[ABSTRAK Remaja perempuan yang putus sekolah beresiko mengalami harga diri rendahsituasional, kenakalan remaja, nikah dini, hingga hilangnya generasi bangsa yangberkualitas. Tujuan penelitian untuk mendapatkan pemahaman mendalam tentangpengalaman remaja perempuan yang putus sekolah. Penelitian ini menggunakandesain fenomenologi terhadap enam partisipan di Kota Bogor. Hasil penelitianmenemukan delapan tema yaitu alasan putus sekolah, pengambil keputusanberhenti sekolah, respon emosional, respon keluarga, respon lingkungan, kegiatansetelah putus sekolah, harapan masa depan dan pentingnya sekolah. Penelitian inimerekomendasikan pentingnya bekerjasama dengan berbagai pihak untukmengembangkan program bagi remaja khususnya remaja perempuan yang putussekolah agar terhindar dari masalah psikososial dan perilaku negatif ABSTRACT Adolescent girls who dropped out of school are at risk for situational low selfesteem,delinquency, early marriage, until the loss of the nation's generationquality. The purpose of the study to get a deep understanding about the experienceof adolescent girls who dropped out of school. This study used aphenomenological design of the six participants in Bogor city. The results foundeight themes, those are dropout reasons, decision makers quit school, emotionalresponse, family response, environmental response, after dropping out of schoolactivities, future expectations and the importance of school. The studyrecommends the importance of working with various stakeholders to develop aprogram for teenagers, especially teenage girls who drop out of school to avoidnegative behaviors and psychosocial problems.;Adolescent girls who dropped out of school are at risk for situational low selfesteem,delinquency, early marriage, until the loss of the nation's generationquality. The purpose of the study to get a deep understanding about the experienceof adolescent girls who dropped out of school. This study used aphenomenological design of the six participants in Bogor city. The results foundeight themes, those are dropout reasons, decision makers quit school, emotionalresponse, family response, environmental response, after dropping out of schoolactivities, future expectations and the importance of school. The studyrecommends the importance of working with various stakeholders to develop aprogram for teenagers, especially teenage girls who drop out of school to avoidnegative behaviors and psychosocial problems., Adolescent girls who dropped out of school are at risk for situational low selfesteem,delinquency, early marriage, until the loss of the nation's generationquality. The purpose of the study to get a deep understanding about the experienceof adolescent girls who dropped out of school. This study used aphenomenological design of the six participants in Bogor city. The results foundeight themes, those are dropout reasons, decision makers quit school, emotionalresponse, family response, environmental response, after dropping out of schoolactivities, future expectations and the importance of school. The studyrecommends the importance of working with various stakeholders to develop aprogram for teenagers, especially teenage girls who drop out of school to avoidnegative behaviors and psychosocial problems.] |