[ABSTRAK Penelitian ini adalah studi kasus ekologi pembangunan masyarakat adatPapua dan implikasinya untuk pemekaran provinsi, pembinaankesadaran nasional dan pengembangan ilmu lingkungan sebagaimuitidisiplin ilmu.Nilai-nilai kcarifan karaktelistik masyarakat adat Papua adalah pandangau yangmempertahankan, dan menjaga kelestarian lingkungau Karena itu, revitalisasinilai-nilai kcarifan itu dalam pembangunan berkelanjutan menjamin kelestarianlingkunganStudi ini menyediakan 8 teoti baru dan sebuah paradigma bam: (1) Teoriwawasan Kosmologi Papua, (2) Teori pernbangunan berkelanjutan berbasisrevitalisasi nilai-nilai Ibearyizn Iingkungan, (3) Teori Nusaninra sebagai ibunyamasyarakat adat Papua; (4) Teori etnogeologi masyarakat adat Papua sebagaipenduduk terasli Nusantara sqiak zaman prasejaxah kira-kira 1.5-0.7 juta inhunIalu; (5) Teori rakyat Papua sebagai pengawal pusaka NKRI S¢C8l?8, ekologis dankosmologis; (6) Tcori suku Dani sebagai pohon sumber suku besar Papua dansuku tertua di Indonesia yang menerapkan traditional civil society; (7) Teoriekologi pemekaran wilayah; (8) Teori llmu Lingkungan sebagai multidisiplinilmu; dan (9) Paradigma bam penclitian lingkungan memadukan metode-metodepenelitian yang mempergunakan pendelcatau-pendekatan kaulitatif dan kuantitatitldan berdasarkan nilai-nilai iilosofi ketakhinggam Ini menyediakan suatu modelbemlakna dan terukur untuk pengembangan ilmu lingkungan.Hasil kajian disertasi memiliki tiga implikasi penting. Pertama, memberikanpenimbangan untuk pemekaran wilayah provinsi di Papua berdasarkan kajlanekoiogi Serta sosial budaya. Kedua membuka ruang terhadap pemahaman nilai~nilai lcearifan lokal Papua yang bukan konsep sempit primordialisme. Ketiga,pemahaman ini didekati dengan ilmu Iingkungan sebagai multidisiplin yangterdiri atas: sub sistem ilmu lingkungan alam, sub sistem ilmu Iingkungan sosialdan sub sistem ilmu iingkungan buatan.Berdasarkan ekosistem landskap budaya, hukum adat, batas-batas ekoregion,kondisi geografi dan kemeralaan sebaran sumberdaya alam dapat dibentuk enamprovinsi baru di Papua: (1) Provinsi Jayapura; (2) Provinsi Teluk Cenderawasih;(3) Provinsi Irian Jaya Barat (Provinsi Papua Barat); (4) Provinsi Fakfak; (5)Provinsi Papua Sclatan; dan (6) Provinsi Pegunungan Tengah.Harapan yang terkandung dalam kajian disermsi ini, ke depan supaya tidak adalagi pengabaian ekologi dan sosial budaya dalam. kebijakan pembangunan diPapua.; ABSTRACT This research is a case study about the ecological based development ofPapuan indigenous people and its implication for the formation of.multiple provinces in Papua, building national unity awareness, anddeveloping environmental science as a multi-discipline science.The ecological wisdom values of the Papuan indigenous people are views thatdefend and protect environmental sustainability. Therefore, revitalization of theecological wisdom values within sustainable development guarantees theenvironmental sustainability in Papua.This study provides 8 new theories and one new paradigm: (1) Theory ofcosmology view of Papua, (2) Theory of sustainable development based onrevitalization ecological wisdom values; (3) Theory of Nusantara as the mother ofthe Papua indigenous people; (4) Ethno-Geology Theory of the Papuanindigenous people as original resident of Nusantara since prehistoric epoch about1.5-0.7 million year ago; (5) Theory of the Papuan people as ecologic andcosmologic patrimony guard ofNKRI; (6) Theory of Dani tribe as the source treeof the big tribe of Papua and the eldest tribe in Indonesia applying society civiltraditional; (7) Theory of Ecological Multiplication Number of Provinces, (8)Theory of Environmental science as a rnultldiscipline science; and (9) The newparadigm of environmental research combines research methods usingquantitative and qualitative approaches and is based on the unlimited values?philosophy. This provides a measurable and meaningful model for thedevelopment of environmental science.This study provides three important implications. Firstly, the ecological, social-cultural values and traditional systems must become the basis for plans onincrementing the number of provinces in Papua Secondly, wider access must bemade in order to understand local values and principles, which should not beinterpreted as equal to narrow concept of pre-mordialism. Thirdly, thisunderstanding must be approached through environmental science as amultidiscipline science that consists of three sub-system of environmental science,namely: (a) sub system of natural environmental science, (b) sub system of socialenvironmental science; and (c) sub system of constructed environmental science.Based on cultural landscape ecosystem, customary law, borders of eco-region,geographic setting and equal distribution of natural resources can formed six newprovinces in Papua: (1) Province of Jayapura; (2) Province of Cenderawasih Bay;(3) Province of Westem lrian Jaya (Papua); (4) Province of Falcfak; (5) Provinceof Southem Papua; and (6) Province of Centra] Range of Papua.There is a hope of this study, is that in the future ecological and social-culturalvalues will no longer be neglected in the development policies in PapuaAuthor Keywords: Values, Wisdom, Environment, Development, Sustainability.;his research is a case study about the ecological based development ofPapuan indigenous people and its implication for the formation of.multiple provinces in Papua, building national unity awareness, anddeveloping environmental science as a multi-discipline science.The ecological wisdom values of the Papuan indigenous people are views thatdefend and protect environmental sustainability. Therefore, revitalization of theecological wisdom values within sustainable development guarantees theenvironmental sustainability in Papua.This study provides 8 new theories and one new paradigm: (1) Theory ofcosmology view of Papua, (2) Theory of sustainable development based onrevitalization ecological wisdom values; (3) Theory of Nusantara as the mother ofthe Papua indigenous people; (4) Ethno-Geology Theory of the Papuanindigenous people as original resident of Nusantara since prehistoric epoch about1.5-0.7 million year ago; (5) Theory of the Papuan people as ecologic andcosmologic patrimony guard ofNKRI; (6) Theory of Dani tribe as the source treeof the big tribe of Papua and the eldest tribe in Indonesia applying society civiltraditional; (7) Theory of Ecological Multiplication Number of Provinces, (8)Theory of Environmental science as a rnultldiscipline science; and (9) The newparadigm of environmental research combines research methods usingquantitative and qualitative approaches and is based on the unlimited values?philosophy. This provides a measurable and meaningful model for thedevelopment of environmental science.This study provides three important implications. Firstly, the ecological, social-cultural values and traditional systems must become the basis for plans onincrementing the number of provinces in Papua Secondly, wider access must bemade in order to understand local values and principles, which should not beinterpreted as equal to narrow concept of pre-mordialism. Thirdly, thisunderstanding must be approached through environmental science as amultidiscipline science that consists of three sub-system of environmental science,namely: (a) sub system of natural environmental science, (b) sub system of socialenvironmental science; and (c) sub system of constructed environmental science.Based on cultural landscape ecosystem, customary law, borders of eco-region,geographic setting and equal distribution of natural resources can formed six newprovinces in Papua: (1) Province of Jayapura; (2) Province of Cenderawasih Bay;(3) Province of Westem lrian Jaya (Papua); (4) Province of Falcfak; (5) Provinceof Southem Papua; and (6) Province of Centra] Range of Papua.There is a hope of this study, is that in the future ecological and social-culturalvalues will no longer be neglected in the development policies in PapuaAuthor Keywords: Values, Wisdom, Environment, Development, Sustainability., his research is a case study about the ecological based development ofPapuan indigenous people and its implication for the formation of.multiple provinces in Papua, building national unity awareness, anddeveloping environmental science as a multi-discipline science.The ecological wisdom values of the Papuan indigenous people are views thatdefend and protect environmental sustainability. Therefore, revitalization of theecological wisdom values within sustainable development guarantees theenvironmental sustainability in Papua.This study provides 8 new theories and one new paradigm: (1) Theory ofcosmology view of Papua, (2) Theory of sustainable development based onrevitalization ecological wisdom values; (3) Theory of Nusantara as the mother ofthe Papua indigenous people; (4) Ethno-Geology Theory of the Papuanindigenous people as original resident of Nusantara since prehistoric epoch about1.5-0.7 million year ago; (5) Theory of the Papuan people as ecologic andcosmologic patrimony guard ofNKRI; (6) Theory of Dani tribe as the source treeof the big tribe of Papua and the eldest tribe in Indonesia applying society civiltraditional; (7) Theory of Ecological Multiplication Number of Provinces, (8)Theory of Environmental science as a rnultldiscipline science; and (9) The newparadigm of environmental research combines research methods usingquantitative and qualitative approaches and is based on the unlimited values’philosophy. This provides a measurable and meaningful model for thedevelopment of environmental science.This study provides three important implications. Firstly, the ecological, social-cultural values and traditional systems must become the basis for plans onincrementing the number of provinces in Papua Secondly, wider access must bemade in order to understand local values and principles, which should not beinterpreted as equal to narrow concept of pre-mordialism. Thirdly, thisunderstanding must be approached through environmental science as amultidiscipline science that consists of three sub-system of environmental science,namely: (a) sub system of natural environmental science, (b) sub system of socialenvironmental science; and (c) sub system of constructed environmental science.Based on cultural landscape ecosystem, customary law, borders of eco-region,geographic setting and equal distribution of natural resources can formed six newprovinces in Papua: (1) Province of Jayapura; (2) Province of Cenderawasih Bay;(3) Province of Westem lrian Jaya (Papua); (4) Province of Falcfak; (5) Provinceof Southem Papua; and (6) Province of Centra] Range of Papua.There is a hope of this study, is that in the future ecological and social-culturalvalues will no longer be neglected in the development policies in PapuaAuthor Keywords: Values, Wisdom, Environment, Development, Sustainability.] |