[ABSTRAK Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik penginderaan jauh dengan tujuanuntuk : (1) memetakan daerah budidaya rumput laut yang terinfestasi mikroflora epifitdengan menggunakan data ALOS AVNIR-2 dan spectral signature in situ; (2)memetakan zona potensi retensi menggunakan data AQUA MODIS melalui analisakesesuaian lahan (site selection) untuk budidaya rumput laut. Metode yang digunakandalam analisis spektral ALOS AVNIR-2 adalah identifikasi berdasarkan spectralsignature in situ yang diolah di MESMA VIPER TOOLS pada ENVI 4.8 dan analisisspasial menggunakan syarat kesesuaian lahan untuk Eucheuma cottonii denganmetode composite dan overlay pada Arcmap 10. Analisis spektral menunjukkan polapada kanal biru (panjang gelombang 460 nm) reflektasinya sangat rendah, kanal hijau(panjang gelombang 560 nm) reflektasinya sedikit meningkat, kanal merah (panjanggelombang 650 nm) sedikit meningkat sedangkan pada kanal near infraredmenunjukkan reflektasi yang cukup tinggi. Pola spectral signature ini menyerupaipola spectral signature Eucheuma cottonii dari Kabupaten Jeneponto (Hendiarti, dkk.,2012) tetapi terdapat sedikit perbedaan yaitu pada spectral signature Eucheumacottonii terinfestasi memiliki pola yang kurang halus dibandingkan dengan spectralsignature Eucheuma cottonii dari Kabupaten Jeneponto. Analisis spektral ALOSAVNIR-2 dapat memetakannya potensi retensi infestasi mikroflora epifit kurang lebihseluas 4,81 ha di Desa Legundi dan 48,345 ha di Desa Sumur. Analisis spasialmenunjukkan hasil bahwa di perairan Provinsi Lampung potensi retensi terinfestasimikroflora epifit ini seluas 3.677.191,34 ha (daerah yang berpotensi), 893.919,40 ha(cukup berpotensi) dan 175.888,44 ha (tidak berpotensi). Apabila dibandingkandengan kualitas perairan pada tahun 2007 (pada tahun ini produksi sangat tinggi)terjadi peningkatan luasan untuk daerah yang berpotensi. ABSTRACT This study used remote sensing technical, it aims to: (1) mapping theseaweed cultivation areas infested epiphytic microflora using the ALOS AVNIR-2data and in situ spectral signatures; (2) mapping the area of potential retentionthrough the use of AQUA MODIS data and site selection analysis for seaweedcultivation.The method using spectral analysis of ALOS AVNIR-2 with referencespectral identification derived from in situ spectral signatures processed in MESMAVIPER TOOLS in ENVI 4.8. It also conducted a spatial analysis of land used siteselection for Eucheuma cottonii with the overlay method in Arcmap 10. This studyshowed through in situ spectral signatures measurements obtained the pattern on ablue canal (460 nm wavelength) with very low reflectation, the green canal (560 nmwavelength) slightly increased reflectation, the red canal (wavelength 650 nm)slightly increased, while the band near infrared is showed with high enoughreflectation. This spectral signature pattern similar to the pattern of spectralsignatures of Eucheuma cottonii Jeneponto (Hendiarti et al, 2012) but there is littledifference in the spectral signature of Eucheuma cottonii infested pattern smootherthan the spectral signature of Eucheuma cottonii Jeneponto. Spectral analysis ofALOS AVNIR-2 with reference to the spectral signature is mapping Eucheumacottonii that can more or less infested area of 4.81 ha in the Legundi village and48.345 ha in the Sumur village. Spatial analysis showed that in Lampung potentialretention area infested 3.677.191,34 ha (potentially area), 893,919.40 ha (potentiallyenough) and 175,888.44 ha (not potential). Compared to the water quality in 2007 (theyear of production was very high) occurred the increasing of the extent to potentialareas.;This study used remote sensing technical, it aims to: (1) mapping theseaweed cultivation areas infested epiphytic microflora using the ALOS AVNIR-2data and in situ spectral signatures; (2) mapping the area of potential retentionthrough the use of AQUA MODIS data and site selection analysis for seaweedcultivation.The method using spectral analysis of ALOS AVNIR-2 with referencespectral identification derived from in situ spectral signatures processed in MESMAVIPER TOOLS in ENVI 4.8. It also conducted a spatial analysis of land used siteselection for Eucheuma cottonii with the overlay method in Arcmap 10. This studyshowed through in situ spectral signatures measurements obtained the pattern on ablue canal (460 nm wavelength) with very low reflectation, the green canal (560 nmwavelength) slightly increased reflectation, the red canal (wavelength 650 nm)slightly increased, while the band near infrared is showed with high enoughreflectation. This spectral signature pattern similar to the pattern of spectralsignatures of Eucheuma cottonii Jeneponto (Hendiarti et al, 2012) but there is littledifference in the spectral signature of Eucheuma cottonii infested pattern smootherthan the spectral signature of Eucheuma cottonii Jeneponto. Spectral analysis ofALOS AVNIR-2 with reference to the spectral signature is mapping Eucheumacottonii that can more or less infested area of 4.81 ha in the Legundi village and48.345 ha in the Sumur village. Spatial analysis showed that in Lampung potentialretention area infested 3.677.191,34 ha (potentially area), 893,919.40 ha (potentiallyenough) and 175,888.44 ha (not potential). Compared to the water quality in 2007 (theyear of production was very high) occurred the increasing of the extent to potentialareas., This study used remote sensing technical, it aims to: (1) mapping theseaweed cultivation areas infested epiphytic microflora using the ALOS AVNIR-2data and in situ spectral signatures; (2) mapping the area of potential retentionthrough the use of AQUA MODIS data and site selection analysis for seaweedcultivation.The method using spectral analysis of ALOS AVNIR-2 with referencespectral identification derived from in situ spectral signatures processed in MESMAVIPER TOOLS in ENVI 4.8. It also conducted a spatial analysis of land used siteselection for Eucheuma cottonii with the overlay method in Arcmap 10. This studyshowed through in situ spectral signatures measurements obtained the pattern on ablue canal (460 nm wavelength) with very low reflectation, the green canal (560 nmwavelength) slightly increased reflectation, the red canal (wavelength 650 nm)slightly increased, while the band near infrared is showed with high enoughreflectation. This spectral signature pattern similar to the pattern of spectralsignatures of Eucheuma cottonii Jeneponto (Hendiarti et al, 2012) but there is littledifference in the spectral signature of Eucheuma cottonii infested pattern smootherthan the spectral signature of Eucheuma cottonii Jeneponto. Spectral analysis ofALOS AVNIR-2 with reference to the spectral signature is mapping Eucheumacottonii that can more or less infested area of 4.81 ha in the Legundi village and48.345 ha in the Sumur village. Spatial analysis showed that in Lampung potentialretention area infested 3.677.191,34 ha (potentially area), 893,919.40 ha (potentiallyenough) and 175,888.44 ha (not potential). Compared to the water quality in 2007 (theyear of production was very high) occurred the increasing of the extent to potentialareas.] |