[ABSTRAK Saat ini operator telekomunikasi menghadapi berbagai tantangan yangmempengaruhi profit. Untuk menghadapi tantangan ? tantangan tersebutoperator memerlukan strategi yang tepat. Strategi kepeminpinan biaya dapatdirealisasikan dalam efisiensi capex dan opex. Penelitian ini bertujuan untukmelakukan efisiensi penggunaan biaya investasi BTS tanpa mengesampingkankualitas layanan. Untuk tercapainya laba bersih yang diharapkan, dibutuhkanperancangan ambang batas kapasitas sebagai pedoman ekspansi BTS. Investasiyang berlebihan dapat menyebabkan penurunan laba bersih. Sebaliknyainvestasi yang terlambat dapat menyebabkan rendahnya Quality of Experience(QoE). Perhitungan ambang batas menggunakan teori Probabilistic RiskAnalysis Discrete Random Variables, dengan membandingkan probabilitastingkat pengembalian investasi dan risiko antar alternatif agregasi utilisasimenggunakan mean 80%, mean 90%, peak 80%, dan peak 90%. Hasil analisismenunjukkan berdasarkan analisis probabilitas tingkat pengembalian investasidan tingkat risiko, maka agregasi mean dengan threshold 90% lebih baik. ABSTRACT Nowadays, the operators have faced some challenges which impact to netprofit. To overcome the challenges, operators need proper strategy. Costleadership strategy can be realized in efficient capex and opex. This research ispurposed to make BTS investment cost efficient without set the quality ofservice aside. To get the expected profit, operators need to design the capacitythreshold as BTS expansion guidance. Over investment can cause net profitdecrement. Otherwise, late investment can cause low Quality of Experience(QoE). Threshold design uses Probabilistic Risk Analysis Discrete RandomVariables theory, with comparing return of investment probability and riskbetween alternatives using mean 80%, mean 90%, peak 80%, dan peak 90%.The result shows that base on return of investment probability and risk, meanaggregate with threshold 90% is better than others;Nowadays, the operators have faced some challenges which impact to netprofit. To overcome the challenges, operators need proper strategy. Costleadership strategy can be realized in efficient capex and opex. This research ispurposed to make BTS investment cost efficient without set the quality ofservice aside. To get the expected profit, operators need to design the capacitythreshold as BTS expansion guidance. Over investment can cause net profitdecrement. Otherwise, late investment can cause low Quality of Experience(QoE). Threshold design uses Probabilistic Risk Analysis Discrete RandomVariables theory, with comparing return of investment probability and riskbetween alternatives using mean 80%, mean 90%, peak 80%, dan peak 90%.The result shows that base on return of investment probability and risk, meanaggregate with threshold 90% is better than others, Nowadays, the operators have faced some challenges which impact to netprofit. To overcome the challenges, operators need proper strategy. Costleadership strategy can be realized in efficient capex and opex. This research ispurposed to make BTS investment cost efficient without set the quality ofservice aside. To get the expected profit, operators need to design the capacitythreshold as BTS expansion guidance. Over investment can cause net profitdecrement. Otherwise, late investment can cause low Quality of Experience(QoE). Threshold design uses Probabilistic Risk Analysis Discrete RandomVariables theory, with comparing return of investment probability and riskbetween alternatives using mean 80%, mean 90%, peak 80%, dan peak 90%.The result shows that base on return of investment probability and risk, meanaggregate with threshold 90% is better than others] |