[ABSTRAK Penelitian ini berusaha mengidentifikasi model pengukuran dari brand personalitydan customer trust yang terdapat pada ritel farmasi atau apotek yang berada diwilayah Jakarta dan sekitarnya, dengan menggunakan metode Structural EquationModel (SEM) yang diolah dengan program LISREL 8.7. Dari 2 kelompok tipeapotek, yaitu apotek independen dan apotek jaringan, dilakukan penelitian lebihlanjut mengenai pengaruh dimensi sincerity, excitement, competence,sophistication dan ruggedness terhadap customer trust menggunakan analisaPartial Least Square (PLS). Hasil dari penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa 5dimensi brand personality dan 3 dimensi customer trust merupakan indikator daribrand personality dan customer trust pada ritel farmasi (apotek). Selain itupenelitian ini juga membuktikan bahwa brand personality dapat mempengaruhicustomer trust. Untuk apotek independen, dimensi sincerity, excitement,competence, dan sophistication adalah dimensi-dimensi yang signifikanmempengaruhi customer trust. Sedangkan untuk apotek jaringan, dimensiexcitement dan competence adalah dimensi-dimensi yang signifikanmempengaruhi customer trust. Hasil dari penelitian ini dapat digunakan olehapotek untuk menciptakan brand personality yang berbeda dibandingkan denganpesaing, sehingga dapat meningkatkan customer trust dan membangun long-timerelationship dengan pelanggan. ABSTRACT This study sought to identify the measurement model of brand personalityand customer trusts contained in the retail pharmacy located in Jakarta andsurrounding areas, by using a structural equation model (SEM). For 2 typegroup of pharmacies, independent pharmacies and network pharmacies,further research conducted to find the influence of sincerity, excitement,competence, sophistication and ruggedness of the customer trusts usingPartial Least Square (PLS) analysis. The results of this study demonstrate thatthe 5-dimensional and 3-dimensional brand personality customer trust is anindicator of brand personality and customer trust in the retail pharmacy(pharmacies). In addition, this study also proves that the brand personalitycan affect customer trust. For independent pharmacies, the dimensions ofsincerity, excitement, competence, and sophistication are significantdimensions that affect customer trust. As for the network pharmacy,excitement and competence dimensions are dimensions that significantlyaffect customer trust.. The results of this study can be used by the pharmacyto create a brand personality that is different among the competitors, so as toincrease customer trust and build a long-time relationship with customers;This study sought to identify the measurement model of brand personalityand customer trusts contained in the retail pharmacy located in Jakarta andsurrounding areas, by using a structural equation model (SEM). For 2 typegroup of pharmacies, independent pharmacies and network pharmacies,further research conducted to find the influence of sincerity, excitement,competence, sophistication and ruggedness of the customer trusts usingPartial Least Square (PLS) analysis. The results of this study demonstrate thatthe 5-dimensional and 3-dimensional brand personality customer trust is anindicator of brand personality and customer trust in the retail pharmacy(pharmacies). In addition, this study also proves that the brand personalitycan affect customer trust. For independent pharmacies, the dimensions ofsincerity, excitement, competence, and sophistication are significantdimensions that affect customer trust. As for the network pharmacy,excitement and competence dimensions are dimensions that significantlyaffect customer trust.. The results of this study can be used by the pharmacyto create a brand personality that is different among the competitors, so as toincrease customer trust and build a long-time relationship with customers, This study sought to identify the measurement model of brand personalityand customer trusts contained in the retail pharmacy located in Jakarta andsurrounding areas, by using a structural equation model (SEM). For 2 typegroup of pharmacies, independent pharmacies and network pharmacies,further research conducted to find the influence of sincerity, excitement,competence, sophistication and ruggedness of the customer trusts usingPartial Least Square (PLS) analysis. The results of this study demonstrate thatthe 5-dimensional and 3-dimensional brand personality customer trust is anindicator of brand personality and customer trust in the retail pharmacy(pharmacies). In addition, this study also proves that the brand personalitycan affect customer trust. For independent pharmacies, the dimensions ofsincerity, excitement, competence, and sophistication are significantdimensions that affect customer trust. As for the network pharmacy,excitement and competence dimensions are dimensions that significantlyaffect customer trust.. The results of this study can be used by the pharmacyto create a brand personality that is different among the competitors, so as toincrease customer trust and build a long-time relationship with customers] |