[Supervisi konsisten mempengaruhi kinerja perawat tetapi pelaksanaannya padapelayanan keperawatan di Indonesia cenderung bersifat pengawasan dan kurangmemberikan upaya-upaya untuk mendidik, memotivasi, melatih, dan memberi arahan.Model supervisi klinik educative, supportive and Administrative Cycle (ESA-C) dibuatuntuk meningkatkan nilai positif dari supervisi. Model ini disintesa dari model supervisiKadushin, Proctor dan mengintegrasikannya dengan teori interpersonal relationshipsPeplau serta nilai caratif Watson. Penelitian bertujuan menguji efektifitas modelsupervisi klinik ESA-C dalam meningkatkan kinerja perawat, menggunakan desainkuasi eksperimen pre-post test pada dua kelompok. Dua rumah sakit dirandom dari 5rumah sakit umum, sampel diambil secara random sebanyak 90 perawat dan 270 pasiensecara purposif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan model supervisi klinik ESA-C mampumeningkatkan kinerja perawat secara signifikan (p Value < 0.05) pada dimensi taskperformance: keterampilan teknis sebesar 2%, pemberian edukasi 9%, pemberiandukungan emosionl kepada pasien 14%, dan contextual performance: pemberianbantuan bagi pasien dan keluarga 21%. Model ini disarankan digunakan pada pelayanankeperawatan terutama di rumah sakit dalam upaya meningkatkan kinerja perawat dalammemberikan asuhan keperawatan kepada pasien.;Supervision is a consistent variable that affect to job performance. Unfortunately, thesupervision that had done only just controlled rather than an effort to educating,coaching, directing, and nurse potential reinforcement. ESA-C clinical supervisionmodel that developed is to eliminate negative side of supervision these times.Educative, supportive, and administrative cycle of clinical supervision model was aresult from synthesize of Kadushin’s, Proctor’s, Heron’s, Faugier’s, and Experimental’smodels. The ESA-C model was synthesizing with interpersonal relationship fromPeplau’s and carative value from Watson’s. ESA-C clinical supervision model use agroup approach in an educative supervision and individual approach for supportive andadministrative supervision. The purpose of this research is to determine the effect ofESA-C clinical supervision model to increasing nurses’ job performance. This researchused quasi experiment design with intervention and control group. The sample of thisresearch use a random method to 90 nurses (each group has 45 nurses) and 270 patients(each group has 135 patients). The result of this research revealed that ESA-C clinicalsupervision model can increase nurses’ job performance including task performancedimension (clinical skill, patient education, emotional support) and contextual jobperformance (assisting patient and the family). This research recommended the using ofESA-C model in hospital to increasing nurses’ job performance in giving of nursingcare to the patient.;Supervision is a consistent variable that affect to job performance. Unfortunately, thesupervision that had done only just controlled rather than an effort to educating,coaching, directing, and nurse potential reinforcement. ESA-C clinical supervisionmodel that developed is to eliminate negative side of supervision these times.Educative, supportive, and administrative cycle of clinical supervision model was aresult from synthesize of Kadushin’s, Proctor’s, Heron’s, Faugier’s, and Experimental’smodels. The ESA-C model was synthesizing with interpersonal relationship fromPeplau’s and carative value from Watson’s. ESA-C clinical supervision model use agroup approach in an educative supervision and individual approach for supportive andadministrative supervision. The purpose of this research is to determine the effect ofESA-C clinical supervision model to increasing nurses’ job performance. This researchused quasi experiment design with intervention and control group. The sample of thisresearch use a random method to 90 nurses (each group has 45 nurses) and 270 patients(each group has 135 patients). The result of this research revealed that ESA-C clinicalsupervision model can increase nurses’ job performance including task performancedimension (clinical skill, patient education, emotional support) and contextual jobperformance (assisting patient and the family). This research recommended the using ofESA-C model in hospital to increasing nurses’ job performance in giving of nursingcare to the patient., Supervision is a consistent variable that affect to job performance. Unfortunately, thesupervision that had done only just controlled rather than an effort to educating,coaching, directing, and nurse potential reinforcement. ESA-C clinical supervisionmodel that developed is to eliminate negative side of supervision these times.Educative, supportive, and administrative cycle of clinical supervision model was aresult from synthesize of Kadushin’s, Proctor’s, Heron’s, Faugier’s, and Experimental’smodels. The ESA-C model was synthesizing with interpersonal relationship fromPeplau’s and carative value from Watson’s. ESA-C clinical supervision model use agroup approach in an educative supervision and individual approach for supportive andadministrative supervision. The purpose of this research is to determine the effect ofESA-C clinical supervision model to increasing nurses’ job performance. This researchused quasi experiment design with intervention and control group. The sample of thisresearch use a random method to 90 nurses (each group has 45 nurses) and 270 patients(each group has 135 patients). The result of this research revealed that ESA-C clinicalsupervision model can increase nurses’ job performance including task performancedimension (clinical skill, patient education, emotional support) and contextual jobperformance (assisting patient and the family). This research recommended the using ofESA-C model in hospital to increasing nurses’ job performance in giving of nursingcare to the patient.] |