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Rasa tidak aman diri sebagai anggota Polri menghadapi aksi teror dan kekerasan yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat = Sense of self as a member of unsafe polri terror and violence against action taken by community

Nanang Haryono; Selu Margaretha Kushendrawati, supervisor; Sarlito Wirawan Sarwono, supervisor; Tb. Ronny Rahman Nitibaskara, examiner (Fakultas Pascasarjana, 2014)


Tesis ini membahas hasil penelitian mengenai Rasa Tidak Aman Diri Sebagai
anggota Polri: Menghadapi aksi teror dan kekerasan yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat.
Fakta yang terjadi menunjukan bahwa kasus aksi teror dan kekerasan yang dilakukan
oleh masyarakat terhadap Polri semakin meningkat, sehingga menyebabkan beberapa
anggota Polisi tewas. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode pengamatan lapangan
didukung dengan metode wawancara dan menghimpun dokumen terkait. Wawancara
dilakukan kepada para masyarakat dan petugas Polri. Hasil penelitian dianalisis
secara kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa maraknya aksi teror
dan kekerasan yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat terhadap Polri dikaitkan dengan teori
Durkheim dapat dikatakan merupakan salah satu bentuk dari perkembangan
masyarakat yang sederhana ke masyarakat yang modern. Dikaitkan dengan teori rasa
Ki Ageng Suryomentaram, merupakan manifestasi dari istilah mulur-mungkret.
Dikaitkan dengan teori kebutuhan Abraham Maslow, maka polisi pun memerlukan
rasa aman. Sedangkan dikaitkan dengan teori kekerasan menurut Johan Galtung, aksi
teror dan kekerasan yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat terhadap Polisi merupakan
bentuk kekerasan langsung. Dengan semakin maraknya aksi teror dan kekerasan
terhadap anggotanya, maka menuntut Polri sebagai organisasi melakukan manajemen
sekuiriti yang baik, yakni membuat upaya keamanan dan pencegahan terjadinya
kekerasan agar tidak terjadi gangguan yang dapat menimbulkan kerugian dengan
dasar efektif dan efisien, diantaranya: (1) Memakai Baju Rompi Anti Peluru; (2)
Kegiatan Patroli dilakukan Minimal oleh dua orang; (3) Pelaksanaan SOP yang
Sesuai; (4) Peningkatan Keahlian Anggota Polri terutama dalam Bela Diri; dan (5)
Reformasi Birokrasi Polri.

This thesis discusses the results of research on Insecurity Themselves as members of
the Police: facing the terror and violence of action undertaken by the community. The
fact that occurred showed that cases of violence and terror acts committed by the
public against the Police has increased, causing some members of the Police were
killed. This research was conducted with methods of field observations are supported
by the method of interview and gather related documents. The interview was done to
the community and the officers of the national police. Research results are analyzed
qualitatively descriptive. The result showed that the rise of terror and violence carried
out by public towards police associated with theory durkheim to say is one form of
society development simple to society modern. Associated with theory taste ki ageng
suryomentaram, are manifestations of the term mulur-mungkret. Associated with
theory needs abraham maslow, then police also requires safety. While associated with
theory violence according to Johan Galtung, terrorism and violence carried out by the
public against the police is a form of violence direct. With the rampant terrorism and
violence against its members, then as demanding police organizat ion do management
sekuiriti good namely making efforts security and prevention a violent onset to avoid
a nuisance that can inflict harm with the base effective and efficient, are: (1) wearing
a bulletproof vests; (2) patrol activities should be done by two persons; (3) the
exercise sop appropriate; (4) increasing expertise members police especially in
martial; and (5 ) bureaucracy reform police;This thesis discusses the results of research on Insecurity Themselves as members of
the Police: facing the terror and violence of action undertaken by the community. The
fact that occurred showed that cases of violence and terror acts committed by the
public against the Police has increased, causing some members of the Police were
killed. This research was conducted with methods of field observations are supported
by the method of interview and gather related documents. The interview was done to
the community and the officers of the national police. Research results are analyzed
qualitatively descriptive. The result showed that the rise of terror and violence carried
out by public towards police associated with theory durkheim to say is one form of
society development simple to society modern. Associated with theory taste ki ageng
suryomentaram, are manifestations of the term mulur-mungkret. Associated with
theory needs abraham maslow, then police also requires safety. While associated with
theory violence according to Johan Galtung, terrorism and violence carried out by the
public against the police is a form of violence direct. With the rampant terrorism and
violence against its members, then as demanding police organizat ion do management
sekuiriti good namely making efforts security and prevention a violent onset to avoid
a nuisance that can inflict harm with the base effective and efficient, are: (1) wearing
a bulletproof vests; (2) patrol activities should be done by two persons; (3) the
exercise sop appropriate; (4) increasing expertise members police especially in
martial; and (5 ) bureaucracy reform police, This thesis discusses the results of research on Insecurity Themselves as members of
the Police: facing the terror and violence of action undertaken by the community. The
fact that occurred showed that cases of violence and terror acts committed by the
public against the Police has increased, causing some members of the Police were
killed. This research was conducted with methods of field observations are supported
by the method of interview and gather related documents. The interview was done to
the community and the officers of the national police. Research results are analyzed
qualitatively descriptive. The result showed that the rise of terror and violence carried
out by public towards police associated with theory durkheim to say is one form of
society development simple to society modern. Associated with theory taste ki ageng
suryomentaram, are manifestations of the term mulur-mungkret. Associated with
theory needs abraham maslow, then police also requires safety. While associated with
theory violence according to Johan Galtung, terrorism and violence carried out by the
public against the police is a form of violence direct. With the rampant terrorism and
violence against its members, then as demanding police organizat ion do management
sekuiriti good namely making efforts security and prevention a violent onset to avoid
a nuisance that can inflict harm with the base effective and efficient, are: (1) wearing
a bulletproof vests; (2) patrol activities should be done by two persons; (3) the
exercise sop appropriate; (4) increasing expertise members police especially in
martial; and (5 ) bureaucracy reform police]

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No. Panggil : T-Pdf
Entri utama-Nama orang :
Entri tambahan-Nama orang :
Entri tambahan-Nama badan :
Subjek :
Penerbitan : Jakarta: Fakultas Pascasarjana, 2014
Program Studi :
Bahasa : ind
Sumber Pengatalogan : LibUI ind rda
Tipe Konten : text
Tipe Media : computer
Tipe Carrier : online resource
Deskripsi Fisik : xiii, 99 pages : illustration ; 28 cm + appendix
Naskah Ringkas :
Lembaga Pemilik : Universitas Indonesia
Lokasi : Perpustakaan UI, Lantai 3
  • Ketersediaan
  • Ulasan
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T-Pdf 15-17-738536691 TERSEDIA
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