[ABSTRAK Perkembangan daerah terbangun di Indonesia khususnya di Pulau Jawa,terus meningkat dalam beberapa dekade. Sumbangan sektor ekonomi yangdominan dan pesat di daerah perkotaan telah memicu masyarakat untuk hidup danberkegiatan di wilayah kota, bahkan berkembang hingga di luar batas administrasikota. Sumbangan ekonomi dan pertumbuhan penduduk tersebut mengakibatkanberkembangnya kawasan-kawasan baru di sekitar pusat kota dan di sepanjangjaringan transportasi menjadi kota-kota satelit atau aglomerasi penduduk yangmaju, strategis serta memiliki fasilitas dan sarana-prasarana yang lengkap.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan proses dan intensitas perubahanpenggunaan tanah menjadi daerah terbangun di Wilayah Cirebon yang dibagimenjadi 3 kategori; tinggi, sedang dan rendah, sementara faktor-faktor yangmempengaruhinya dianalisis dengan menggunakan regresi logistik. Perankebijakan pemerintah kota/kabupaten dalam perkembangan daerah terbangundianalisis dengan membandingkan pola perkembangan hirarki pusat pelayanandengan perencanaan tata ruang.Dari 45 kecamatan yang dianalisis, intensitas tinggi ditemukan di 7kecamatan, intensitas sedang di 18 kecamatan dan intensitas rendah di 20kecamatan. Proses perubahan penggunaan tanah menjadi daerah terbangun berasaldari persawahan, evolusi dari hutan menjadi tanah terbuka, tegalan/kebun, sertasemak belukar, dengan persebaran terdapat di pinggiran kota hingga ke arah baratmengikuti jalur pantura. Faktor pengaruh signifikan adalah ketinggian, lereng, jarakdari pusat kota (Cirebon), jarak dari pusat kabupaten (Sumber), hirarki pusatpelayanan, dan kerapatan jalan. Sementara itu, kebijakan pemerintah Kota Cirebonsebagai pusat pelayanan utama dan pengendali arah pembangunan diidentifikasisebagai faktor kebijakan dominan yang mendorong perubahan penggunaan tanah. ABSTRACT The expansion of developed areas in Indonesia especially in Java, continuesto increase remarkably in recent decades. Dominant and rapid economiccontributions in urban areas has encourage the people e.g. workers to live andundertake activities in the surrounding region, even beyond the limits of the cityadministration. Thus the economic contribution and the populations growth ofurban areas has fueled the growth of new areas along the transportation corridors toform strategic satellite cities. This study aims to explain the changes and intensityof various land use types in Cirebon Region into developed areas were grouped intothree categories; high, medium and low, while the influencing factors was analysedby logistic regression. The role of goverment in advancing the developed areas wasanalysed by comparing the shifting patterns of economic sectors and thehierarchical development of service centers with the spatial planning, of cities anddistricts.Of 45 sub-districts subjected to the analysis, high intensity was identifiedfrom 7 sub-districts, medium intensity was identified from 18 sub-districts, and lowintensity was identified from 20 sub-districts. Land use changes originated frompaddy fields, and evolving forests into bare land, orchards and bushes. Theyoccured along the suburban areas, moving towards the west along the Panturatransportation corridors. Significant influencing factors were altittude, slope factor,the distance from city nuclea (Cirebon), the distance from district nuclea (Sumber),the central place hierarchy, and road density. Meanwhile, the governmental policyof Cirebon Municipality as the main service center and controller of developmentdirection was identified as the dominant policy factor that induced the land usechanges in the region.;The expansion of developed areas in Indonesia especially in Java, continuesto increase remarkably in recent decades. Dominant and rapid economiccontributions in urban areas has encourage the people e.g. workers to live andundertake activities in the surrounding region, even beyond the limits of the cityadministration. Thus the economic contribution and the populations growth ofurban areas has fueled the growth of new areas along the transportation corridors toform strategic satellite cities. This study aims to explain the changes and intensityof various land use types in Cirebon Region into developed areas were grouped intothree categories; high, medium and low, while the influencing factors was analysedby logistic regression. The role of goverment in advancing the developed areas wasanalysed by comparing the shifting patterns of economic sectors and thehierarchical development of service centers with the spatial planning, of cities anddistricts.Of 45 sub-districts subjected to the analysis, high intensity was identifiedfrom 7 sub-districts, medium intensity was identified from 18 sub-districts, and lowintensity was identified from 20 sub-districts. Land use changes originated frompaddy fields, and evolving forests into bare land, orchards and bushes. Theyoccured along the suburban areas, moving towards the west along the Panturatransportation corridors. Significant influencing factors were altittude, slope factor,the distance from city nuclea (Cirebon), the distance from district nuclea (Sumber),the central place hierarchy, and road density. Meanwhile, the governmental policyof Cirebon Municipality as the main service center and controller of developmentdirection was identified as the dominant policy factor that induced the land usechanges in the region.;The expansion of developed areas in Indonesia especially in Java, continuesto increase remarkably in recent decades. Dominant and rapid economiccontributions in urban areas has encourage the people e.g. workers to live andundertake activities in the surrounding region, even beyond the limits of the cityadministration. Thus the economic contribution and the populations growth ofurban areas has fueled the growth of new areas along the transportation corridors toform strategic satellite cities. This study aims to explain the changes and intensityof various land use types in Cirebon Region into developed areas were grouped intothree categories; high, medium and low, while the influencing factors was analysedby logistic regression. The role of goverment in advancing the developed areas wasanalysed by comparing the shifting patterns of economic sectors and thehierarchical development of service centers with the spatial planning, of cities anddistricts.Of 45 sub-districts subjected to the analysis, high intensity was identifiedfrom 7 sub-districts, medium intensity was identified from 18 sub-districts, and lowintensity was identified from 20 sub-districts. Land use changes originated frompaddy fields, and evolving forests into bare land, orchards and bushes. Theyoccured along the suburban areas, moving towards the west along the Panturatransportation corridors. Significant influencing factors were altittude, slope factor,the distance from city nuclea (Cirebon), the distance from district nuclea (Sumber),the central place hierarchy, and road density. Meanwhile, the governmental policyof Cirebon Municipality as the main service center and controller of developmentdirection was identified as the dominant policy factor that induced the land usechanges in the region., The expansion of developed areas in Indonesia especially in Java, continuesto increase remarkably in recent decades. Dominant and rapid economiccontributions in urban areas has encourage the people e.g. workers to live andundertake activities in the surrounding region, even beyond the limits of the cityadministration. Thus the economic contribution and the populations growth ofurban areas has fueled the growth of new areas along the transportation corridors toform strategic satellite cities. This study aims to explain the changes and intensityof various land use types in Cirebon Region into developed areas were grouped intothree categories; high, medium and low, while the influencing factors was analysedby logistic regression. The role of goverment in advancing the developed areas wasanalysed by comparing the shifting patterns of economic sectors and thehierarchical development of service centers with the spatial planning, of cities anddistricts.Of 45 sub-districts subjected to the analysis, high intensity was identifiedfrom 7 sub-districts, medium intensity was identified from 18 sub-districts, and lowintensity was identified from 20 sub-districts. Land use changes originated frompaddy fields, and evolving forests into bare land, orchards and bushes. Theyoccured along the suburban areas, moving towards the west along the Panturatransportation corridors. Significant influencing factors were altittude, slope factor,the distance from city nuclea (Cirebon), the distance from district nuclea (Sumber),the central place hierarchy, and road density. Meanwhile, the governmental policyof Cirebon Municipality as the main service center and controller of developmentdirection was identified as the dominant policy factor that induced the land usechanges in the region.] |