[ABSTRAK Tesis ini mengkaji mengenai perkembangan bisnis perang di Amerika Serikat,dengan studi kasus pemanfaatan korporasi militer swasta Blackwater. kajian inidilakukan untuk mendeskripsikan bisnis perang, ideology yang melatarbelakangi hinggakepada pemanfaatan korporasi militer swasta sebagai permasalahan utama untuk dikajiyang dikaji dengan menggunakan teori neoliberalisme. Penulis menggunakan data daribuku, jurnal, dan sumber-sumber lain yang mendukung yang sesuai dengan konteks.Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pemanfaatan korporasi militer swasta dalam kasusini Blackwater merupakan entitas dari market, yang lahir dari ideology neoliberalisme.Oleh sebab itu, ada hubungan antara ideology, market, dan korporasi militer swasta. ABSTRACT This thesis analyzes the development of the American warfare business,focusing on the case study of the utilization of the Blackwater private militarycorporation. This analysis is conducted through the description of the warfare business.The ideology that establishes the background of the utilization of the private militarycorporation is the main focus of this which is analyzed by using the Neo-liberalismtheory. The writer uses data from books, journals, and other supporting source materialsof relevant context. This research illustrates that the utilization of the private militarycorporation, in this case Blackwater, is a part of the market which is a product of theneoliberal ideology. Therefore, there is a connection between ideology, market, andprivate military corporations;This thesis analyzes the development of the American warfare business,focusing on the case study of the utilization of the Blackwater private militarycorporation. This analysis is conducted through the description of the warfare business.The ideology that establishes the background of the utilization of the private militarycorporation is the main focus of this which is analyzed by using the Neo-liberalismtheory. The writer uses data from books, journals, and other supporting source materialsof relevant context. This research illustrates that the utilization of the private militarycorporation, in this case Blackwater, is a part of the market which is a product of theneoliberal ideology. Therefore, there is a connection between ideology, market, andprivate military corporations, This thesis analyzes the development of the American warfare business,focusing on the case study of the utilization of the Blackwater private militarycorporation. This analysis is conducted through the description of the warfare business.The ideology that establishes the background of the utilization of the private militarycorporation is the main focus of this which is analyzed by using the Neo-liberalismtheory. The writer uses data from books, journals, and other supporting source materialsof relevant context. This research illustrates that the utilization of the private militarycorporation, in this case Blackwater, is a part of the market which is a product of theneoliberal ideology. Therefore, there is a connection between ideology, market, andprivate military corporations] |