[ABSTRAK Disertasi ini mengulas pemaknaan estetika keburukan topeng bondres Balisebagai tokoh dalam dramatari topeng Bali. Pembahasan ini diawali denganepistemologi tentang topeng (bondres) sebagai sebuah realitas dari representasidari “ada‟ atau sebagai karakter manusia yang terwakili oleh topeng. Maskharahdalam bahasa Arab berarti „badut‟, yang berasal dari kata kerja „Sakhira‟ yangartinya „mengejek‟, sedangkan dalam bahasa Romawi Kuno topeng dapatdiartikan sebagai „Persona; atau „Prosophone‟ yang artinya manusia. Dalamdramatari topeng Bali, topeng bondres (tokoh rakyat) ditampilkan dengan ekspresiwajah buruk sebagai makna transformasi personal dan transformasi sosial.Dengan memanfaatkan dasar kosmologi topeng (bondres) yang pembacaannyadisandingkan dengan pemikiran inti Jacques Derrida, melalui dekonstruksi Deridamenolak gagasan ordinat dan subordinat atau mengunggulkan yang satu denganmeminggirkan yang lain, konsep utamanya adalah menolak kebenaran tunggul.Melalui dekonstruksi Derrida dapat diperoleh teks dan makna baru melaluipembacaan ulang. Dengan differance , pembacaan perbedaan yang langsung dapatmenampung 2 hal yang berbeda, pembacaan perbedaan terhadap totalitas maknadalam teks. Dengan grammatology secara garis besar merupakan ilmu „tanda daritanda‟, dalam hal ini keburukan topeng Bondres merupakan tanda yang merujukpada tanda yang lain, dan bagi Derrida, tanda adalah trace atau jejak yangberkaitan dengan „kehadiran‟ dan sekaligus sebagai „ketidakhadiran‟.Studi ini menghasilkan, bahwa dalam sistem kosmologi Bali, nilaikeburukan topeng bondres merupakan sesuatu yang berdiri sendiri , otonom danmandiri, eksistensi nilai keburukan yang menempati ruang kesadaran masyarakatBali sebagai sistem nilai yang tak terpisahkan dari sistem nilai kehidupan.Pembacaan makna kosmologi topeng Bondres disandingkan dengan beberapapemikiran-pemikiran Derrida, Topeng Bondres dapat dipahami sebagai dimensikeburukan estetis yang otonom dan sama nilainya dengan kecantikan karenamampu menghasilkan sensasi estetis yang sama. Topeng bondres mempunyaipenilaian bentuk (form) dan penilaian isi (content) , penilaian terbuka danpenilaian yang tersembunyi yang hadir karena peran dan fungsi bondres dalampertunjukan topeng; penilaian ini berkenaan dengan emosi,afeksi dan apresiasimanusia yang terangkum dalam bingkai-bingkai (frame) yang terbentuk. Sehinggatopeng Bondres dapat mengkonstruksi kategori-kategori baru bahwa dalamkeburukan wajah terkandung dimensi kebebasan manusia yang sublim.Kata kunci: Topeng bondres, estetika keburukan, kosmologi-Bali, Dekonstruksi,differance, trace, grammatology, tanda-teks. ; ABSTRACT This dissertation analyze the meaning of ugliness aesthetic of Balinesetopeng Bondres as a figure on Balinese topeng dance drama. This study is startedby epistemological study on topeng bondres as a reality of being representation ora human character that represented by topeng. Maskharah in Arabic means “aclown” from verb “shakira” means “parodying”. In ancient Roman, topeng means“persona” or “prosophone” means human being. In Balinese topeng dance drama,topeng bondres (as folk character) is shown through ugly face expression whichhas a meaning of personal and social transformation. With using the cosmologicalbasic of topeng bondres and Jacques Derrida‟s point of views prove that Derrida‟sdeconstruction ignores the idea between ordinate and subordinate or to prevail oneover the other. His main thought is ignore the sole truth. By mean of Derrida‟sdeconstruction may earn a new text and its meaning through a new model ofreading. By differance, direct reading of differences can accommodate twodifference things as a reading model of totally text meanings. By grammatologythat generally as a science of sign proves the ugliness of topeng bondres as a signthat refers to the other sign. For Derrida, a sign is a trace or imprint that related topresence and absence.This study proves that in the Balinese cosmological system, the ugliness oftopeng bondres is autonomous. The existence of ugliness occupies the domain ofBalinese‟s consciousness as unseparated value system from their collective lifesystem. The reading of cosmological meaning of topeng bondres may comparewith Derrida‟s mode of thoughts that topeng bondres can be understood as anautonomous dimension of the aesthetics of ugliness and has a same value withbeauty because able to create the same aesthetics sensation. Topeng bondres hasboth form and contain assessments as well as open and hidden assessmentsbecause of its role and function in topeng performances. These assessments relateto framing of human emotion, affection, and appreciation. It means topengbondres can construct new categories that in ugly face contains the sublime ofhuman freedom., This dissertation analyze the meaning of ugliness aesthetic of Balinesetopeng Bondres as a figure on Balinese topeng dance drama. This study is startedby epistemological study on topeng bondres as a reality of being representation ora human character that represented by topeng. Maskharah in Arabic means “aclown” from verb “shakira” means “parodying”. In ancient Roman, topeng means“persona” or “prosophone” means human being. In Balinese topeng dance drama,topeng bondres (as folk character) is shown through ugly face expression whichhas a meaning of personal and social transformation. With using the cosmologicalbasic of topeng bondres and Jacques Derrida‟s point of views prove that Derrida‟sdeconstruction ignores the idea between ordinate and subordinate or to prevail oneover the other. His main thought is ignore the sole truth. By mean of Derrida‟sdeconstruction may earn a new text and its meaning through a new model ofreading. By differance, direct reading of differences can accommodate twodifference things as a reading model of totally text meanings. By grammatologythat generally as a science of sign proves the ugliness of topeng bondres as a signthat refers to the other sign. For Derrida, a sign is a trace or imprint that related topresence and absence.This study proves that in the Balinese cosmological system, the ugliness oftopeng bondres is autonomous. The existence of ugliness occupies the domain ofBalinese‟s consciousness as unseparated value system from their collective lifesystem. The reading of cosmological meaning of topeng bondres may comparewith Derrida‟s mode of thoughts that topeng bondres can be understood as anautonomous dimension of the aesthetics of ugliness and has a same value withbeauty because able to create the same aesthetics sensation. Topeng bondres hasboth form and contain assessments as well as open and hidden assessmentsbecause of its role and function in topeng performances. These assessments relateto framing of human emotion, affection, and appreciation. It means topengbondres can construct new categories that in ugly face contains the sublime ofhuman freedom.] |