[ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melakukan pemetaan ideologi bangsa Indonesia. Intipersoalannya adalah keragaman interpretasi Pancasila. Penelitian berasumsi tindakanpolitik adalah refleksi ideologi politik. Jika interpretasi Pancasila adalah tindakan politik,maka tipe-tipe interpretasi Pancasila adalah tipe-tipe ideologi bangsa Indonesia.Penelitian dengan menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologi Husserl dapat menempatkanPancasila sebagai dunia kehidupan (lebenswelt, life-world). Proses intensionalitas(keterarahan) antara dunia alamiah, kehidupan sosial, institusi politik (objek, noema)dengan kesadaran intersubjek (subjek, noesis) dapat menjelaskan tipe-tipe interpretasiPancasila, yaitu ; Radikal Utopis (Kanan), Radikal Non Utopis (Kiri), Konservatif,Moderat dan Progresif. Kalau tipe-tipe interpretasi Pancasila sebagai struktur integraldunia kehidupan bangsa Indonesia, maka tipe-tipe interpretasi Pancasila adalahkonstelasi Politik Indonesia. ABSTRAK The purpose of this study is mapping of Indonesian ideology. The core problemis the diversity of interpretation of Pancasila. The study assumed a political action is areflection of political ideology. If the interpretation of Pancasila is a political action, thenthe types of interpretation of Pancasila are the types of Indonesian ideology. Researchusing Husserl’s phenomenology approach can put Pancasila as the living world(Lebenswelt, the life-world). The process of intentionality (the directivity) between thenatural world, social life, political institutions (object, Noema) with awarenessintersubjek (subject, noesis) can explain the types of interpretation of Pancasila, namely;Radical Utopian (Right), Radical Non-Utopian (left), Conservative, Moderate andProgressive. If the types of interpretation of Pancasila is as an integral structure of theliving world of Indonesia, so the types of interpretations of Pancasila is Indonesianpolitical constellation., The purpose of this study is mapping of Indonesian ideology. The core problemis the diversity of interpretation of Pancasila. The study assumed a political action is areflection of political ideology. If the interpretation of Pancasila is a political action, thenthe types of interpretation of Pancasila are the types of Indonesian ideology. Researchusing Husserl’s phenomenology approach can put Pancasila as the living world(Lebenswelt, the life-world). The process of intentionality (the directivity) between thenatural world, social life, political institutions (object, Noema) with awarenessintersubjek (subject, noesis) can explain the types of interpretation of Pancasila, namely;Radical Utopian (Right), Radical Non-Utopian (left), Conservative, Moderate andProgressive. If the types of interpretation of Pancasila is as an integral structure of theliving world of Indonesia, so the types of interpretations of Pancasila is Indonesianpolitical constellation.] |