[ABSTRAK Propaganda sebagai bagian dari aktivitas intelijen biasa digunakan untuk tujuanpenggalangan. Propaganda merupakan bentuk komunikasi terencana denganmenyampaikan pesan yang telah didisain untuk mempengaruhi sikap, perilaku,dan emosi target propaganda sesuai dengan yang diharapkan oleh propagandis dantanpa disadari oleh target propaganda. Propaganda sangat diperlukan dalammendukung kebijakan pemerintah, termasuk kebijakan perang. Oleh karena itu,penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisa efektivitas strategipropaganda yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah Amerika Serikat pada OperationIraqi Freedom. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif. Pengumpulandata penelitian dilakukan dengan metode wawancara kepada 5 orang narasumberdan metode studi dokumen. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa tidak semuapropaganda yang dilakukan oleh Amerika Serikat terhadap Irak berhasilmempengaruhi target propaganda. Berbagai tema yang digunakan dalampropaganda Amerika Serikat ditujukan untuk menggulingkan pemerintahanSaddam Hussein. Selain itu, kerjasama antara pemerintah, militer, dan mediamassa berperan penting dalam menyebarkan pesan propaganda dan mencegahpenyebaran kontrapropaganda lawan. ABSTRACT Propaganda as part of intelligence activities is usually used for influencingpurposes. Propaganda is a construction of well-planned communication in whichconveying messages designed to influence target?s attitude, behavior and emotionaccording to propagandist? expectation without being realized by target.Propaganda is needed to support government policy, including war policy.Therefore, this research aims to perceive and analyze the effectiveness ofpropaganda strategy which had been done by United States at Operation IraqiFreedom. This research is conducted with qualitative method. Research data arecollected by interviewing five (5) informants and documentary studies. Thisresearch results in a conclusion that not all of propaganda which had been done byUnited States to Iraq succeed in influencing target. United States used variousthemes determined to overthrow Saddam Hussein. Other than that, cooperationsbetween governments, military, and mass media have pivotal role indisseminating propaganda messages and preventing enemies? counterpropagandaI ;Propaganda as part of intelligence activities is usually used for influencingpurposes. Propaganda is a construction of well-planned communication in whichconveying messages designed to influence target?s attitude, behavior and emotionaccording to propagandist? expectation without being realized by target.Propaganda is needed to support government policy, including war policy.Therefore, this research aims to perceive and analyze the effectiveness ofpropaganda strategy which had been done by United States at Operation IraqiFreedom. This research is conducted with qualitative method. Research data arecollected by interviewing five (5) informants and documentary studies. Thisresearch results in a conclusion that not all of propaganda which had been done byUnited States to Iraq succeed in influencing target. United States used variousthemes determined to overthrow Saddam Hussein. Other than that, cooperationsbetween governments, military, and mass media have pivotal role indisseminating propaganda messages and preventing enemies? counterpropagandaI , Propaganda as part of intelligence activities is usually used for influencingpurposes. Propaganda is a construction of well-planned communication in whichconveying messages designed to influence target?s attitude, behavior and emotionaccording to propagandist? expectation without being realized by target.Propaganda is needed to support government policy, including war policy.Therefore, this research aims to perceive and analyze the effectiveness ofpropaganda strategy which had been done by United States at Operation IraqiFreedom. This research is conducted with qualitative method. Research data arecollected by interviewing five (5) informants and documentary studies. Thisresearch results in a conclusion that not all of propaganda which had been done byUnited States to Iraq succeed in influencing target. United States used variousthemes determined to overthrow Saddam Hussein. Other than that, cooperationsbetween governments, military, and mass media have pivotal role indisseminating propaganda messages and preventing enemies? counterpropagandaI ] |