[ABSTRAK Indonesia termasuk ke dalam kategori high burden countries untuk bebantertinggi TB dunia, menempati urutan ketiga setelah India dan Cina.Penanggulangan penyakit ini salah satunya dengan pemodelan kejadian TB Parudengan faktor-faktor risikonya dengan analisis regresi linear. Namun, belum tentucocok diterapkan disemua wilayah karena memiliki kondisi geografis yangberbeda, sehingga dapat menyebabkan adanya perbedaan kasus TB Paru antarawilayah satu dengan wilayah yang lainnya. Oleh karena itu, perlu dimasukkanunsur pengaruh geografis dengan pemodelan regresi linear spasial atauGeographically Weighted Regression (GWR), dalam penelitian ini untuk menilaihubungan kejadian TB Paru dengan faktor kondisi lingkungan fisik rumah,kondisi lingkungan rumah tinggal, karakteristik kependudukan, danmemanfaatkan pelayanan kesehatan terhadap kejadian TB Paru. Penelitian inimenggunakan desain studi potong lintang (cross sectional) dengan menggunakandata Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) 2010. Sampel penelitian ini adalahresponden dalam Riskesdas 2010 berusia 15 tahun ke atas di Jawa Barat. Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan bahwa memanfaatkan pelayanan kesehatan merupakanfaktor dominan yang berhubungan dengan kejadian TB Paru di tiap Kabupaten/Kota Provinsi Jawa Barat kecuali Majalengka dan Pekerjaan juga berhubungan hanya di Kabupaten Bogor. ABSTRACT Indonesia is in the category of high-burden countries for the highest burden ofPulmonary Tuberculosis of the world, the third rank after India and China. Theeffort to overcome this disease is to do modeling the prevalence of PulmonaryTuberculosis using linear regression model globally. However, it is notnecessarily suitable to be applied in all areas because every area has differentgeographical condition, so it can lead to differences of TB cases between oneregion with another region. Therefore, the effect of geographic elements need tobe incorporated with linear regression modeling spatial or GeographicallyWeighted Regression (GWR). This study applied GWR model to assess theassociation of Pulmonary Tuberculosis prevalence by the physical condition of thehome environment, residential environment, demographic characteristics, andhealth care utilizing factors on the prevalence of Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Thisstudy used a cross-sectional study design using Riskesdas Data - 2010. Samples inthis study were Riskesdas 2010 respondents aged 15 years and over in West Java.The results showed that utilize of health care is the dominant factor associated with the prevalence of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in each district/city of West Java except Majalengka, also related employement status only in Bogor Regency.;Indonesia is in the category of high-burden countries for the highest burden ofPulmonary Tuberculosis of the world, the third rank after India and China. Theeffort to overcome this disease is to do modeling the prevalence of PulmonaryTuberculosis using linear regression model globally. However, it is notnecessarily suitable to be applied in all areas because every area has differentgeographical condition, so it can lead to differences of TB cases between oneregion with another region. Therefore, the effect of geographic elements need tobe incorporated with linear regression modeling spatial or GeographicallyWeighted Regression (GWR). This study applied GWR model to assess theassociation of Pulmonary Tuberculosis prevalence by the physical condition of thehome environment, residential environment, demographic characteristics, andhealth care utilizing factors on the prevalence of Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Thisstudy used a cross-sectional study design using Riskesdas Data - 2010. Samples inthis study were Riskesdas 2010 respondents aged 15 years and over in West Java.The results showed that utilize of health care is the dominant factor associated with the prevalence of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in each district/city of West Java except Majalengka, also related employement status only in Bogor Regency., Indonesia is in the category of high-burden countries for the highest burden ofPulmonary Tuberculosis of the world, the third rank after India and China. Theeffort to overcome this disease is to do modeling the prevalence of PulmonaryTuberculosis using linear regression model globally. However, it is notnecessarily suitable to be applied in all areas because every area has differentgeographical condition, so it can lead to differences of TB cases between oneregion with another region. Therefore, the effect of geographic elements need tobe incorporated with linear regression modeling spatial or GeographicallyWeighted Regression (GWR). This study applied GWR model to assess theassociation of Pulmonary Tuberculosis prevalence by the physical condition of thehome environment, residential environment, demographic characteristics, andhealth care utilizing factors on the prevalence of Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Thisstudy used a cross-sectional study design using Riskesdas Data - 2010. Samples inthis study were Riskesdas 2010 respondents aged 15 years and over in West Java.The results showed that utilize of health care is the dominant factor associated with the prevalence of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in each district/city of West Java except Majalengka, also related employement status only in Bogor Regency.] |