[ABSTRAK Kabuenga adalah tradisi lisan masyarakat Kapota Kabupaten Wakatobi. Tradisikabuenga menggabungkan unsur nyanyian, tarian, dan nasehat pada saatpertunjukannya. Dalam perkembangannya, tradisi ini mengalami perubahan sesuaidengan perubahan sosial masyarakatnya. Kebertahanan kabuenga merupakan hasil dariadaptasi masyarakat tradisi terhadap perubahan sosial. Tujuan penelitian ini adalahuntuk menjelaskan proses pewarisan dalam kabuenga. Penelitian ini menggunakankonsep dan teori perubahan sosial dan pewarisan, serta metode etnografi. Hasilpenelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa proses pewarisan tradisi kabuenga padamasyarakat Kapota terjadi dalam dua kategori, yaitu pewarisan terbuka dan tertutup.Pewarisan terbuka yakni pewarisan dilakukan dalam pertunjukan dan pewarisan yangdilakukan oleh pemerintah, sedangkan pewarisan tertutup dilakukan dalam lingkungankeluarga dan dilingkungan adat. ABSTRACT Kabuenga is the oral tradition of the community Kapota Wakatobi. Kabuenga traditioncombines elements of singing, dancing, and the advice at the time of the show. Duringits development, this tradition has changed with social change society. Kabuengasurvival is the result of the adaptation of tradition to social change. The purpose of thisstudy is to describe the process of inheritance in kabuenga. This research uses theconcepts and theories of social change and inheritance, as well as methods ofethnography. The results of this study revealed that the process of inheriting tradition insociety Kapota kabuenga occur in two categories, namely open and closed inheritance.Inheritance openly performed in the show, and doing by the government, theninheritance closely performed in the family and the customs.;Kabuenga is the oral tradition of the community Kapota Wakatobi. Kabuenga traditioncombines elements of singing, dancing, and the advice at the time of the show. Duringits development, this tradition has changed with social change society. Kabuengasurvival is the result of the adaptation of tradition to social change. The purpose of thisstudy is to describe the process of inheritance in kabuenga. This research uses theconcepts and theories of social change and inheritance, as well as methods ofethnography. The results of this study revealed that the process of inheriting tradition insociety Kapota kabuenga occur in two categories, namely open and closed inheritance.Inheritance openly performed in the show, and doing by the government, theninheritance closely performed in the family and the customs., Kabuenga is the oral tradition of the community Kapota Wakatobi. Kabuenga traditioncombines elements of singing, dancing, and the advice at the time of the show. Duringits development, this tradition has changed with social change society. Kabuengasurvival is the result of the adaptation of tradition to social change. The purpose of thisstudy is to describe the process of inheritance in kabuenga. This research uses theconcepts and theories of social change and inheritance, as well as methods ofethnography. The results of this study revealed that the process of inheriting tradition insociety Kapota kabuenga occur in two categories, namely open and closed inheritance.Inheritance openly performed in the show, and doing by the government, theninheritance closely performed in the family and the customs.] |