[ABSTRAK Palabuhanratu merupakan lokasi penting bagi perikanan tangkap di daerah pantaiselatan Jawa Barat. Salah satu hasil tangkapan yang dominan dan memiliki nilaiekonomis penting yang didaratkan di PPN Palabuhanratu yaitu ikan cakalang(Katsuwonus pelamis, 1758). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aspekpenangkapan dan aspek biologi ikan cakalang. Aspek penangkapan meliputi; jenisalat tangkap, derah penangkapan, hasil per unit upaya, dan produksi. Aspek biologimeliputi; struktur panjang berat dan tingkat pemanfaatan. Penelitian dilakukan padabulan Oktober ? Januari 2013. Sampling aspek penagkapan dengan observasi danwawancara. Sampling aspek biologi dilakukan secara porposional pada tempatpendaratan ikan. Terdapat beberapa yang digunakan untuk menangkap ikan cakalangantara lain; Jaring insang hanyut, payang dan pancing tonda. Pengoperasian alat inidilakukan di sekitar rumpon. Terlihat dari data statistik perikanan PPN Palabuhanratutahun 2005 - 2012 menunjukkan jumlah produksi penangkapan ikan cakalangmengalami penurunan setiap tahunnya sekitar 13,39%. Oleh karena itu diperlukanpengelolaannya yang lebih serius antara lain dengan suatu alternatif memperluasdaerah penangkapan ke arah selatan perairan Samudera Hindia yang diperkirakan diLintang 90 LS - 110 LS dengan bujur antara 1050 BT ? 1060 BT. Adapun hasil analisishubungan panjang dan berat diperoleh persamaan W = aLb yang berarti polapertumbuhan allometrik negartif terlihat bahwa p-value pada selang kepercayaan95%, dan juga apabila pendapat Rothschial (1967) kita terapkan pada hasil penelitianmaka ikan cakalang ini lebih dari setengahnya telah berukuran lebih dari 40 cmberarti ikan yang tertangkap telah mengalami pemijahan sebelum tertangkap olehnelayan. ABSTRACT Palabuhanratu an important location for the fisheries on the south coast of West Java. One of the dominant catch and has an important economic value landed in PPN Palabuhanratu ie tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis Linnaeus, 1758). Fishery statistics PPN Palabuhanratu years 2005-2012 indicates the number of tuna fishing production has decreased about 13.39% annually. Therefore we need an alternative to expanding the capture area to the south of the Indian Ocean is estimated at Latitude 90 LS - 110 LS with longitude between 1050 BT - BT 1060. The linear regression analysis of the relationship length and weight to estimate patterns of growth and age estimation it is seen that the p-value is smaller at the 95% confidence interval, it can be obtained that tuna regeresi coefficient of the regression models above differ significantly on the real level 0.05. Thus indicating that the growth pattern of the landed tuna is negative allometric means that the length of the tuna faster than the growth of its weight, and also if the opinion Rothschial (1967) we apply the research results tuna is more than half have larger than 40 cm means the fish are ;Palabuhanratu an important location for the fisheries on the south coast of West Java. One of the dominant catch and has an important economic value landed in PPN Palabuhanratu ie tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis Linnaeus, 1758). Fishery statistics PPN Palabuhanratu years 2005-2012 indicates the number of tuna fishing production has decreased about 13.39% annually. Therefore we need an alternative to expanding the capture area to the south of the Indian Ocean is estimated at Latitude 90 LS - 110 LS with longitude between 1050 BT - BT 1060. The linear regression analysis of the relationship length and weight to estimate patterns of growth and age estimation it is seen that the p-value is smaller at the 95% confidence interval, it can be obtained that tuna regeresi coefficient of the regression models above differ significantly on the real level 0.05. Thus indicating that the growth pattern of the landed tuna is negative allometric means that the length of the tuna faster than the growth of its weight, and also if the opinion Rothschial (1967) we apply the research results tuna is more than half have larger than 40 cm means the fish are ;Palabuhanratu an important location for the fisheries on the south coast of West Java. One of the dominant catch and has an important economic value landed in PPN Palabuhanratu ie tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis Linnaeus, 1758). Fishery statistics PPN Palabuhanratu years 2005-2012 indicates the number of tuna fishing production has decreased about 13.39% annually. Therefore we need an alternative to expanding the capture area to the south of the Indian Ocean is estimated at Latitude 90 LS - 110 LS with longitude between 1050 BT - BT 1060. The linear regression analysis of the relationship length and weight to estimate patterns of growth and age estimation it is seen that the p-value is smaller at the 95% confidence interval, it can be obtained that tuna regeresi coefficient of the regression models above differ significantly on the real level 0.05. Thus indicating that the growth pattern of the landed tuna is negative allometric means that the length of the tuna faster than the growth of its weight, and also if the opinion Rothschial (1967) we apply the research results tuna is more than half have larger than 40 cm means the fish are , Palabuhanratu an important location for the fisheries on the south coast of West Java. One of the dominant catch and has an important economic value landed in PPN Palabuhanratu ie tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis Linnaeus, 1758). Fishery statistics PPN Palabuhanratu years 2005-2012 indicates the number of tuna fishing production has decreased about 13.39% annually. Therefore we need an alternative to expanding the capture area to the south of the Indian Ocean is estimated at Latitude 90 LS - 110 LS with longitude between 1050 BT - BT 1060. The linear regression analysis of the relationship length and weight to estimate patterns of growth and age estimation it is seen that the p-value is smaller at the 95% confidence interval, it can be obtained that tuna regeresi coefficient of the regression models above differ significantly on the real level 0.05. Thus indicating that the growth pattern of the landed tuna is negative allometric means that the length of the tuna faster than the growth of its weight, and also if the opinion Rothschial (1967) we apply the research results tuna is more than half have larger than 40 cm means the fish are ] |