[ABSTRAK Modul termoelektrik sebagai sebuah peralatan yang dapat mengubah energi listrikmenjadi sebuah gradien temperatur atau sebaliknya dengan adanya gradien(perbedaan) temperatur, dapat mengubah energi panas (kalor) menjadi energilistrik. Sebagai sistem temoelektrik generator, elemen ini tidak berisik,perawatannya mudah, dimensi relatif kecil, ringan dan ramah terhadaplingkungan karena tidak menghasilkan polusi. Karena melimpahnya panasbuangan dari pabrik, rumah tangga, perangkat elektronik dan iradiasi matahariyang ada, modul termoelektrik akan menjadi solusi teknologi alternatif yangmurah dan ramah lingkungan bila digunakan sebagai sebuah generator(pembangkit daya) penghasil listrik dengan memanfaatkan panas buangantersebut.Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode eksperimen. Eksperimen yang telahdilakukan dengan menguji karakteristik modul termoelektrik pada 3 sumber kaloryang berbeda, yaitu: dengan menggunakan sumber kalor fluida (air) panas,sumber panas radiasi matahari dan sumber panas bohlam halogen.Dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan diperoleh beberapa hasil antara lain;Karakterisasi modul TE pada sumber fluida panas menunjukkan bahwa dengankenaikan temperatur fluida panas 5°C terjadi peningkatan beda tegangan berkisarsebesar 100 mV dan daya maksimum rata-rata dicapai sekitar 15 mW; denganpenggunaan heat pipe membangkitkan daya yang jauh lebih besar 4-5 kali padamodul TE tunggal (1.04 mW) dari modul TE tunggal tanpa heat pipe (0.15mW), dan pada modul TE ganda yang menggunakan heat pipe menjadi 4 kalilebih besar (1.48mW) dari modul TE ganda yang tanpa heat pipe ( 0.37mW);diperoleh sebuah persamaan penentuan koefisien Seebeck untuk modul terkoneksi= dimana adalah koefisien Seebeck hasil koneksi, adalahkoefisien Seebeck tunggal. ABSTRAK Thermoelectric module as a device that can convert electrical energy into atemperature gradient or vice versa with the gradient temperature, can change theheat energy into electricity. As a thermoelectric generator system, this element isnot noisy, easy maintenance, relatively small dimensions, light weight andenvironmentally friendly because it does not produce pollution. Because of theabundance of waste heat from factories, household, electronic devices andexisting solar irradiation, thermoelectric modules would be a cheap alternativetechnology solutions and environmentally friendly when used as a generatorproducing electricity by utilizing the waste heat .This research was conducted with the experimental method. Experiments havebeen done by testing the characteristics of thermoelectric modules in 3 differentheat sources, namely: using heat of hot water, heat of the solar radiation and heatof halogen bulb .From the research that has been done shows some results, among others;Characterization of the TE module to the heat source fluid showed that differenttemperature of the hot fluid about 5°C will increase voltage range of 100 mV anda maximum average power is achieved of about 15 mW; by the use of heat pipeevokes a far greater power 4-5 times in a single TE module on (1.04 mW) thanthat a single TE module without heat pipes on (0.15 mW), and the double TEmodules using heat pipes 4 times greater (1.48mW) of double TE moduleswithout heat pipes (0.37mW); was obtained an equation for the Seebeckcoefficient determination module connected k = C1/C2 t where k is theSeebeck coefficient results of the connection, the Seebeck coefficient t of singleTE modules., Thermoelectric module as a device that can convert electrical energy into atemperature gradient or vice versa with the gradient temperature, can change theheat energy into electricity. As a thermoelectric generator system, this element isnot noisy, easy maintenance, relatively small dimensions, light weight andenvironmentally friendly because it does not produce pollution. Because of theabundance of waste heat from factories, household, electronic devices andexisting solar irradiation, thermoelectric modules would be a cheap alternativetechnology solutions and environmentally friendly when used as a generatorproducing electricity by utilizing the waste heat .This research was conducted with the experimental method. Experiments havebeen done by testing the characteristics of thermoelectric modules in 3 differentheat sources, namely: using heat of hot water, heat of the solar radiation and heatof halogen bulb .From the research that has been done shows some results, among others;Characterization of the TE module to the heat source fluid showed that differenttemperature of the hot fluid about 5°C will increase voltage range of 100 mV anda maximum average power is achieved of about 15 mW; by the use of heat pipeevokes a far greater power 4-5 times in a single TE module on (1.04 mW) thanthat a single TE module without heat pipes on (0.15 mW), and the double TEmodules using heat pipes 4 times greater (1.48mW) of double TE moduleswithout heat pipes (0.37mW); was obtained an equation for the Seebeckcoefficient determination module connected k = C1/C2 t where k is theSeebeck coefficient results of the connection, the Seebeck coefficient t of singleTE modules.] |