipe Carrier : volume ; online resource
Deskripsi Fisik : xv, 100 pages : illustration ; 28 cm + appendix
Naskah Ringkas :
Lembaga Pemilik : Universitas Indonesia
Lokasi : Perpustakaan UI, Lantai 3
  • Ketersediaan
  • Ulasan
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