[ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji perbedaan tingkat manajemen labasebelum dan setelah IPO dan SEO, pengaruh manajemen laba pada tahun IPO danSEO terhadap upcoming years return, pengaruh kepemilikan keluarga terhadapmanajemen laba. Penelitian ini juga melihat peran moderasi dari efektivitasmonitoring dalam tata kelola dalam hubungan manajemen laba serta kepemilikankeluarga terhadap upcoming years return pada perusahaan IPO dan SEO. Metodeyang digunakan dalam menguji penelitian ini adalah uji beda menggunakanpaired t-test dan regresi cross-sectional. Sampel penelitian ini merupakanperusahan industri non keuangan, real estate, property, dan hotel dari tahun 2005sampai 2012 dengan jumlah 96 untuk perusahaan IPO dan 64 untuk perusahaanSEO. Hasil dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perusahaan IPO dan SEOberperilaku oportunistik dalam manajemen laba akrual. Perusahaan IPO dan SEOdiindikasikan melakukan shifting dari manajemen laba akrual menjadi riil setelahSEO. Hasil penelitian membuktikkan bahwa manajemen laba berpengaruh negatifterhadap upcoming years return, hasil berbeda dari perusahaan SEO yang tidakberpengaruh. Selain itu hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa kepemilikan keluargamemilih manajemen laba riil dan akrual pada perusahaan IPO dan manajemenlaba riil pada perusahaan SEO. Hasil penelitian tidak berhasil menemukanpengaruh kepemilikan keluarga terhadap upcoming years return. Pada perusahaanIPO peran dewan komisaris berhasil memperlemah hubungan manajemen laba riilterhadap upcoming years return. SEO yang membuktikkan peran moderasiefektivitas komite audit dalam memperlemah hubungan manajemen laba riilterhadap upcoming years return dan efektivitas monitoring berhasil memperkuathubungan kepemilikan keluarga terhadap upcoming years return. ABSTRACT This study examines differences in the level of earnings management before andafter the IPO and SEO, the effect of earnings management in the IPO and SEO toupcoming years return, the influence of family ownership on earningsmanagement. The study also looked at the role of moderation in monitoring theeffectiveness of governance in relation to earnings management and familyownership on upcoming years return on the company's IPO and the SEO. Themethod used in this research is to test different test using paired t-test and crosssectionalregression. The study sample was non financial industry, real estate,hotels and property firm from 2005 until 2012, there were 96 and 64 for thecompany's IPO and SEO firms. The results of this study indicate that thecompany's IPO and SEO behave opportunistic accruals in earnings management.IPO and SEO Company indicated undertake shifting of accruals into real earningsmanagement after the SEO. The results of the study prove that earningsmanagement negatively affect the upcoming years return, the result is differentfrom SEO companies that had no effect. In addition, the results of the study foundthat family ownership chose real earnings management and accruals on thecompany's IPO and real earnings management at SEO company. The results of thestudy failed to find the effect of family ownership on the upcoming years return.At the company's successful IPO weaken the role of the board of commissionersof real earnings management relations upcoming years to return. SEO that provethe effectiveness of the audit committee's role in moderating the relationshipweakens real earnings management to return upcoming years and successfullymonitoring the effectiveness of strengthening ties to the upcoming years of familyownership return.;This study examines differences in the level of earnings management before andafter the IPO and SEO, the effect of earnings management in the IPO and SEO toupcoming years return, the influence of family ownership on earningsmanagement. The study also looked at the role of moderation in monitoring theeffectiveness of governance in relation to earnings management and familyownership on upcoming years return on the company's IPO and the SEO. Themethod used in this research is to test different test using paired t-test and crosssectionalregression. The study sample was non financial industry, real estate,hotels and property firm from 2005 until 2012, there were 96 and 64 for thecompany's IPO and SEO firms. The results of this study indicate that thecompany's IPO and SEO behave opportunistic accruals in earnings management.IPO and SEO Company indicated undertake shifting of accruals into real earningsmanagement after the SEO. The results of the study prove that earningsmanagement negatively affect the upcoming years return, the result is differentfrom SEO companies that had no effect. In addition, the results of the study foundthat family ownership chose real earnings management and accruals on thecompany's IPO and real earnings management at SEO company. The results of thestudy failed to find the effect of family ownership on the upcoming years return.At the company's successful IPO weaken the role of the board of commissionersof real earnings management relations upcoming years to return. SEO that provethe effectiveness of the audit committee's role in moderating the relationshipweakens real earnings management to return upcoming years and successfullymonitoring the effectiveness of strengthening ties to the upcoming years of familyownership return.;This study examines differences in the level of earnings management before andafter the IPO and SEO, the effect of earnings management in the IPO and SEO toupcoming years return, the influence of family ownership on earningsmanagement. The study also looked at the role of moderation in monitoring theeffectiveness of governance in relation to earnings management and familyownership on upcoming years return on the company's IPO and the SEO. Themethod used in this research is to test different test using paired t-test and crosssectionalregression. The study sample was non financial industry, real estate,hotels and property firm from 2005 until 2012, there were 96 and 64 for thecompany's IPO and SEO firms. The results of this study indicate that thecompany's IPO and SEO behave opportunistic accruals in earnings management.IPO and SEO Company indicated undertake shifting of accruals into real earningsmanagement after the SEO. The results of the study prove that earningsmanagement negatively affect the upcoming years return, the result is differentfrom SEO companies that had no effect. In addition, the results of the study foundthat family ownership chose real earnings management and accruals on thecompany's IPO and real earnings management at SEO company. The results of thestudy failed to find the effect of family ownership on the upcoming years return.At the company's successful IPO weaken the role of the board of commissionersof real earnings management relations upcoming years to return. SEO that provethe effectiveness of the audit committee's role in moderating the relationshipweakens real earnings management to return upcoming years and successfullymonitoring the effectiveness of strengthening ties to the upcoming years of familyownership return., This study examines differences in the level of earnings management before andafter the IPO and SEO, the effect of earnings management in the IPO and SEO toupcoming years return, the influence of family ownership on earningsmanagement. The study also looked at the role of moderation in monitoring theeffectiveness of governance in relation to earnings management and familyownership on upcoming years return on the company's IPO and the SEO. Themethod used in this research is to test different test using paired t-test and crosssectionalregression. The study sample was non financial industry, real estate,hotels and property firm from 2005 until 2012, there were 96 and 64 for thecompany's IPO and SEO firms. The results of this study indicate that thecompany's IPO and SEO behave opportunistic accruals in earnings management.IPO and SEO Company indicated undertake shifting of accruals into real earningsmanagement after the SEO. The results of the study prove that earningsmanagement negatively affect the upcoming years return, the result is differentfrom SEO companies that had no effect. In addition, the results of the study foundthat family ownership chose real earnings management and accruals on thecompany's IPO and real earnings management at SEO company. The results of thestudy failed to find the effect of family ownership on the upcoming years return.At the company's successful IPO weaken the role of the board of commissionersof real earnings management relations upcoming years to return. SEO that provethe effectiveness of the audit committee's role in moderating the relationshipweakens real earnings management to return upcoming years and successfullymonitoring the effectiveness of strengthening ties to the upcoming years of familyownership return.] |