[Anak usia sekolah sebagai salah satu populasi at risk untuk mengalami masalahgizi kurang. Salah stau upaya dalam menanggulangi dampak buruk dan mencegahterjadinya gizi kurang adalah dengan pendeteksian sedini mungkin status gizianak usia sekolah dan penanggulangan gizi kurang baik dikeluarga ataupunkomunitas. Penulisan Karya Ilmiah Akhir ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauhmana Program GSG AUS sebagai salah satu bentuk intervensi keperawatankomunitas efektif dilaksanakan sebagai penanggulangan dan pencegahan gizikurang di Kelurahan Curug. Basil uji will coxon denganp value 0,000 pada semuatahapan evaluasi menunjukkan ada peningkatan yang signifikan padapengetahuan, sikap dan praktik mengenai GSG AUS baik pada ibu maupun anakusia sekolah. Program GSG AUS sebagai salah satu program pengembanganpenanggulangan dan pencegahan gizi kurang pada anak usia sekolah, harusdilakukan secara kontinue dan berkesinambungan serta dibutuhkan pembinaandan pemantauan baik oleh Dinas Kesehatan maupun Puskesmas. School aged children are one of the population that are at risk for havingundernutrition. One of the efforts to overcome the negative impact and to preventundernutrition is by early detection of nutrition status among school children andhaving intervention for undernutrition at household as well as community level.This paper aims to understand the extent of Nutrition Awareness Program forSchool aged Children (GSG AUS) as one of effective community nursinginterventions to be implemented for prevention and overcoming undernutrition atCurug Village. The result Will Coxon test with p value 0,000 in all evaluationphases showed that there is a significant improvement in knowledge, attitude andpractice on Nutrition Awareness Program for School aged Children (GSG AUS)among mothers and school children. The Nutrition Awareness Program for Schoolaged Children (GSG AUS) program is one of the extension programs forprevention and overcoming undernutrition among school children, needs to bedone continuously. In addition guidance and proper monitoring from HealthOffice and Puskesmas is also required.;School aged children are one of the population that are at risk for havingundernutrition. One of the efforts to overcome the negative impact and to preventundernutrition is by early detection of nutrition status among school children andhaving intervention for undernutrition at household as well as community level.This paper aims to understand the extent of Nutrition Awareness Program forSchool aged Children (GSG AUS) as one of effective community nursinginterventions to be implemented for prevention and overcoming undernutrition atCurug Village. The result Will Coxon test with p value 0,000 in all evaluationphases showed that there is a significant improvement in knowledge, attitude andpractice on Nutrition Awareness Program for School aged Children (GSG AUS)among mothers and school children. The Nutrition Awareness Program for Schoolaged Children (GSG AUS) program is one of the extension programs forprevention and overcoming undernutrition among school children, needs to bedone continuously. In addition guidance and proper monitoring from HealthOffice and Puskesmas is also required., School aged children are one of the population that are at risk for havingundernutrition. One of the efforts to overcome the negative impact and to preventundernutrition is by early detection of nutrition status among school children andhaving intervention for undernutrition at household as well as community level.This paper aims to understand the extent of Nutrition Awareness Program forSchool aged Children (GSG AUS) as one of effective community nursinginterventions to be implemented for prevention and overcoming undernutrition atCurug Village. The result Will Coxon test with p value 0,000 in all evaluationphases showed that there is a significant improvement in knowledge, attitude andpractice on Nutrition Awareness Program for School aged Children (GSG AUS)among mothers and school children. The Nutrition Awareness Program for Schoolaged Children (GSG AUS) program is one of the extension programs forprevention and overcoming undernutrition among school children, needs to bedone continuously. In addition guidance and proper monitoring from HealthOffice and Puskesmas is also required.] |