[ABSTRAK Kebijakan perluasan perdagangan dan kerjasama energi Rusia denganChina, merupakan langkah baru bagi pemerintahan Putin yang selama ini menjadikan Barat (Uni Eropa) menjadi mitra utama. Dengan menggunakan energi sebagai alat kebijakan ekonomi luar negerinya, Putin merancang ulang langkah kepentingan dan tujuan negara yang hendak dicapai Rusia. Isu-isu dalam ekonomi, politik, hingga keamanan turut mempengaruhi terwujudnya peningkatan kemitraan Rusia dengan China dimasa kini. Sementara itu hubungan Rusia dengan UE tidak dapat disampingkan begitu saja karena hubungan interdependensi keduanya masih cukup kuat. Walaupun demikian pilihan strategisyang diambil Rusia saat ini menunjukan peningkatan hubungan dengan China dalam bidang energi; ABSTRACT Russia?s trade expansion and energy cooperation policies with China areconsidered as novel steps in Putin?s government which has thus far rendered theWest (European Union) as key partner. By employing energy as means in itseconomic foreign policy, Putin renovates the state?s interest and objective aimedto be attained. Economic, politic, as well as security issues also influence therealization of enhanced Russia?s partnership with China. Meanwhile Russia?srelation with EU cannot be disregarded as the interdependency between the twoentities is still intense. Nevertheless, Russia?s current strategic decision enhancesits relation with China in the sphere of energy.;Russia?s trade expansion and energy cooperation policies with China areconsidered as novel steps in Putin?s government which has thus far rendered theWest (European Union) as key partner. By employing energy as means in itseconomic foreign policy, Putin renovates the state?s interest and objective aimedto be attained. Economic, politic, as well as security issues also influence therealization of enhanced Russia?s partnership with China. Meanwhile Russia?srelation with EU cannot be disregarded as the interdependency between the twoentities is still intense. Nevertheless, Russia?s current strategic decision enhancesits relation with China in the sphere of energy.;Russia?s trade expansion and energy cooperation policies with China areconsidered as novel steps in Putin?s government which has thus far rendered theWest (European Union) as key partner. By employing energy as means in itseconomic foreign policy, Putin renovates the state?s interest and objective aimedto be attained. Economic, politic, as well as security issues also influence therealization of enhanced Russia?s partnership with China. Meanwhile Russia?srelation with EU cannot be disregarded as the interdependency between the twoentities is still intense. Nevertheless, Russia?s current strategic decision enhancesits relation with China in the sphere of energy.;Russia?s trade expansion and energy cooperation policies with China areconsidered as novel steps in Putin?s government which has thus far rendered theWest (European Union) as key partner. By employing energy as means in itseconomic foreign policy, Putin renovates the state?s interest and objective aimedto be attained. Economic, politic, as well as security issues also influence therealization of enhanced Russia?s partnership with China. Meanwhile Russia?srelation with EU cannot be disregarded as the interdependency between the twoentities is still intense. Nevertheless, Russia?s current strategic decision enhancesits relation with China in the sphere of energy., Russia?s trade expansion and energy cooperation policies with China areconsidered as novel steps in Putin?s government which has thus far rendered theWest (European Union) as key partner. By employing energy as means in itseconomic foreign policy, Putin renovates the state?s interest and objective aimedto be attained. Economic, politic, as well as security issues also influence therealization of enhanced Russia?s partnership with China. Meanwhile Russia?srelation with EU cannot be disregarded as the interdependency between the twoentities is still intense. Nevertheless, Russia?s current strategic decision enhancesits relation with China in the sphere of energy.] |