[ABSTRAK Banyak sekali informasi terkait semakin maraknya warga asing diwilayah puncak Cisarua Bogor, yang dijadikan tempat singgah bagi parawisatawan, migran pengungsi maupun pencari suaka. Penelitian ini bertujuanuntuk mengetahui perkembangan migran asing dan dampak yang ditimbulkanterhadap komposisi demografi dan perubahan sosial. Penelitian inimenggunakan data Cisarua dalam angka (BPS) tahun 2008 sampai dengan2012, data imigrasi Kabupaten Bogor dan data hasil wawancara. Analisisdilakukan dengan metode Kualitatif dan analisis konten.Hasil analisis menunjukkan Perkembangan migran asing di Cisaruakhusunya migran asing sirkuler mengalami kenaikan berdasarkan datapengguna VOA di Soekarno Hatta dan perpanjangan VOA di Kantor ImigrasiBogor selama 4 (empat) tahun terakhir. Dampak adanya migran asing terhadapkomposisis demografi diantaranya meningkatkan jumlah penduduk baik didesa Tugu Selatan akibat adanya pekerja pendatang dan desa Batu Layangakibat banyak migran yang menetap lama, menghasilkan banyak matapencaharian baru (pekerjaan) sehingga menjalankan roda perekonomianmasyarakat setempat, dan adanya penyimpangan terhadap status perkawinanatau yang dikenal fenomena praktek kawin kontrakDampak adanya migran asing terhadap perubahan sosial diantaranyadilihat dari sudut pandang lingkungan dan budaya menunjukkan adanyaakulturasi terlihat nuansa arab di Cisarua, dilihat dari sudut pandangpendidikan menunjukkan adanya penguasaan bahasa oleh warga sekitarterutama bahasa arab dan inggris, dan dilihat dari sudut pandang kesehatanmenunjukkan adanya kekhawatiran warga terhadap penyakit menular yangdibawa oleh migran ABSTRACT There are so many information related to the fact that more and moreforeigners come to the site of Puncak Cisarua Bogor, and make it as a place fortourists, refugees, and asylum seekers to live. The objection of the research is torecognise the development of migrant and its effect that appears to the DemographyComposition and Social Change.The research done using the data of Cisarua in thenumber of BPS (Badan Pusat Statistik) in 2008 to 2012, the data of Immigration inBogor Regency, and the data as the result of interview. Analysis done using theQualitative Method and Content analysis.The result of analysis based on both the data of the VOA user at SukarnoHatta Air Port and the extension of VOA in Immigration Office in Bogor shows thatthe development of Migrant in Cisarua, especially Circulation Migrant, has increasedfor the last 4 years. The effect of Migrant to the Demography Composition amongothers are it increase the population number because there are so many newcomer ofworker in Tugu selatan village and so many migrant to stay for a long time in BatuLayang village. Those create some new-living or job that run the economy of thelocal inhabitant, and create marital status deviation of inhabitant such as marriagecontract phenomenon.The effect of Migrant to the Change of Social of culture and environmentview show the acculturation among them.There is Arabian nuance in Cisarua. Viewedfrom the standpoint of education view there is the competent of inhabitant in usingArabic and English language as communication. Viewed from the standpoint ofhealth there is the concerns of the inhabitant about the communicable-deseasesbrought by the immigrants.;There are so many information related to the fact that more and moreforeigners come to the site of Puncak Cisarua Bogor, and make it as a place fortourists, refugees, and asylum seekers to live. The objection of the research is torecognise the development of migrant and its effect that appears to the DemographyComposition and Social Change.The research done using the data of Cisarua in thenumber of BPS (Badan Pusat Statistik) in 2008 to 2012, the data of Immigration inBogor Regency, and the data as the result of interview. Analysis done using theQualitative Method and Content analysis.The result of analysis based on both the data of the VOA user at SukarnoHatta Air Port and the extension of VOA in Immigration Office in Bogor shows thatthe development of Migrant in Cisarua, especially Circulation Migrant, has increasedfor the last 4 years. The effect of Migrant to the Demography Composition amongothers are it increase the population number because there are so many newcomer ofworker in Tugu selatan village and so many migrant to stay for a long time in BatuLayang village. Those create some new-living or job that run the economy of thelocal inhabitant, and create marital status deviation of inhabitant such as marriagecontract phenomenon.The effect of Migrant to the Change of Social of culture and environmentview show the acculturation among them.There is Arabian nuance in Cisarua. Viewedfrom the standpoint of education view there is the competent of inhabitant in usingArabic and English language as communication. Viewed from the standpoint ofhealth there is the concerns of the inhabitant about the communicable-deseasesbrought by the immigrants., There are so many information related to the fact that more and moreforeigners come to the site of Puncak Cisarua Bogor, and make it as a place fortourists, refugees, and asylum seekers to live. The objection of the research is torecognise the development of migrant and its effect that appears to the DemographyComposition and Social Change.The research done using the data of Cisarua in thenumber of BPS (Badan Pusat Statistik) in 2008 to 2012, the data of Immigration inBogor Regency, and the data as the result of interview. Analysis done using theQualitative Method and Content analysis.The result of analysis based on both the data of the VOA user at SukarnoHatta Air Port and the extension of VOA in Immigration Office in Bogor shows thatthe development of Migrant in Cisarua, especially Circulation Migrant, has increasedfor the last 4 years. The effect of Migrant to the Demography Composition amongothers are it increase the population number because there are so many newcomer ofworker in Tugu selatan village and so many migrant to stay for a long time in BatuLayang village. Those create some new-living or job that run the economy of thelocal inhabitant, and create marital status deviation of inhabitant such as marriagecontract phenomenon.The effect of Migrant to the Change of Social of culture and environmentview show the acculturation among them.There is Arabian nuance in Cisarua. Viewedfrom the standpoint of education view there is the competent of inhabitant in usingArabic and English language as communication. Viewed from the standpoint ofhealth there is the concerns of the inhabitant about the communicable-deseasesbrought by the immigrants.] |